NEWSLETTER 02/2021 08.02.2021
Pollerspöck, J. & Straube, N. 2021, Bibliography database of living/fossil sharks, rays and chimaeras (Chondrichthyes: Elasmobranchii, Holocephali),, World Wide Web electronic publication, Version 2021 |
new papers from team shark-references: 
New research about teeth and rostral denticles of extant and extinct sawsharks, co-authord by JP from team shark-references  more information and ordering: T., POLLERSPÖCK J., MOTOMURA H., BRACHER H., DUFRAING L., GÜTHNER T. & VON DER HOCHT F., 2020. Sawsharks (Pristiophoriformes, Pristiophoridae) in the Oligocene and Neogene of Europe and their relationships with extant species based on teeth and rostral denticles. ISSN: 1377-4654 107 textpages, 44 textfigures, 5 tables. Abstract: In the fossil record, sawsharks (family Pristiophoridae BLEEKER, 1859) include the genera Pristiophorus MÜLLER & HENLE, 1837, Pliotrema REGAN, 1906 and Ikamauius KEYES, 1979, which are mainly or exclusively represented by isolated lateral denticles of their saw-like rostra or less commonly (Pristiophorus) also by tiny oral teeth. We studied a large collection of fossil pristiophorid rostral denticles and oral teeth obtained from numerous localities exposing marine deposits of Rupelian to Tortonian age (Lower Oligocene to Upper Miocene) in the North Alpine Foreland Basin, North Sea Basin, Northeastern Atlantic and Central/northern Mediterranean Sea. In order to interprete the perceptible differences in tooth and denticle morphology of the fossil material, we conducted a parallel study on oral dentitions and rostral denticles in extant taxa of the Pristiophoridae. Representative samples of upper/lower oral teeth and of lateral/ventral rostral denticles are illustrated to document the heterodonty of teeth and characteristic features of denticles. In all species a gradient monognathic heterodonty is conspicuous. A dignathic heterodonty, typical of Pristiophorus spp., is mainly constituted by teeth in anteriormost files of the lower jaw that are larger and more strongly cambered labially than corresponding teeth in the upper dentition. Four new species are described: Pristiophorus borealis sp nov. from the Sülstorf Formation, early to middle Chattian, Mecklenburg, northeastern Germany; Pristiophorus austriacus sp nov. from the Ebelsberg Formation, Upper Egerian regional stage (Aquitanian), Upper Austria; Pristiophorus ungeri sp nov. from the Neuhofen Formation, lower Ottnangian regional stage (middle Burdigalian), Lower Bavaria, southern Germany and Pristiophorus tortonicus sp nov. from the Upper Mica Clay, early Tortonian, Schleswig-Holstein, northern Germany. For Pristiophorus suevicus JAEKEL, 1890, previously based on a lateral rostral denticle from the conglomeratic Baltringen Horizon, Baltringen Formation (middle Ottnangian, Burdigalian of southwestern Germany), we present a detailed description of oral teeth recovered from lower Ottnangian deposits of the North Alpine Foreland Basin. Palaeoenvironmental data of Paleogene and Neogene lithostratigraphic units (in a European geographical context) that commonly yield pristiophorid teeth/denticles suggest a preference of extinct sawsharks for middle to outer neritic and upper bathyal settings with soft (clayey, silty) bottoms, in agreement with the large depth range of most extant species on the middle to deep shelf and upper slope and the existence of a clear deep-water species (Pristiophorus schroederi) in the family.
Another paper co-authord by JP from team shark-referenes! For more information and ordering please visitÖLTKE O., UNGER E., POLLERSPÖCK J. & RASSER M.W., 2020. The elasmobranch fauna from the Upper Marine Molasse (Lower Miocene, Burdigalian) of Ursendorf (SW-Germany). 53 textpages, 7 textfigures, 2 tables, 9 plates. ISSN: 1377-4654 85 textpages, 8 textfigures, 61 tables Abstract:The Early Ottnangian (Early Miocene, Burdigalian) marine deposit of Ursendorf (Baden-Württemberg, South Germany) belongs to the Upper Marine Molasse (UMM) unit in the Northern Alpine Foreland Basin. The outcropping sediments mainly consist of coarse-grained, poorly sorted sands, partly showing large-scale cross-bedding. In these sediments, 24 genera of sharks and rays could be identified (Aetobatus, Araloselachus, Carcharias, Carcharhinus, Carcharodon, Carcharoides, Centrophorus, Dasyatis, Echinorhinus, Galeocerdo, Hemipristis, Isurus, Otodus (Megaselachus), Mitsukurina, Myliobatis, Notorynchus, Odontaspis, Pachyscyllium, Physogaleus, Pseudocarcharias, Raja, Rhinoptera, Squatina, Taeniurops), five of which are extinct (Araloselachus, Carcharoides, Otodus (Megaselachus), Pachyscyllium, Physogaleus). Nearly all the taxa fed on invertebrates (squid, shrimps, etc.) and/or bony fishes. One taxon (Galeocerdo) is a more ‘generalistic’ feeder on invertebrates and fishes as well as on seabirds, snakes, turtles and marine mammals. Otodus (Megaselachus) and possibly also Carcharodon mainly preyed on marine mammals as well as bony fishes. The invertebrate remnants found in the same sediments (Mollusca, Bryozoa, etc.) as well as the bony fish teeth (Sparidae) indicate a typical soft-bottom community in temperate shallow water below the storm wave base. The rich invertebrate fauna and the bony fishes were a rich food supply for the sharks and rays. In order to compare Ursendorf with 16 other UMM localities in South Germany and Switzerland, a cluster analysis was conducted. In all of the three calculated indices, the Ursendorf shark fauna is most similar to that of Ballendorf, Baltringen, Ulm-Ermingen and Walbertsweiler (all in Baden-Württemberg), Benken (Switzerland) and Neuburg am Inn-Höch (Bavaria). This similarity can be explained by palaeogeographic and palaeoenvironmental features.
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New Images
Many thanks to the following people for providing images:
Frederik Mollen (Elasmobranch Research Belgium) for the images of Squatina squatina (LINNAEUS, 1758)

Marta D. Palacios, Mexico for images of Mobula munkiana NOTARBARTOLO DI SCIARA, 1987

Вячеслав Смелков for some images of Archaeolamna kopingensis (DAVIS, 1890) and Cretolamna appendiculata (AGASSIZ, 1843)

Dr. Simon Weigmann, Elasmobranch Research Laboratory, Hamburg, Germany for a image of Bathyraja arctowskii (DOLLO, 1904)

Otto Bismarck Fazzano Gadig, Laboratório de Pesquisa de Elasmobrânquios, UNESP, Brazil for a image of Mitsukurina owstoni JORDAN, 1898 and Mustelus norrisi SPRINGER, 1939
Missing papers:
Many thanks to all friends of shark-references, who sent us some missing papers last month!
Shark-References would kindly like to ask you for your contribution to this project.
At the moment we are looking for some of the following papers:
Extinct Chondrichthyes:
MATSUMOTO, H. (1936) Upper Miocene vertebrates from Kumanodô, Natori district, province of Rikuzen. Dobutsugaku Zasshi, 48: 475–480, 5 fig.
ALVINERIE, J. & ANDREIEFF, P. & ANGLADA, R. & AUBERT, J. & CAPPETTA, H. & CARALP, M. & CARATINI, C. & CARBONNEL, G. & CATZIGRAS, F. & COURME-RAULT, M.-D. & CHATEAUNEUF, J.-J. & DEMARCQ, G. & DUCASSE, O. & FATTON, E. & GLAÇON, G. & LABRACHERIE, M. & LAURIAT, A. & LE CALVEZ, Y. & LORENZ, C. & MAGNE, J. & MARGEREL, J.-P. & POIGNANT, A. & PUJOL, C. & ROGER, J. & ROMAN, J. & BLONDEAU, A. & MULLER, C. (1973) A propos de la limite oligo-miocène: résultats préliminaires d'une recherche collective sur les gisements d'Escornébéou (Saint-Géours-de-Maremne, Landes, Aquitaine méridionale). Présence de Globigerinoides dans les faunes de l'Oligocène supérieur. Comptes rendus sommaires des séances de la Société géologique de France: 75–76
BOYD, B.M. (2016) Fossil sharks and rays of Gainesville creeks; Alachua County, Florida: Hogtown group; (middle Miocene to lower Pliocene). Florida Paleontological Society, Special Publication
Extant Chondrichthyes:
KAMOHARA, T. (1943) Some unrecorded and two new fishes from Prov. Tosa, Japan. Bulletin of the Biogeographical Society of Japan, 13 (17): 125–137
DE BUEN, F. (1950) Contribuciones a la Ictiología. II. El tiburón vitamínico de la costa uruguaya Galeorhinus vitaminicus nov. sp., y algunas consideraciones generales sobre su biología. Publicaciones Cientificas, Servicio Oceanografico y de Pesca, Ministerio de Industrias y Trabajo, Montevideo No. 4: 153–162.
CADENAT, J. (1951) Initiations Africaines. III. Poissons de Mer du Sénégal. Institute Francais d'Afrique Noire. Initiations Africaines. III. Poissons de Mer du Sénégal.: 1–345
WEIBEZAHN, F.H. (1953) Una nueva especie de Scyliorhinus de Venezuela (Chondrichthyes - Elasmobranchii). Novedades cientificas. Serie zoológica. Museo de Historia Natural La Salle, 9: 1–7.
SMITH, J.L.B. (1958) The mystery killer, the new shark Carcharhinus vanrooyeni. Veld & Vlei, 3 (9): 12–14, 28.
SICCARDI, E. (1961) Cetorhinus en el Atlantico sur (Elasmobranchii: Cetorhinidae). Actas y trabajos del Primer Congreso Sudamericano de Zoologia, 4 (5): 251–263
GUBANOV, E.P. & SCHLEIB, N.A. (1980) Sharks of the Arabian Gulf. Kuwait Ministry of Public Works, Agracultural Department, Fisheries Division. Sharks of the Arabian Gulf.: 1–69
DOLGANOV, V.N. (1983) Rukovodstvo po opredeleniyu khryashchevykh ryb dal'nevostochnykh morei SSSR i sopredel'nykh vod. [Manual for identification of cartilaginous fishes of Far East seas of USSR and adjacent waters.] TINRO, Vladivostok. Rukovodstvo po opredeleniyu khryashchevykh ryb dal'nevostochnykh morei SSSR i sopredel'nykh vod.: 92 pp.
new! ROBERTS, T.R. (2020) The first two species of South American freshwater stingrays of the genus Potamotrygon, reported from the Orinoco Basin of Colombia by François Roulin in 1829. Aqua, International Journal of Ichthyology, 26 (3-4): 92-112
Please support and send missing papers (not listed papers or papers without the info-symbol) to or

Upcoming Meetings:
NEW information! After discussions with the EEA Board, we have decided to postpone this year’s European Elasmobranch Association Annual Meeting entirely until 2021. The good news is that it will be at the same venue, around the same time, just one year on! We hope to see you all there.
The 24th Annual Scientific Meeting of the European Elasmobranch Association will be held by the Dutch member group Nederlandse Elasmobranchen Vereniging (NEV) in Leiden, the Netherlands between 28th and 30th October, 2020. The venue is the fascinating Naturalis Biodiversity Center.
Looking forward to seeing you in Leiden!
Puebla, México, 19 - 23/04/2021
The Sociedad Mexicana de Peces Cartilaginosos, A. C. (SOMEPEC), is a non-profit organization that organizes the IX National Symposium of Sharks and Rays, and II Latin American Congress Sharks, Rays and Chimeras.
La Sociedad Mexicana de Peces Cartilaginosos, A. C. (SOMEPEC), es una organización sin fines de lucro, que busca promover el estudio científico de los tiburones y rayas, así como uso racional. Fiel a su objetivo de crear espacios para el intercambio de experiencias y avances de las diferentes líneas de investigación sobre tiburones y rayas, que se desarrollan en México y el resto del mundo, organiza el IX Simposium Nacional de Tiburones y Rayas, y II Congreso Latinoamericano de Tiburones, Rayas y Quimeras.

Extant Chondrichthyes:
ROBERTS, T.R. (2020): The first two species of South American freshwater stingrays of the genus Potamotrygon, reported from the Orinoco Basin of Colombia by François Roulin in 1829. Aqua, International Journal of Ichthyology, 26 (3-4): 92-112 New species: Potamotrygon roulini Abstract: French naturalist and explorer François Désiré Roulin (1796-1874) reported the first two known species of the freshwater potamotrygonid stingray genus Potamotrygon from the Orinoco basin, Upper Rio Meta in the Province of San Martin near Bogota, Colombia (Roulin 1829a,b). These were known to the local Indians as Pastenague or Raya tachetée, and Raya cascabel or Pastenague noire. They regarded the former as toxic and inedible, the latter as non-toxic and edible. The Pastenague noire was described and named Pastenagus humboldtii Roulin, 1829b), based on a specimen 424 mm disc width that was not kept. Roulin did not obtain any material of the Pastenague tachetée. In 1877 Garman named the genus Potamotrygon, selecting Potamotrygon humboldtii (Roulin 1829), earliest named species in the genus as its type species. At the same time he indicated Potamotrygon histrix (Müller and Henle in Valenciennes 1839, type locality Buenos Aires, Argentina) as identical with P. humboldtii. No additional specimens of P. humboldtii have been reported. Jordan selected Trygon hystrix Müller & Henle 1841 [=Trygon hystrix Müller & Henle 1839] as type species of Potamotrygon (Jordan, 1919: 389). This type species designation has been accepted by subsequent authors including Séret & McEachran, 1987: 6. At the request of the author, Heiko Bleher visited Roulin’s Orinocan collecting locality in 2015 in order to collect his two supposed species of Potamotrygon. Unfortunately, the region has now been completely destroyed by deforestation, palm oil plantations and oil drilling and Bleher was able to succeed only in obtaining a single specimen of the undescribed Pastinague tachetée. This specimen is described here as Potamotrygon roulini new species.
 STEHMANN, M.F.W. & WEIGMANN, S. & NAYLOR, G.J.P. (2021): First complete description of the dark-mouth skate Raja arctowskii Dollo, 1904 from Antarctic waters, assigned to the genus Bathyraja (Elasmobranchii, Rajiformes, Arhynchobatidae) Marine Biodiversity, 51: 18 Species (first complete description): Raja arctowskii Abstract: The dark-mouth skate, Raja arctowskii Dollo, 1904 from Antarctic waters is an extraordinary case in skate taxonomy. For more than 100 years, this species has been known only from three empty egg capsules and the species as such has remained undescribed due to the lack of specimens that could be assigned to Dollo’s small capsules. Since trawled egg capsules and an egg capsule containing a near-term embryo became available, it finally was possible to connect specimens with the empty egg capsules and completely describe Dollo’s R. arctowskii with detailed external morphology, skeletal features, clasper morphology, and clasper skeleton and assign it to the genus Bathyraja Ishiyama, 1958a. Bathyraja arctowskii is one of the smallest known species of Bathyraja, attaining only a 61 cm total length (TL). It is characterized by an at least partly, usually completely medium to dark grayish pigmented mouth cavity, as well as the often dark underside of the nasal curtain from very small juvenile stages onwards. It further differs from most congeners in Antarctic and Subantarctic waters in the absence of thorns on the dorsal disc. It appears to be a wide-ranging, circumantarctic species found in the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian Ocean sectors of the Southern Ocean. The species seems to be locally common at least in the Atlantic sector, with up to 94 juvenile to subadult specimens caught in one single haul.
Extinct Chondrichthyes:
no news this month :-)
Parasites: VAN DER SPUY, L. & SMIT, N.J. & SCHAEFFNER, B.C. (2020): Four new species of Acanthobothrium van Beneden, 1849 (Cestoda: Onchoproteocephalidea) from the spotted skate, Raja straeleni Poll, off the Western Cape, South Africa. Folia Parasitologica, 67: 2020.036 New species: Acanthobothrium microhabentes, Acanthobothrium microtenuis, Acanthobothrium crassus, Acanthobothrium dolichocollum Abstract: The examination of eight spotted skates, Raja straeleni Poll, resulted in the discovery of four new species of Acanthobothrium van Beneden, 1849, namely A. microhabentes sp. n., A. microtenuis sp. n., A. crassus sp. n., and A. dolichocollum sp. n., located off the Western Cape of South Africa. With a total of over 200 valid species of Acanthobothrium recognised worldwide, the use of an integrative approach becomes imperative in the interest of simplifying interspecific comparisons between congeners. In accordance with this, the four new species were incorporated into the category classification system established by Ghoshroy and Caira in 2001, where they were identified as category 2 species, which, at present, includes 47 recognised species of Acanthobothrium. Nevertheless, each of the four new species exhibits postovarian testes, a most intriguing and highly unusual feature among Acanthobothrium, instantly differentiating them from most congeners. This feature has been reported in 12 congeners, which have previously been considered to be restricted to waters of the Indo-Pacific Ocean. Not only do the four new congeners represent the first species of Acanthobothrium reported from southern Africa, but they also represent the first reported species with postovarian testes from the southern Atlantic Ocean. Regarding the legitimacy of the four new species, only two other category 2 species are reported to exhibit this feature, namely A. popi Fyler, Caira et Jensen, 2009, and A. bobconniorum Fyler et Caira, 2010, to which the four congeners were compared to. Acanthobothrium microhabentes sp. n. is the smallest of the congeners and differs from A. popi and A. bobconniorum by having fewer testes and postovarian testes, a shorter body, fewer proglottids, a shorter scolex, and longer cephalic peduncle. Acanthobothrium microtenuis sp. n. differs from A. popi and A. bobconniorum by having fewer testes and postovarian testes, a shorter scolex, longer cephalic peduncle, and the possession of columnar spinitriches on the anterior region of the terminal proglottid. Acanthobothrium crassus sp.n. differs from A. popi and A. bobconniorum by having fewer postovarian testes, a narrower cirrus-sac, larger vitelline follicles, and a longer cephalic peduncle. Acanthobothrium dolichocollum sp. n. is the longest of the four new species and differs from A. popi and A. bobconniorum by having fewer postovarian testes, more postporal testes, a larger body, more proglottids, larger testes and vitelline follicles, and an exceptionally long cephalic peduncle. Apart from differences in overall size, the four new species differ in a combination of measurements for the scolex, vitelline follicles, muscular pad and cephalic peduncle, and the number of proglottids and testes. The four species were recovered from a previously unexplored host and locality, expanding the host associations and geographical distribution of the genus. GALLAGHER, K.A. & CAIRA, J.N. (2020): A New Species of Acanthobothrium (Cestoda: Onchoproteocephalidea) from the Smalleye Pygmy Shark, Squaliolus aliae (Chondrichthyes: Squaliformes: Dalatiidae), from Taiwan. Journal of Parasitology, 106 (6): 818-827 New species: Acanthobothrium katherineae Abstract: The cestode fauna of Squaliolus aliae was examined for the first time following the collection of elasmobranch specimens from Taiwan in 2005, 2013, and 2017. This small shark was found to host 2 tapeworm species. These consist of Acanthobothrium katherineae n. sp., which is new to science and is described herein, and a second species, in the genus Scyphophyllidium, which also appears to be new, but which is represented by insufficient material for formal description. Acanthobothrium katherineae is a category 5 species. It can be distinguished from 5 of the 19 other category 5 species in that it is apolytic, retaining proglottids on its strobila until they are gravid. This new species differs from the remaining 14 category 5 species in its combination of the following features: It is a smaller worm, has fewer than 100 proglottids, has a relatively short cephalic peduncle, and differs in bothridial size and loculus ratio. Sequence data for the D1–D3 region of the 28S rDNA gene were generated for one specimen of A. katherineae. This sequence, along with comparable sequence data for adults of 14 described and 2 undescribed species as well as specimens of 6 undescribed larval members of the genus, was included in a maximum likelihood phylogenetic analysis. The resulting tree places the shark-hosted A. katherineae within a clade of stingray-hosted species, with Acanthobothrium romanowi as its sister taxon. Acanthobothrium katherineae is 1 of only 19 Acanthobothrium species known to parasitize sharks. The tree resulting from this study, which is preliminary given the relatively poor taxon sampling of the diversity in the genus, included 3 of the shark-parasitizing Acanthobothrium species and suggests that all 3 represent host-switching events. This is the first report of an Acanthobothrium species from the family Dalatiidae and the first report of a Scyphophyllidium species from the order Squaliformes. These findings suggest that other members of the Squaliformes, many of which have not previously been examined for parasites, may host additional novel cestode taxa. TREVISAN, B. & CAIRA, J.N. (2020): Three New Species of Rhinebothrium (Cestoda: Rhinebothriidea) from the Leopard Whipray, Himantura leoparda, in Australia. Journal of Parasitology, 106 (6): 789-801 New species: Rhinebothrium leopardensis, Rhinebothrium nandoi, Rhinebothrium ruhnkei Abstract: xamination of 4 specimens of the leopard whipray Himantura leoparda, a dasyatid stingray from northern Australia, led to the discovery of 3 new species of Rhinebothrium. Rhinebothrium leopardensis n. sp., Rhinebothrium nandoi n. sp., and Rhinebothrium ruhnkei n. sp. are described, increasing the diversity of the genus to 51 species globally. All 3 new species differ from their congeners in terms of testis number, proglottid number, loculus number, and size. With respect to one another, R. leopardensis n. sp. has bothridia that are weakly constricted at their centers and has a greater number of proglottids than the other 2 species (93–108 vs. 11–15, and 48–78, respectively). Rhinebothrium nandoi n. sp. is the smallest of the 3 species found in H. leoparda (3.6–5 vs. 10–15 mm and 10.1–15.8 mm in total length [TL], respectively) and bears bothridia that are constricted at their centers. Rhinebothrium ruhnkei n. sp. bears bothridia that are conspicuously constricted at their centers and has more testes than R. leopardensis and fewer than R. nandoi (7–10 vs. fewer than 7 and 21–33, respectively). Before this study, 56% (27 of 48) of Rhinebothrium species had been described from the freshwater river systems of South America and the marine waters surrounding South and North America. In contrast, despite the remarkably diverse nature of its batoid fauna, only 19 species were known from the Indo-Pacific region. Our work increases this number to 22, emphasizing the highly underestimated nature of Rhinebothrium diversity in this region of the globe. The discovery of these 3 new species was not unexpected, given the relatively poor status of our current knowledge of the cestode faunas of dasyatid stingrays in the Indo-Pacific region, and given the fact that it is common for a single batoid species to host 2 or more species of Rhinebothrium. Our results suggest that additional work on the cestode faunas of the batoids, especially dasyatids, from the Indo-Pacific region is likely to be highly productive in terms of contributing to the knowledge of Rhinebothrium diversity. SANTOS, J.V. & MARQUES, F.P.L. & TREVISAN, B. (2020): The First Report and Description of a New Species of Rhinebothrium from a Dasyatid Stingray from the Brazilian Northeastern Coast with a Review of the Distribution of the Genus Throughout Endemic Marine Ecoregions. Journal of Parasitology, 106 (6): 809-817 New species: Rhinebothrium ramosi Abstract: Here we describe a new species of RhinebothriumLinton, 1890, from Hypanus guttatus (Bloch and Schneider). Rhinebothrium ramosi n. sp. can be differentiated from all 51 valid species of the genus by having 4–5 testes and uterus that extends throughout the entire length of the proglottid. Only 8 of the above species closely resemble R. ramosi in total length (Rhinebothrium bunburyense, Rhinebothrium chollaense, Rhinebothrium corbatai, Rhinebothrium dasyatidis, Rhinebothrium kruppi, Rhinebothrium lintoni, Rhinebothrium margaritense, and Rhinebothrium reydai). Despite the resemblance, R. bunburyense, R. corbatai, R. dasyatidis, R. lintoni, and R. margaritense can be distinguished from the new species by possessing a larger number of proglottids. The remaining 3 species (R. chollaense, R. kruppi, and R. reydai) overlap in total length and number of proglottids with R. ramosi. However, they can be distinguished from the new species by possessing a single posterior-most bothridial loculus instead of arranged as a pair, as found in the new species. This is the first report of the genus from the coastal waters of Brazil and brings to 52 the number of valid species for this genus. Additionally, we use the patterns of infection and distribution for species of Rhinebothrium to make predictions of expected diversity within the genus, especially for unsurveyed hosts in endemic marine ecoregions of the world. GOLZARIANPOUR, K. & MALEK, M. & GOLESTANINASAB, M. & SARAFRAZI, A. & KOCHMANN, J. (2021): Two new enigmatic species of Rhinebothrium (Cestoda: Rhinebothriidae) from the Persian Gulf: notes on generic traits and host specificity. Systematics and Biodiversity, in press New species: Rhinebothrium klimpeli, Rhinebothrium atabaki Abstract: In the course of a three-year study conducted from January 2017 till November 2019, a total of 279 individuals belonging to 11 batoid species off northern coasts of the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman were examined for the genus Rhinebothrium Linton, 1890 (Rhinebothriidea: Rhinebothriidae). Infection of Maculabatis randalli (Last, Manjaji-Matsumoto & Moore, 2012), M. arabica Manjaji-Matsumoto & Last et al., 2016, and Pateobatis fai (Jordan & Seale, 1906) with rhinebothriid cestodes is reported for the first time. In total, seven rhinebothriid species were recognized. Rhinebothrium klimpeli sp. nov. from Pateobatis fai and Rhi. atabaki sp. nov. from Maculabatis randalli are described herein. Both species differ from one another and their congeners on the basis of various characteristics of the scolex and proglottids. In order to create a DNA Barcoding library for local species and perform a phylogenetic analysis, different marker genes for seven species of Rhinebothrium were partially sequenced here for the first time; nuclear small subunit rDNA (SSU) and large subunit rDNA (LSU), and the Cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) gene. Both Bayesian inference and maximum likelihood phylogenetic analyses using nuclear markers confirmed species boundaries recognized by morphological characteristics. Furthermore, both new species are classified into the genus Rhinebothrium based on molecular data. The description of Rhi. klimpeli sp. nov. leads us to modify the diagnosis of the genus Rhinebothrium in introducing the character 'bearing pre- and postvaginal testes' and 'lacking postovarian testes'. Rhinebothrium verticillatum (Subhapradha, 1955) is redescribed herein with designation of the neotype identified from the type host Rhynchobatus laevis (Bloch & Schneider, 1801) deposited at the Collection of the Zoological Museum, University of Tehran (ZUTC). All parasite species except Rhi. verticillatum were found in more than one host species from different families. Among them, Rhi. atabaki sp. nov. infects seven of 11 host species and seems to have the lowest host specificity. Furthermore, some implications for host specificity of rhinebothriid species are discussed.
Latest Research Articles
Extant Chondrichthyes:
AJEMIAN, M.J. & LAMBOY, C. & IBRAHIM, A. & DEGROOT, B.C. & BASSOS-HULL, K. & MANN, D.A. & CHERUBIN, L. (2021) Capturing shell-crushing by large mobile predators using passive acoustics technology. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 535: 151497 ÁLVARO-BERLANGA, S. & CALATAYUD-PAVÍA, C.E. & CRUZ-RAMÍREZ, A. & SOTO-JIMÉNEZ, M.F. & LIÑÁN-CABELLO, M.A. (2021) Trace elements in muscle tissue of three commercial shark species: Prionace glauca, Carcharhinus falciformis, and Alopias pelagicus off the Manzanillo, Colima coast, Mexico. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, in press AMINI, S. & RAZI, H. & SEIDEL, R. & WERNER, D. & WHITE, W.T. & WEAVER, J.C. & DEAN, M.N. & FRATZL, P. (2020) Shape-preserving erosion controlled by the graded microarchitecture of shark tooth enameloid. Nature Communications, 11 (1): 5971 ANNA, Z. & HINDAYANI, P. & SURYANA, A.A.H. & IHSAN, Y.N. & SALSABILA, A. 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Megalodons gave birth to large newborns that likely grew by eating unhatched eggs in womb
- Date: January 10, 2021
- Source: Taylor & Francis Group
- Summary: A new study shows that the gigantic Megalodon or megatooth shark, which lived nearly worldwide roughly 15-3.6 million years ago and reached at least 50 feet (15 meters) in length, gave birth to babies larger than most adult humans.
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Future too warm for baby sharks
- Date: January 12, 2021
- Source: ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies
- Summary: As climate change causes the world's oceans to warm, baby sharks are born smaller, exhausted, undernourished and into environments that are already difficult for them to survive in.
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How teeth functioned and evolved in giant mega-sharks
- Date: January 13, 2021
- Source: University of Bristol
- Summary: Researchers find that the evolution of teeth in the giant prehistoric shark Megalodon and its relatives was a by-product of becoming huge, rather than an adaptation to new feeding habits.
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Spectacular fossil discovery: 150 million-year-old shark was one of the largest of its time
- Date: January 14, 2021
- Source: University of Vienna
- Summary: A team led by Sebastian Stumpf from the University of Vienna describes an well-preserved skeleton of the ancient shark Asteracanthus. This rare fossil find comes from the famous Solnhofen limestones in Bavaria, which was formed in a tropical-subtropical lagoon landscape during the Late Jurassic, about 150 million years ago. The almost complete skeleton shows that Asteracanthus was two-and-a-half meters long, which makes this ancient shark one of the largest of its time.
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Southern Africa's most endangered shark just extended its range by 2,000 kilometers
- Date: January 26, 2021
- Source: Wildlife Conservation Society
- Summary: A team of marine scientists has confirmed that southern Africa's most threatened endemic shark - the Critically Endangered shorttail nurse shark (Pseudoginglymostoma brevicaudatum) - has been found to occur in Mozambique; a finding that represents a range extension of more than 2,000 kilometers (1,242 miles).
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