NEWSLETTER 05/2020 07.05.2020
Pollerspöck, J. & Straube, N. 2020, Bibliography database of living/fossil sharks, rays and chimaeras (Chondrichthyes: Elasmobranchii, Holocephali),, World Wide Web electronic publication, Version 2020 |
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Missing papers:
Many thanks to all friends of shark-references, who sent us some missing papers last month!
Shark-References would kindly like to ask you for your contribution to this project.
At the moment we are looking for some of the following papers:
Extinct Chondrichthyes:
MATSUMOTO, H. (1936) Upper Miocene vertebrates from Kumanodô, Natori district, province of Rikuzen. Dobutsugaku Zasshi, 48: 475–480, 5 fig.
ALVINERIE, J. & ANDREIEFF, P. & ANGLADA, R. & AUBERT, J. & CAPPETTA, H. & CARALP, M. & CARATINI, C. & CARBONNEL, G. & CATZIGRAS, F. & COURME-RAULT, M.-D. & CHATEAUNEUF, J.-J. & DEMARCQ, G. & DUCASSE, O. & FATTON, E. & GLAÇON, G. & LABRACHERIE, M. & LAURIAT, A. & LE CALVEZ, Y. & LORENZ, C. & MAGNE, J. & MARGEREL, J.-P. & POIGNANT, A. & PUJOL, C. & ROGER, J. & ROMAN, J. & BLONDEAU, A. & MULLER, C. (1973) A propos de la limite oligo-miocène: résultats préliminaires d'une recherche collective sur les gisements d'Escornébéou (Saint-Géours-de-Maremne, Landes, Aquitaine méridionale). Présence de Globigerinoides dans les faunes de l'Oligocène supérieur. Comptes rendus sommaires des séances de la Société géologique de France: 75–76
BOYD, B.M. (2016) Fossil sharks and rays of Gainesville creeks; Alachua County, Florida: Hogtown group; (middle Miocene to lower Pliocene). Florida Paleontological Society, Special Publication
Extant Chondrichthyes:
KAMOHARA, T. (1943) Some unrecorded and two new fishes from Prov. Tosa, Japan. Bulletin of the Biogeographical Society of Japan, 13 (17): 125–137
DE BUEN, F. (1950) Contribuciones a la Ictiología. II. El tiburón vitamínico de la costa uruguaya Galeorhinus vitaminicus nov. sp., y algunas consideraciones generales sobre su biología. Publicaciones Cientificas, Servicio Oceanografico y de Pesca, Ministerio de Industrias y Trabajo, Montevideo No. 4: 153–162.
CADENAT, J. (1951) Initiations Africaines. III. Poissons de Mer du Sénégal. Institute Francais d'Afrique Noire. Initiations Africaines. III. Poissons de Mer du Sénégal.: 1–345
WEIBEZAHN, F.H. (1953) Una nueva especie de Scyliorhinus de Venezuela (Chondrichthyes - Elasmobranchii). Novedades cientificas. Serie zoológica. Museo de Historia Natural La Salle, 9: 1–7.
SMITH, J.L.B. (1958) The mystery killer, the new shark Carcharhinus vanrooyeni. Veld & Vlei, 3 (9): 12–14, 28.
SICCARDI, E. (1961) Cetorhinus en el Atlantico sur (Elasmobranchii: Cetorhinidae). Actas y trabajos del Primer Congreso Sudamericano de Zoologia, 4 (5): 251–263
GUBANOV, E.P. & SCHLEIB, N.A. (1980) Sharks of the Arabian Gulf. Kuwait Ministry of Public Works, Agracultural Department, Fisheries Division. Sharks of the Arabian Gulf.: 1–69
DOLGANOV, V.N. (1983) Rukovodstvo po opredeleniyu khryashchevykh ryb dal'nevostochnykh morei SSSR i sopredel'nykh vod. [Manual for identification of cartilaginous fishes of Far East seas of USSR and adjacent waters.] TINRO, Vladivostok. Rukovodstvo po opredeleniyu khryashchevykh ryb dal'nevostochnykh morei SSSR i sopredel'nykh vod.: 92 pp.
Please support and send missing papers (not listed papers or papers without the info-symbol) to or

Upcoming Meetings:

The 2nd Palaeontological Virtual Congress will be organized in a number of general theme sessions trying to span the whole variety of potential contributions.
However, Palaeontology is a wide discipline which encompasses a huge variety of topics. Aware of this and taking advantage of the flexibility that virtual platforms offer, sessions proposals on emerging topics, innovative techniques or any other matter that you consider of interest are welcome to be addressed in depth during the celebration of the congress.
The purpose of such sessions is to provide a comprehensive forum for the exchange of ideas and discuss the issue within specialists in the target field.
If you are interested in proposing a specific session, please send us a brief description (no more than 300 words) with the main goals and any relevant information that you may consider relevant. Please, indicate in the proposal the full name of the organisers and their respective affiliations.
Proposals should be submitted by email to before December 31st. Notification of acceptance will be sent to the organizers after that. This edition, we want try to involve more to the participants, so if your workshop is accepted, the proposed organisers will be in charge of:
– Look for contributions. Ideally, a single session would require the participation of at least 5 contributions, but this is only a suggestion and it is not mandatory.
– Send the abstracts to peer-review.
– Moderating the sessions. We want to encourage a dialogue with all the participants, so the sessions organisers will be in charge of moderating and promoting debates in the discussion chats.

IMCC6 to be held online
In light of the challenges the global community faces from the covid-19 pandemic, we have decided change from an in-person meeting to an online IMCC6.
The 6th International Marine Conservation Congress
To conserve the world’s oceans we must go beyond science and use it to inform policy and management to catalyze change. The International Marine Conservation Congress (IMCC) brings together conservation professionals and students to develop new and powerful tools to further marine conservation science and policy.
With over 700 marine conservation professionals and students in attendance, IMCC is the most important international event for anyone involved or interested in marine conservation. The meeting brings together marine conservationists from many walks of life including but not limited to scientists, practitioners, educators, policy-makers, artists and journalists.
IMCC6 takes place in the sailing city of Kiel, Germany. Join us in Kiel as we come together to help Make Marine Science Matter!
for more information please visit
NEW! Cancelled!
Save the date

next meeting: July 22-26, 2020 (Dates subject to change) Norfolk, VA

A space for the dissemination of knowledge and interaction among researchers interested in sharks, rays and chimeras, both in Colombia and in Latin America. It is done every two years and since 2008 six versions have been made.
It will be held at the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana de Cali, Colombia, from July 6 to 10, 2020.


Eighth International Meeting on the enhancement and preservation of paleontological heritage, at the science faculty of El Jadida, Morocco from November 25 to 27, 2020 (visit the web page :
Extant Chondrichthyes:
no taxonomic news this month
Extinct Chondrichthyes:
no taxonomic news this month
no taxonomic news this month
Latest Research Articles
Extant Chondrichthyes: ACHOURI, N. & TOMAS-GAMISANS, M. & TRIKI, S. & VALERO, F. & MILED, N. & FENDRI, A. & SMICHI, N. (2020) Dissecting the Interaction Deficiency of a Cartilaginous Fish Digestive Lipase with Pancreatic Colipase: Biochemical and Structural Insights. Biomed Research International, 2020: 3064290 BARICHE, M. & AL-MABRUK, S.A.A. & ATES, M.A. & BUYUK, A. & CROCETTA, F. & DRITSAS, M. & EDDE, D. & FORTIC, A. & GAVRIIL, E. & GEROVASILEIOU, V. & GOKOGLU, M. & HUSEYINOGLU, M.F. & KARACHLE, P.K. & KLEITOU, P. & KURT, T.T. & LANGENECK, J. & LARDICCI, C. & LIPEJ, L. & PAVLOUDI, C. & PINNA, M. & RIZGALLA, J. & OZEN, M.R. & SEDANO, F. & TASKIN, E. & YILDIZ, G. & ZANGARO, F. (2020) New Alien Mediterranean Biodiversity Records (March 2020). Mediterranean Marine Science, 21 (1): 129-145 BHAGYALEKSHMI, V. & KUMAR, A.B. (2020) Morphological Abnormalities of Indian Ring Skate, Orbiraja powelli (Alcock, 1898) (Rajiformes: Rajidae) Collected in the Southwest Coast of India. Thalassas, 36 (1): 193-200 BOUYOUCOS, I.A. & SHIPLEY, O.N. & JONES, E. & BROOKS, E.J. & MANDELMAN, J.W. (2020) Wound healing in an elasmobranch fish is not impaired by high-CO2 exposure. Journal of Fish Biology, in press BRAULIK, G. & KASUGA, M. & MAJUBWA, G. (2020) Local ecological knowledge demonstrates shifting baselines and the large-scale decline of sawfishes (Pristidae) in Tanzania. African Journal of Marine Science, 42 (1): 67-79 CASSELBERRY, G.A. & DANYLCHUK, A.J. & FINN, J.T. & DEANGELIS, B.M. & JORDAAN, A. & POLLOCK, C.G. & LUNDGREN, I. & HILLIS-STARR, Z. & SKOMAL, G.B. (2020) Network analysis reveals multispecies spatial associations in the shark community of a Caribbean marine protected area. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 633: 105-126 COIRATON, C. & AMEZCUA, F. & KETCHUM, J.T. (2020) New insights into the migration patterns of the scalloped hammerhead shark Sphyrna lewini based on vertebral microchemistry. Marine Biology, 167: 58 CRISWELL, K.E. & GILLIS, J.A. (2020) Resegmentation is an ancestral feature of the gnathostome vertebral skeleton. Elife, 9: e51696 DE SILVA, R.I. (2020) Range extension of the sicklefin chimera Neoharriotta pinnata Schnakenbeck,1931 (Chimaeriformes: Rhinochimaeridae) to include Sri Lanka and a note on sharks in freshwater. Loris, 28 (6): 44-47 DEACY, B.M. & MONCRIEF-COX, H.E. & CARLSON, J.K. (2020) First Verified Record of the Smooth Hammerhead (Sphyrna zygaena) in Coastal Waters of the Northern Gulf of Mexico with a Review of their Occurrence in the Western North Atlantic Ocean. Southeastern Naturalist, 19 (1): N1-N7 DELAUNE, A.J. & ANDERSON, C.E. (2020) Diagnosis and treatment of an enterococcus fecalis abscess in the cranial vault of a spotted Eagle Ray (Aetobatus narinari). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 51 (1): 249-252 DHELLEMMES, F. & FINGER, J.S. & LASKOWSKI, K.L. & GUTTRIDGE, T.L. & KRAUSE, J. (2020) Comparing behavioural syndromes across time and ecological conditions in a free-ranging predator. Animal Behaviour, 162: 23-33 DUCHATELET, L. & DELROISSE, J. & MALLEFET, J. (2020) Bioluminescence in lanternsharks: Insight from hormone receptor localization. General and Comparative Endocrinology, 294: 113488 DUCHATELET, L. & OURY, N. & MALLEFET, J. & MAGALON, H. (2020) In the intimacy of the darkness: Genetic polyandry in deep‐sea luminescent lanternsharks Etmopterus spinax and Etmopterus molleri (Squaliformes, Etmopteridae). Journal of Fish Biology, in press FIGUEIREDO, I. & MAIA, C. & CARVALHO, L. (2020) Spatial distribution and abundance of the by-catch coastal elasmobranch Raja undulata: Managing a fishery after moratorium. Fisheries Management and Ecology, in press FINUCCI, B. (2020) First record of albinism in the lanternshark family, Etmopteridae. Journal of Fish Biology, in press GALLAGHER, A.J. & MEYER, L. & PETHYBRIDGE, H.R. & HUVENEERS, C. & BUTCHER, P.A. (2019) Effects of short-term capture on the physiology of white sharks Carcharodon carcharias: amino acids and fatty acids. Endangered Species Research, 40: 297-308 GONZALEZ‐PESTANA, A. & MAGUIÑO, R. & MENDOZA, A. & KELEZ, S. & RAMÍREZ‐MACÍAS, D. (2020) Distribution of whale shark (Rhincodon typus) off northern Peru based on habitat suitability. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, in press GOUTHAM-BHARATHI, M.P. & RAJENDRA, S. & RAGHUNATHAN, C. (2020) New Records of Uncommon Fishes from the Andaman Islands, India. National Academy Science Letters-India, in press IGLÉSIAS, S.P. & MOLLEN, F.H. (2020) L’histoire de la description du squale bouclé Echinorhinus brucus (Bonnaterre, 1788) (Echinorhinidae) et la redécouverte des illustrations du type perdu [The tale of the Bramble shark description, Echinorhinus brucus (Bonnaterre, 1788) (Echinorhinidae) and the rediscovery of the drawings of the lost type]. Zoosystema, 42 (13): 173-193 INNIS, C. & JONES, E. & CAVIN, J. & KNOTEK, R. & MANDELMAN, J. (2020) Temporal stability of in vitro venous blood gas, ph, and lactate values of Cownose Rays (Rhinoptera bonasus) and Red-eared slider turtles (Pseudemys scripta elegans). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 51 (1): 110-115 IQBAL, M. & SETIAWAN, A. & SETIAWAN, D. & YUSTIAN, I. (2020) First record of scalloped hammerhead shark Sphyrna lewini (Carcharhiniformes: Sphyrnidae) in freshwater habitat. Ecologica Montenegrina, 30: 113-118 IQBAL, M. & SETIAWAN, A. & SETIAWAN, D. & YUSTIAN, I. (2020) Second record of goblin shark Mitsukurina owstoni (Lamniformes: Mitsukurinidae) in Indonesian waters. Ecologica Montenegrina, 30: 119-123 KARUPPASAMY, K. & JAWAHAR, P. & KINGSTON, S.D. & VENKATARAMANI, V.K. & VIDHYA, V. (2020) Elasmobranch diversity, conservation and management along Wadge Bank, South India. Indian Journal of Animal Research, 54 (3): 367-372 KYNE, P.M. & JABADO, R.W. & RIGBY, C.L. & DHARMADI & GORE, M.A. & POLLOCK, C.M. & HERMAN, K.B. & CHEOK, J. & EBERT, D.A. & SIMPFENDORFER, C.A. & DULVY, N.K. (2020) The thin edge of the wedge: Extremely high extinction risk in wedgefishes and giant guitarfishes. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, in press LADDS, M.A. & PINKERTON, M.H. & JONES, E. & DURANTE, L.M. & DUNN, M.R. (2020) Relationship between morphometrics and trophic levels in deep-sea fishes. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 637: 225-235 LAU, H.K. & CHUA, I.S.Y. & PONAMPALAM, R. (2020) Penetrating Thoracic Injury and Fatal Aortic Transection From the Barb of a Stingray. Wilderness & Environmental Medicine, 31 (1): 78-81 LOPEZ, J. & ALVAREZ-BERASTEGUI, D. & SOTO, M. & MURUA, H. (2020) Using fisheries data to model the oceanic habitats of juvenile silky shark (Carcharhinus falciformis) in the tropical eastern Atlantic Ocean. Biodiversity and Conservation, 29: 2377–2397 MARCENIUK, A.P. & BARTHEM, R.B. & WOSIACKI, W.B. & DE MACEDO KLAUTAU, A.G.C. & VASKE, T. & ROTUNDO, M.M. & CORDEIRO, A.P.B. & ROMÃO-JÚNIOR, J.G. & ROSA DOS SANTOS, W.C. & DA SILVA REIS, T. & MUNIZ, M.R. & CARDOSO, G.S. & VIANA, S.T.F.L. (2019) Sharks and batoids (Subclass Elasmobranchii) caught in the industrial fisheries off the Brazilian North coast. Revista Nordestina de Biologia, 27 (1): 120-142 MORASH, A.J. & LYLE, J.M. & CURRIE, S. & BELL, J.D. & STEHFEST, K.M. & SEMMENS, J.M. (2020) The endemic and endangered Maugean Skate (Zearaja maugeana) exhibits short-term severe hypoxia tolerance. Conservation Physiology, 8: coz105 MUNROE, S.E.M. & RIGBY, C.L. & HUSSEY, N.E. (2020) Evidence for inter- and intraspecific trophic niche separation among deepwater elasmobranchs on the southern Great Barrier Reef, Australia. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 636: 107-121 MURIE, C. & SPENCER, M. & OLIVER, S.P. (2020) Current strength, temperature, and bodyscape modulate cleaning services for giant manta rays. Marine Biology, 167 (5): 54 NOTARBARTOLO DI SCIARA, G. & STEVENS, G. & FERNANDO, D. (2020) The giant devil ray Mobula mobular (Bonnaterre, 1788) is not giant, but it is the only spinetail devil ray. Marine Biodiversity Records, 13: 4 NYQVIST, D. & DURIF, C. & JOHNSEN, M.G. & DE JONG, K. & FORLAND, T.N. & SIVLE, L.D. (2020) Electric and magnetic senses in marine animals, and potential behavioral effects of electromagnetic surveys. Marine Environmental Research, 155: Unsp 104888 O'HEA, B. & DAVIE, S. & JOHNSTON, G. & O'DOWD, L. (2020) Assemblages of deepwater shark species along the north east Atlantic continental slope. Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, 157: 103207 PARK, H.K. & YOON, M. & KIM, K.Y. & JUNG, Y.H. (2020) Characterization and phylogenetic analysis of the complete mitogenome of the Arctic skate Amblyraja hyperborea (Rajiformes; Rajidae). Mitochondrial DNA Part B, 5 (2): 1588-1589 PEEL, L.R. & COLLIN, S.P. & HART, N.S. (2020) Retinal topography and spectral sensitivity of the Port Jackson shark (Heterodontus portusjacksoni). Journal of Comparative Neurology, in press PETTA, J.C. & SHIPLEY, O.N. & WINTNER, S.P. & CLIFF, G. & DICKEN, M.L. & HUSSEY, N.E. (2020) Are you really what you eat? Stomach content analysis and stable isotope ratios do not uniformly estimate dietary niche characteristics in three marine predators. Oecologia, 192: 1111–1126 PORCU, C. & BELLODI, A. & CAU, A. & CANNAS, R. & MARONGIU, M.F. & MULAS, A. & FOLLESA, M.C. (2020) Uncommon biological patterns of a little known endemic Mediterranean skate, Raja polystigma (Risso, 1810). Regional Studies in Marine Science, 34: 101065 REIS, M. & FIGUEIRA, W.F. (2020) Diet and feeding habits of two endemic demersal bycatch elasmobranchs: Trygonorrhina fasciata & Dentiraja australis. Ichthyological Research, 67: 320–329 REUM, J.C.P. & WILLIAMS, G.D. & HARVEY, C.J. & ANDREWS, K.S. & LEVIN, P.S. (2020) Trophic ecology of a large-bodied marine predator, bluntnose sixgill shark Hexanchus griseus, inferred using stable isotope analysis. Environmental Biology of Fishes, 103 (2): 147-162 RYAN, L.A. & LYNCH, S.K. & HARCOURT, R. & SLIP, D.J. & PEDDEMORS, V. & EVERETT, J.D. & HARRISON, L.M. & HART, N.S. (2019) Environmental predictive models for shark attacks in Australian waters. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 631: 165-179 SABBAGH, S.M. & HICKEY, G.M. (2020) Social Factors Affecting Sustainable Shark Conservation and Management in Belize. Sustainability, 12 (1): 40 SALAHI, M. & KAMRANI, E. & DALIRI, M. & MOMENI, M. (2020) Length-Weight Relationships of Four Fish Species Associated to Shrimp Trawl Fishery as by-Catch in the Persian Gulf, Iran. Thalassas, 36 (1): 33-35 SALMON, T. & BRUNO, C.E.M. & DE AMORIM, A.F. & KFOURY, J.R. (2020) Presence of the protein indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase (IDO) in the maternal-fetal interface of the yolk sac placenta of blue shark, Prionace glauca. Fish & Shellfish Immunology, 100: 256-260 SANTANA-MORALES, O. & CARTAMIL, D. & SOSA-NISHIZAKI, O. & ZERTUCHE-CHANES, R. & HERNANDEZ-GUTIERREZ, E. & GRAHAM, J. (2020) Artisanal elasmobranch fisheries of northwestern Baja California, Mexico. Ciencias Marinas, 46 (1): 1-18 SCHWANCK, T.N. & SCHWEINSBERG, M. & LAMPERT, K.P. & GUTTRIDGE, T.L. & TOLLRIAN, R. & O'SHEA, O. (2020) Linking local movement and molecular analysis to explore philopatry and population connectivity of the southern stingray Hypanus americanus. Journal of Fish Biology, in press SINGH, A. & JABIN, G. & JOSHI, B.D. & THAKUR, M. & SHARMA, L.K. & CHANDRA, K. (2020) DNA barcodes and ethnomedicinal use of Sharpnose guitarfish Glaucostegus granulatus by the locals at Keylong, Lahaul and Spiti, Himachal Pradesh. Mitochondrial DNA Part B, 5 (1): 113-114 SOBRIDO-CAMEAN, D. & TOSTIVINT, H. & MAZAN, S. & RODICIO, M.C. & RODRIGUEZ-MOLDES, I. & CANDAL, E. & ANADON, R. & BARREIRO-IGLESIAS, A. (2020) Differential expression of five prosomatostatin genes in the central nervous system of the catshark Scyliorhinus canicula. Journal of Comparative Neurology, in press SPYRIDOPOULOU, R.N.A. & LANGENECK, J. & BOUZIOTIS, D. & GIOVOS, I. & KLEITOU, P. & KALOGIROU, S. (2020) Filling the Gap of Data-Limited Fish Species in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea: A Contribution by Citizen Science. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 8 (2): 107 STERNES, P.C. & SHIMADA, K. (2020) Body forms in sharks (Chondrichthyes: Elasmobranchii) and their functional, ecological, and evolutionary implications. Zoology, in press THOMAS, S. & PURUSHOTTAMA, G.B. & NATARAJA, G.D. & KIZHAKUDAN, S.J. (2020) Fishery and biological characteristics of the spadenose shark Scoliodon laticaudus Muller & Henle, 1838 from the Eastern Arabian Sea. Regional Studies in Marine Science, 34: 101085 TIRALONGO, F. & MESSINA, G. & LOMBARDO, B.M. (2020) Biological Aspects of Juveniles of the Common Stingray, Dasyatis pastinaca (Linnaeus, 1758) (Elasmobranchii, Dasyatidae), from the Central Mediterranean Sea. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 8 (4): 269 VALERIO-VARGAS, J.A. & ESPINOZA, M. (2019) A beacon of hope: distribution and current status of the largetooth sawfish in Costa Rica. Endangered Species Research, 40: 231-242
Extinct Chondrichthyes:
CARRILLO-BRICEÑO, J.D. & VILLAFAÑA, J.A. & DE GRACIA, C. & FLORES-ALCÍVAR, F.F. & KINDLIMANN, R. & ABELLA, J. (2020) Diversity and paleoenvironmental implications of an elasmobranch assemblage from the Oligocene–Miocene boundary of Ecuador. PeerJ, 8: e9051 IBRAHIM, N. & SERENO, P.C. & VARRICCHIO, D.J. & MARTILL, D.M. & DUTHEIL, D.B. & UNWIN, D.M. & BAIDDER, L. & LARSSON, H.C.E. & ZOUHRI, S. & KAOUKAYA, A. (2020) Geology and paleontology of the Upper Cretaceous Kem Kem Group of eastern Morocco. ZooKeys, 928: 1–216 JAMBURA, P.L. & KRIWET, J. (2020) Articulated remains of the extinct shark Ptychodus (Elasmobranchii, Ptychodontidae) from the Upper Cretaceous of Spain provide insights into gigantism, growth rate and life history of ptychodontid sharks. PLoS ONE, 15 (4): e0231544 JAMBURA, P.L. & TÜRTSCHER, J. & KINDLIMANN, R. & MARRAMÀ, G. & METSCHER, B. & PFAFF, C. & STUMPF, S. & UNDERWOOD, C.J. & WARD, D.J. & KRIWET, J. (2019) Evolutionary Trends and the Phylogenetic Relevance of Tooth Mineralization Patterns in Sharks (Chondrichthyes; Elasmobranchii). Abstract. Journal of Morphology, International Congress of Vertebrate Morphology (ICVM), Abstract Issue 2019, Supplement 280: S145 LIRA-BELTRÁN, R.M. & GONZÁLEZ-BARBA, G. & MACÍAS, J.L. & SOLIS-AÑORVE, A. & GARCÍA-TENORIO, F. & GARCÍA-SÁNCHEZ, L. & OSORIO-OCAMPO, S. (2020) Fauna de tiburones y rayas de la Formación Tirabuzón (Plioceno) en el Cañón El Álamo, sierras de La Reforma – El Aguajito, Baja California Sur, México. Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Geológicas, 37 (1): 40-63 MINIKH A.V. & MINIKH M.G. & ANDRUSHKEVICH S.O. (2020) Ichthyofauna from the Key Sections of the Middle and Upper Permian of Eastern Europe. Complexes and Zonal Scale. Paper 2: Basin of the Volga and the Ural Rivers. Izvestiya of Saratov University. New series. Series: Earth Sciences, 20 (1): 56-63 MINIKH, M.G. & MINIKH, A.V. & ANDRUSHKEV, S.O. (2019) The current state of study of the Middle and Late Permian ichthyofauna of Eastern Europe in a stratigraphic aspect. Nedra Povolzh'ya i Prikaspiya (Volga and Pricaspian Region Resources), 98: 51-64 SAUTNER, M. (2020) Fossiliensuche in den Mittelatlantikstaaten der USA: Potomac River und Chesapeake Bay in Virginia und Maryland. Der Steinkern, 41: 50-66 TRIKOLIDI, F.A. & NOVIKOV, I.V. (2020) The First Find of the Dental Plate of the Genus Myliobatis Cuvier (Elasmobranchii: Batomorphii) in the Upper Paleocene of the Crimea. Paleontological Journal, 54: 166–170 TÜRTSCHER, J. & JAMBURA, P.L. & MARRAMÀ, G. & KINDLIMANN, R. & KRIWET, J. (2019) The Origin and Evolution of the Tiger Shark Genus Galeocerdo (Elasmobranchii, Carcharhiniformes) Revisited. Abstract. Journal of Morphology, International Congress of Vertebrate Morphology (ICVM), Abstract Issue 2019, Supplement 280: S231
Parasites: OKKAY, S. & OZER, A. (2020) New Locality and Host Record of Some Myxozoan Parasite Species (Cnidaria) off Turkish Coast of the Black Sea. Acta Zoologica Bulgarica, 72 (1): 123-130 |
Giant teenage shark from the dinosaur era
- Date: April 23, 2020
- Source: University of Vienna
- Summary: Scientists examined parts of a vertebral column, which was found in northern Spain in 1996, and assigned it to the extinct shark group Ptychodontidae. In contrast to teeth, shark vertebrae bear biological information, like body size, growth, and age and allowed the team surrounding Patrick L. Jambura to gain new insights into the biology of this mysterious shark group.
full story