NEWSLETTER 12/2021 09.12.2021
Pollerspöck, J. & Straube, N. 2021, Bibliography database of living/fossil sharks, rays and chimaeras (Chondrichthyes: Elasmobranchii, Holocephali),, World Wide Web electronic publication, Version 2021 |
Pollerspöck, J. & Beaury, B. & Straube, N. & Feichtinger, I. 2021: Oldest evidence of the genus Squalus in the north alpine realm with remarks on its evolution and distribution through time. Paleoichthys, 2, 1-9  Abstract: The distinct morphology of teeth of the dogfish sharks Squalus spp. allows for tracking its evolutionary history. Fossils of the genus are known since the early Cretaceous; however, fossilized teeth of Squalus from that period are scarce. Here, we report on the oldest finding of a Squalus tooth fossil (upper Campanian-lower Maastrichtian) from the north alpine realm. The tooth is assigned to S. vondermarcki based on its morphological characters. Our finding adds information on the distribution of the genus during the Cretaceous period supporting a Tethyan origin in the early Cretaceous and subsequent distribution to other ancient oceans. open access, download via researchgate
------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------ in press! Pollerspöck, J. & Güthner, T. & Straube, N. 2021 Re-evaluation of the Lower Miocene (Burdigalian, Ottnangian) elasmobranch fauna (Elasmobranchii, Neoselachii) from Upper Austria (Allerding, near Schärding, Austria) with comments on the paleogeographic distribution of the recorded squaliform sharks. Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien, Series A, 122, in press   free download via researchgateAbstract: The newly collected shark and ray tooth fossils from the marine sediments of the Upper Marine Molasse close to Allerding (4.8 km SE of Schärding, Austria) allow for a review of the hitherto known diversity comprising a taxonomic update and the documentation of additional taxa. Besides ten taxa already known from the area, the following taxa were collected for the first time from the site: Galeocerdo aduncus Agassiz, 1835, Rhizoprionodon sp., Hemipristis serra Agassiz, 1835, Apristurus sp., Pseudoapristurus nonstriatus Pollerspöck & Straube, 2017, Scyliorhinus sp., Keasius sp., Mitsukurina lineata (Probst, 1879), Odontaspis molassica Probst, 1879, Otodus ( Megaselachus) chubutensis (Ameghino, 1901), Chlamydoselachus bracheri Pfeil, 1983, Hexanchidae indet., Paraheptranchias repens (Probst, 1879), Notorynchus primigenius (Agassiz, 1843), Deania sp., Isistius triangulus (Probst, 1879), Euprotomicrus sp., Etmopterus sp., Pristiophorus sp., Nanocetorhinus tuberculatus Underwood & Schlögl, 2013, Raja gentili Joleaud, 1912, Rajidae sp. indet., Rhinobatos sp., Aetobatus arcuatus (Agassiz, 1843), and Dasyatis rugosa (Probst, 1877). Fossil teeth of Euprotomicrus represent the first fossil evidence of this taxon ever. Our results indicate a typical Miocene coastal shallow and continental shelf associated diversity. In addition, we reviewed the paleogeographic distribution ranges of the squaliform genera listed herein to test, if we can identify the origin of specific squaliform genera. ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------ New book! Our new book (in German) about fossil sharks and rays of the North Alpine Foreland Basin has been published! Many thanks to Iris Feichtinger and the publisher Verlag Anton Pustet for the great cooperation. Haie im Alpenvorland - Fossile Zeugen eines verschwundenen Paradieses  Publisher: Verlag Anton Pustet ISBN: ISBN-10: 3702510230 Reading sample------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ADJUSTMENT OF CITATION STYLE IN SHARK REFERENCES We started to change our old (and unique!) citation style to adapt to the APA citation style (for information please see: to make the usage of references listed in shark references easier and more compatible with a widely accepted reference style adopted by several international scientific journals. The transition is ongoing, so far 15200 references are changed. ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------
NEW VERSION 10_2021! New database report published by team shark-references! NEW VERSION 10_2021!
- You want to know how many species of sharks, rays and chimaeras there are? - You want to know the distribution of species among the orders or families? - You want to know the references of the first descriptions? - You want a list of all sharks, rays and chimaeras ever described with their synonyms?
Our new data report can answer all these questions for you!
Abstract: The table and provided download links below are intended for informational use in Chondrichthyan research. The allocation aims for faciliating to find species numbers and most recent information on taxonomic changes. We will regularly update the table and download links at lest twice annually. The updates will be announced on facebook ( and in our monthly newsletter (sign up here: The Excel sheet allows for the application of individual filter- and sorting options. The list of described spsecies complements taxonomic information for the list of valid species by providing synonyms and / or new taxonomic combinations.
Would you like to become a shark-reference partner? Please contact us per E-mail!
Partner in Google-Maps:

Missing papers:
Many thanks to all friends of shark-references, who sent us some missing papers last month!
Shark-References would kindly like to ask you for your contribution to this project.
At the moment we are looking for some of the following papers:
Extinct Chondrichthyes:
MATSUMOTO, H. (1936) Upper Miocene vertebrates from Kumanodô, Natori district, province of Rikuzen. Dobutsugaku Zasshi, 48: 475–480, 5 fig.
ALVINERIE, J. & ANDREIEFF, P. & ANGLADA, R. & AUBERT, J. & CAPPETTA, H. & CARALP, M. & CARATINI, C. & CARBONNEL, G. & CATZIGRAS, F. & COURME-RAULT, M.-D. & CHATEAUNEUF, J.-J. & DEMARCQ, G. & DUCASSE, O. & FATTON, E. & GLAÇON, G. & LABRACHERIE, M. & LAURIAT, A. & LE CALVEZ, Y. & LORENZ, C. & MAGNE, J. & MARGEREL, J.-P. & POIGNANT, A. & PUJOL, C. & ROGER, J. & ROMAN, J. & BLONDEAU, A. & MULLER, C. (1973) A propos de la limite oligo-miocène: résultats préliminaires d'une recherche collective sur les gisements d'Escornébéou (Saint-Géours-de-Maremne, Landes, Aquitaine méridionale). Présence de Globigerinoides dans les faunes de l'Oligocène supérieur. Comptes rendus sommaires des séances de la Société géologique de France: 75–76
Extant Chondrichthyes:
KAMOHARA, T. (1943) Some unrecorded and two new fishes from Prov. Tosa, Japan. Bulletin of the Biogeographical Society of Japan, 13 (17): 125–137
DE BUEN, F. (1950) Contribuciones a la Ictiología. II. El tiburón vitamínico de la costa uruguaya Galeorhinus vitaminicus nov. sp., y algunas consideraciones generales sobre su biología. Publicaciones Cientificas, Servicio Oceanografico y de Pesca, Ministerio de Industrias y Trabajo, Montevideo No. 4: 153–162.
WEIBEZAHN, F.H. (1953) Una nueva especie de Scyliorhinus de Venezuela (Chondrichthyes - Elasmobranchii). Novedades cientificas. Serie zoológica. Museo de Historia Natural La Salle, 9: 1–7.
SMITH, J.L.B. (1958) The mystery killer, the new shark Carcharhinus vanrooyeni. Veld & Vlei, 3 (9): 12–14, 28.
GUBANOV, E.P. & SCHLEIB, N.A. (1980) Sharks of the Arabian Gulf. Kuwait Ministry of Public Works, Agracultural Department, Fisheries Division. Sharks of the Arabian Gulf.: 1–69
DOLGANOV, V.N. (1983) Rukovodstvo po opredeleniyu khryashchevykh ryb dal'nevostochnykh morei SSSR i sopredel'nykh vod. [Manual for identification of cartilaginous fishes of Far East seas of USSR and adjacent waters.] TINRO, Vladivostok. Rukovodstvo po opredeleniyu khryashchevykh ryb dal'nevostochnykh morei SSSR i sopredel'nykh vod.: 92 pp.
Please support and send missing papers (not listed papers or papers without the info-symbol) to or

Upcoming Meetings:

On September 15-18, 2019, Bettina Reichenbacher (Munich), Tomas Přikryl (Praha) and Gloria Arratia (Kansas) invited a first "Fossil Fish symposium In", in Munich, in the frame of the Paleontological Society of Germany. We concluded the symposium deciding to stay as an informal community of "Fish Paleontologists that have something to do with Europe" and to meet again in the next years at the favor of other national Fish or Pal events. The Société Française d'Ichtyologie organises the Rencontres de l'Ichtyologie en France every 3 years and will be pleased to host the next Fossil Fish symposium In in Paris, March 15-18, 2022.
 The increasing use of virtual platforms to communicate science encouraged us to create the 1st Palaeontological Virtual Congress in December 2018, followed by the second edition in May 2020. The two firsts editions were a success, so we are glad to present the third edition of the Palaeontological Virtual Congress. Our purpose is to spread, worldwide, the most recent scientific advances in palaeontology in a fast, easy and economical way.
Our initiative was pioneering in palaeontology, being the first exclusively virtually developed conference in our field. In these challenging times, online platforms have gained great relevance and are key to keep up the drive for science communication among peers and enthusiasts. This year we didn’t want to miss the opportunity of offering you this platform so you can share your amazing research with the world, either by oral communications or slides presentations.
Even when online meetings are the norm, our main aim is still the same: to give international projection to the palaeontological research carried out by groups with limited economic resources, as well as to promote the participation of palaeontologists from developing countries around the world. And this is reflected in our low-cost registration fees.
What’s new?
In order to reach out as widely as possible to researchers with fewer resources, this year we have created a social fund for participants from low and lower-middle income countries listed as such on The World Bank’s list. Additionally, to increase the range and diversity of nationalities and areas of expertise, this year we are introducing the figure of ambassadors, for those participants who wish to advertise us among their colleagues in their country and/or speciality.
We have also set up a Discord server with multiple text and voice channels so you can give and receive feedback to and from your peers. We all miss seeing each other as we used to in conventional meetings, here you will be able to develop your networking skills and talk to other people face to face even if it’s through a screen. We know that some of us might have developed a bit of ‘zoom fatigue’, but we believe that participants will enjoy engaging in fruitful conversations, a taste of what scientific meetings used to be.
To sum up…
The 3rd Palaeontological Virtual Congress combines the benefits of traditional meetings (i.e., providing a forum for discussion, including guest lectures, and the production of an abstract book, among other features) with the advantages of online platforms, which allow a wider reach around the world. We would love to have you here sharing your research, engaging in exciting discussions, and enjoying other peers’ works.
More information coming soon, stay tuned!
Extant Chondrichthyes:
no taxonomic news this month
Extinct Chondrichthyes: Roelofs, B. & Konigshof, P. & Trinajstic, K. & Munkhjargal, A. (2021): Vertebrate microremains from the Late Devonian (Famennian) of western Mongolia. Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments, 101(3), 741–753 New genus: Junggarensis New species: Junggarensis ambiguus Abstract: A middle Famennian shallow-water vertebrate assemblage is described from the shallow-water shelf deposits exposed in the western Mongolia Hushoot Shiveetiin gol section from the Baruunhuurai Terrane of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB). The low diversity, yet abundant chondrichthyan fauna represents a typical shallow-water shark biofacies but lacks the expected protacrodont and phoebodont species, instead comprising almost exclusively of ctenacanthiform shark teeth and a new genus and species Junggarensis ambiguus gen. et sp. nov. This new species appears highly derived, likely occupying the shallow-water niche protacrodont and orodont sharks typically inhabit. The identification of tooth variation in Junggarensis ambiguus gen. et sp. nov. has allowed for the synonymy of previous indeterminate Famennian shark teeth and in turn confirms vertebrate faunal connections between the Central Asian Orogenic Belt and areas along the northern margins of Gondwana.
Parasites: no taxonomic news this month
Latest Research Articles
Extant Chondrichthyes: Arrowsmith, L.M. & Sequeira, A.M.M. & Pattiaratchi, C.B. & Meekan, M.G.-(2021)-Water temperature is a key driver of horizontal and vertical movements of an ocean giant, the whale shark Rhincodon typus.-Marine Ecology Progress Series, 679, 101–114 Ayres, K.A. & Ketchum, J.T. & González-Armas, R. & Galván-Magaña, F. & Hearn, A. & Elorriaga-Verplancken, F.R. & Martínez-Rincón, R.O. & Hoyos-Padilla, E.M. & Kajiura, S.M.-(2021)-Seasonal aggregations of blacktip sharks Carcharhinus limbatus at a marine protected area in the Gulf of California, assessed by unoccupied aerial vehicle surveys.-Marine Ecology Progress Series, 678, 95–107 Barbato, M. & Barria, C. & Bellodi, A. & Bonanomi, S. & Borme, D. & Cetkovic, I. & Colloca, F. & Colmenero, A.I. & Crocetta, F. & De Carlo, F. & Demir, E. & Di Lorenzo, M. & Follesa, M.C. & Garibaldi, F. & Giglio, G. & Giovos, I. & Guerriero, G. & Hentati, O. & Ksibi, M. & Kruschel, C. & Lanteri, L. & Leonetti, F.L. & Ligas, A. & Madonna, A. & Skoko, S.M. & Mimica, R. & Moutopoulos, D.K. & Mulas, A. & Nerlovic, V. & Pesic, A. & Porcu, C. & Riginella, E. & Sperone, E. & Tsouknidas, K. & Tuncer, S. & Vrdoljak, D. & Mazzoldi, C.-(2021)-The use of fishers' Local Ecological Knowledge to reconstruct fish behavioural traits and fishers' perception of the conservation relevance of elasmobranchs in the Mediterranean Sea.-Mediterranean Marine Science, 22, 603–622 Baro-Camarasa, I. & Marmolejo-Rodriguez, A.J. & Cobelo-Garcia, A. & Palacios, M.D. & Murillo-Cisneros, D.A. & Galvan-Magana, F.-(2021)-Essential and non-essential trace element concentrations in muscle and liver of a pregnant Munk's pygmy devil ray (Mobula munkiana) and its embryo.-Environmental Science and Pollution Research, in press Bernard, A.M. & Finnegan, K.A. & Bitar, P.P. & Stanhope, M.J. & Shivji, M.S.-(2021)-Genomic Assessment of Global Population Structure in a Highly Migratory and Habitat Versatile Apex Predator, the Tiger Shark (Galeocerdo cuvier).-Journal of Heredity, 112, 497–507 Bouyoucos, I.A.-(2021)-Walking sharks cannot beat the heat.-Conservation Physiology, 9, Article coab035 Braccini, M. & Murua, H.-(2021)-Quantifying shark and ray discards in Western Australia's shark fisheries.-Marine and Freshwater Research, in press Branco-Nunes, I. & Niella, Y. & Hazin, F.H.V. & Creio, E. & de Oliveira, P.G.V. & Afonso, A.S.-(2021)-Abundance dynamics of a new, endemic batoid from Brazil: The Lutz's stingray, Hypanus berthalutzae.-Regional Studies in Marine Science, 48, Article 102059 Brignon, A.-(2021)-Historical and nomenclatural remarks on some megatoothed shark teeth (Elasmobranchii, Otodontidae) from the Cenozoic of New Jersey (U.S.A.)-Rivista Italiana Di Paleontologia E Stratigrafia, 127, 595–625. Bucair, N. & Francini, R.B. & Almeron-Souza, F. & Luiz, O.J.-(2021)-Underestimated threats to manta rays in Brazil: Primacies to support conservation strategies.-Global Ecology and Conservation, 30, Article e01753 Catalano, G. & Crobe, V. & Ferrari, A. & Baino, R. & Massi, D. & Titone, A. & Mancusi, C. & Serena, F. & Cannas, R. & Carugati, L. & Hemida, F. & Manfredi, C. & Melis, R. & Scarcella, G. & Sion, L. & Stagioni, M. & Tinti, F. & Cariani, A.-(2021)-Strongly structured populations and reproductive habitat fragmentation increase the vulnerability of the Mediterranean starry ray Raja asterias (Elasmobranchii, Rajidae).-Aquatic Conservation, Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, in press Chatzispyrou, A. & Gubili, C. & Touloumis, K. & Karampetsis, D. & Kioulouris, S. & Anastasopoulou, A. & Christidis, A. & Peristeraki, P. & Batjakas, I.E. & Koutsikopoulos, C.-(2021)-Life-history traits of the marbled electric ray, Torpedo marmorata Risso, 1810, from the Greek Seas, north-eastern Mediterranean Sea.-Environmental Biology of Fishes, in press Clua, E. & Buray, N. & Holler, R. & Kohnen, C.-(2021)-First record of prickly shark Echinorhinus cookei (Pietschmann, 1928) (Chondrichthyes: Echinorhinidae) in French Polynesia (Eastern Tropical Pacific).-Cybium, 45, 251–253 Corgos, A. & Rosende-Pereiro, A.-(2021)-Nursery habitat use patterns of the scalloped hammerhead shark, Sphyrna lewini, in coastal areas of the central Mexican Pacific.-Journal of Fish Biology, in press da Silva, C. & Kerwath, S.E. & Winker, H. & Lamberth, S.J. & Attwood, C.G. & Wilke, C.G. & Naesje, T.F.-(2021)-Testing the waters to find the 'goldilocks' zone: fine-scale movement of Mustelus mustelus in relation to environmental cues.-Marine and Freshwater Research, in press Diamant, S. & Pierce, S.J. & Rohner, C.A. & Graham, R.T. & d'Echon, A.G. & d'Echon, T.G. & Sourisseau, E. & Fidiarisandratra, L.C. & Bakary, G. & Trelanche, S. & Andriananrisoa, F. & Kiszka, J.J.-(2021)-Population structure, residency, and abundance of whale sharks in the coastal waters off Nosy Be, north-western Madagascar.-Aquatic Conservation, Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, in press Duarte, B. & Duarte, I.A. & Cacador, I. & Reis-Santos, P. & Vasconcelos, R.P. & Gameiro, C. & Tanner, S.E. & Fonseca, V.F.-(2021)-Elemental fingerprinting of thornback ray (Raja clavata) muscle tissue as a tracer for provenance and food safety assessment.-Food Control, 133, Article 108592 Dufflocq, P. & Larrain, M.A. & Araneda, C.-(2021)-Species substitution and mislabeling in the swordfish (Xiphias gladius) market in Santiago, Chile: Implications in shark conservation.-Food Control, 133, Article 108607 Duncan, W.P. & Machado, R.N. & Fernandes, M.N.-(2021)-Environmentally-induced osmoregulation in Neotropical freshwater stingrays (Myliobatiformes: Potamotrygoninae) after controlling for phylogeny.-Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology – Part A, Molecular & Integrative Physiology, 262, Article 111076 Estupinan-Montano, C. & Tamburin, E. & Delgado-Huertas, A.-(2021)-New insights into the trophic ecology of the scalloped hammerhead shark, Sphyrna lewini, in the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean.-Environmental Biology of Fishes, in press Filmalter, J.D. & Bauer, R.K. & Forget, F. & Cowley, P.D. & Dagorn, L.-(2021)-Movement behaviour and fishery interaction of silky sharks (Carcharhinus falciformis) in the tropical tuna purse seine fishery in the Western Indian Ocean.-ICES Journal of Marine Science, 78, 2474–2485 Gajić, A.A. & Lelo, S. & Joksimović, A. & Pešić, A. & Tomanić, J. & Beširović, H. & Dragičević, B.-(2021)-Contemporary records of the rare and critically endangered angular rough shark, Oxynotus centrina (Linnaeus, 1758), from the eastern Adriatic Sea.-Journal of Fish Biology, in press Gonzalez-Pestana, A. & Silva-Garay, L. & Quiñones, J. & Mayaute, L. & Manrique, M. & Segura-Cobeña, E. & Espinoza, P. & Moscoso, V. & Ximena, V.-Z. & Alfaro-Shigueto, J. & Mangel, J.C. -(2021)-Geographic and ontogenetic variation in the diet of two commonly exploited batoids (Chilean eagle ray and Pacific guitarfish) off Peru: evidence of trophic plasticity.-Environmental Biology of Fishes, in press Guzman, H.M. & Beaver, C.E. & Diaz-Ferguson, E.-(2021)-Novel Insights Into the Genetic Population Connectivity of Transient Whale Sharks (Rhincodon typus) in Pacific Panama Provide Crucial Data for Conservation Efforts.-Frontiers in Marine Science, 8, Article 744109 Hirschberger, C. & Sleight, V.A. & Criswell, K.E. & Clark, S.J. & Gillis, J.A.-(2021)-Conserved and unique transcriptional features of pharyngeal arches in the skate (Leucoraja erinacea) and evolution of the jaw.-Molecular Biology and Evolution, 38, 4187–4204 Huveneers, C. & Niella, Y. & Drew, M. & McAuley, R. & Butcher, P. & Peddemors, V. & Waltrick, D. & Dowling, C. & Mountford, S. & Keay, I. & Braccini, M.-(2021)-Continental-Scale Network Reveals Cross-Jurisdictional Movements of Sympatric Sharks With Implications for Assessment and Management.-Frontiers in Marine Science, 8, Article 697175 Iglesias, S.P. & Bariche, M. & Beau, F. & Berenger, L. & Beucher, R. & Chabrolle, A. & Cottalorda, J.M. & Cousin, B. & Curd, A. & Danet, V. & Duhamel, E. & Duval, A. & Farque, P.A. & Goascoz, N. & Jadaud, A. & Larnaud, P. & Le Bouter, M. & Le Bras, Y. & Le Bris, S. & Lombard, L. & Louisy, P. & Mandine, M. & Mas, L. & Menut, T. & Metral, L. & Poussard, P. & Quero, J.C. & Raybaud, V. & Renoult, J.P. & Richard, T. & Spitz, J. & Ternon, Q. & Thiriet, P. & Tournier-Broer, R.-(2021)-French ichthyological records for 2019.-Cybium, 45, 169–188 Jubinville, I. & Lawler, E. & Tattrie, S. & Shackell, N.L. & Mills Flemming, J. & Worm, B.-(2021)-Distributions of threatened skates and commercial fisheries inform conservation hotspots.-Marine Ecology Progress Series, 679, 1–18 Kakehi, S. & Narimatsu, Y. & Okamura, Y. & Yagura, A. & Ito, S.-(2021)-Bottom temperature warming and its impact on demersal fish off the Pacific coast of northeastern Japan.-Marine Ecology Progress Series, 677, 177–196 Klein, J.D. & Asbury, T.A. & da Silva, C. & Hull, K.L. & Dicken, M.L. & Gennari, E. & Maduna, S.N. & Bester-van der Merwe, A.E.-(2021)-Site fidelity and shallow genetic structure in the common smooth-hound shark Mustelus mustelus confirmed by tag-recapture and genetic data.-Journal of Fish Biology, in press Lara-Mendoza, R.E. & Marquez-Farias, J.F.-(2021)-Reproductive strategy of the speckled guitarfish, Pseudobatos glaucostigmus (Elasmobranchii: Rhinobatidae), from the South-Eastern Gulf of California, Mexico.-Environmental Biology of Fishes, 104, 1501–1514 Lawrence, K. & Sherwen, S.L. & Larsen, H.-(2021)-Natural Habitat Design for Zoo-Housed Elasmobranch and Teleost Fish Species Improves Behavioural Repertoire and Space Use in a Visitor Facing Exhibit.-Animals, 11, Article 2979 Lopez-Garro, A. & Zanella, I.-(2021)-Residency of bull sharks, Carcharhinus leucas (Carcharhiniformes: Carcharhinidae), at San Pedrillo Islet in Islas Murcielago, North Pacific of Costa Rica.-Revista De Biologia Tropical, 69, S246–S255 Marchal, P. & Cresson, P. & Foveau, A. & Giraldo, C. & Lefebvre, S. & Verin, Y.-(2021)-Using the diet of fish to reflect spatial patterns of their benthic prey.-Marine Ecology Progress Series, 677, 33–49 Marquez-Velasquez, V. & Navia, A.F. & Rosa, R.S. & Guimaraes, P.R. & Raimundo, R.L.G.-(2021)-Resource partitioning between fisheries and endangered sharks in a tropical marine food web.-ICES Journal of Marine Science, 78, 2518–2527 Matich, P. & Plumlee, J.D. & Fisher, M.-(2021)-Grow fast, die young: Does compensatory growth reduce survival of juvenile blacktip sharks (Carcharhinus limbatus) in the western Gulf of Mexico?-Ecology and Evolution, 11, 16280–16295 Mayeur, H. & Lanoizelet, M. & Quillien, A. & Menuet, A. & Michel, L. & Martin, K.J. & Dejean, S. & Blader, P. & Mazan, S. & Lagadec, R.-(2021)-When Bigger Is Better: 3D RNA Profiling of the Developing Head in the Catshark Scyliorhinus canicula.-Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology, 9, Article 744982 McMillan, M.N. & Semmens, J.M. & Huveneers, C. & Sims, D.W. & Stehfest, K.M. & Gillanders, B.M.-(2021)-Grow or go? Energetic constraints on shark pup dispersal frompupping areas.-Conservation Physiology, 9, Article coab017 Morales-Gamba, R.D. & de Araujo, M.L.G. & Barcellos, J.F. & Marcon, J.L.-(2021)-Follicular growth and sex steroids in adult females of the endemic Amazonian freshwater stingray Potamotrygon wallacei (Chondrichthyes, Potamotrygonidae).-Environmental Biology of Fishes, in press Mullins, L.L. & Drymon, J.M. & Moore, M. & Skarke, A. & Moore, A. & Rodgers, J.C.-(2021)-Defining distribution and habitat use of west-central Florida's coastal sharks through a research and education program.-Ecology and Evolution, 11, 16055–16069 Munoz-Baquero, M. & Marco-Jimenez, F. & Garcia-Dominguez, X. & Ros-Santaella, J.L. & Pintus, E. & Jimenez-Movilla, M. & Garcia-Parraga, D. & Garcia-Vazquez, F.A.-(2021)-Comparative Study of Semen Parameters and Hormone Profile in Small-Spotted Catshark (Scyliorhinus canicula): Aquarium-Housed vs. Wild-Captured.-Animals, 11, Article 2884 Niella, Y. & Butcher, P. & Holmes, B. & Barnett, A. & Harcourt, R.-(2021)-Forecasting intraspecific changes in distribution of a wide-ranging marine predator under climate change.-Oecologia, in press Niella, Y. & Smoothey, A.F. & Taylor, M.D. & Peddemors, V.M. & Harcourt, R.-(2021)-Environmental Drivers of Fine-Scale Predator and Prey Spatial Dynamics in Sydney Harbour, Australia, and Adjacent Coastal Waters.-Estuaries and Coasts, in press O'Connell, C.P. & Gressle, J. & Crews, J. & King, A.A. & He, P.G.-(2021)-Evaluating the effects of a SharkSafe Barrier (TM) shoreline deployment on bull shark (Carcharhinus leucas) behaviour.-Aquatic Conservation, Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, in press Palecek, A.-(2021)-Shark bellies flow like Tesla valves.-Journal of Experimental Biology, 224, Article jeb237339 Pearce, J. & Fraser, M.W. & Sequeira, A.M.M. & Kaur, P.-(2021)-State of Shark and Ray Genomics in an Era of Extinction.-Frontiers in Marine Science, 8, Article 744986 Petrolo, E. & Boomer, J. & O’Hare, J. & Bilgmann, K. & Stow, A. -(2021)-Stock structure and effective population size of the commercially exploited gummy shark Mustelus antarcticus.-Marine Ecology Progress Series, 678, 109–124 Porsiel, N. & Hernandez, S. & Cordier, D. & Heidemeyer, M.-(2021)-The devil is coming: Feeding behavior of juvenile Munk's devil rays (Mobula munkiana) in very shallow waters of Punta Descartes, Costa Rica.-Revista De Biologia Tropical, 69, S256–S266 Ramesh, C. & Bessho-Uehara, M.-(2021)-Acquisition of bioluminescent trait by non-luminous organisms from luminous organisms through various origins.-Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences, 20, 1547–1562 Rees, M.J. & Knott, N.A. & Davis, T.R. & Davis, A.R. & Gudge, S. & Neilson, J.M. & Fetterplace, L.C. & Jordan, A.-(2021)-Temporal stability in a protected and isolated fish community within marine parks surrounding Lord Howe Island.-Regional Studies in Marine Science, 48, Article 102038 Riofrio-Lazo, M. & Reck, G. & Paez-Rosas, D. & Zetina-Rejon, M.J. & 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Extinct Chondrichthyes:
Feichtinger, I. & Pollerspöck, J. (2021) Haie im Alpenvorland - Fossile Zeugen eines verschwundenen Paradieses. Verlag Anton Pustet, Salzburg, ISBN-10: 3702510230 Pollerspöck, J. & Beaury, B. & Straube, N. & Feichtinger, I. (2021) Oldest evidence of the genus Squalus in the north alpine realm with remarks on its evolution and distribution through time. Paleoichthys, 2, 1-9 Pollerspöck, J. & Güthner, T. & Straube, N. (2021) Re-evaluation of the Lower Miocene (Burdigalian, Ottnangian) elasmobranch fauna (Elasmobranchii, Neoselachii) from Upper Austria (Allerding, near Schärding, Austria) with comments on the paleogeographic distribution of the recorded squaliform sharks. Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien, Series A, 122, in press Schweigert, G. & Franz, M. & Dietze, V. (2021) Ein Haifisch-Flossenstachel aus dem mittleren Braunjura von Geisingen. Jahreshefte der Gesellschaft für Naturkunde Württemberg, 177, 367–376 Suarez, C.A. & Frederickson, J. & Cifelli, R.L. & Pittman, J.G. & Nydam, R.L. & Hunt-Foster, R.K. & Morgan, K. (2021) A new vertebrate fauna from the Lower Cretaceous Holly Creek Formation of the Trinity Group, southwest Arkansas, USA. Peerj, 9, Article 12242 Szabó, M. & Kocsis, L. & Bosnakoff, M. & Sebe, K. (2021) A diverse Miocene fish assemblage (Chondrichthyes and Osteichthyes) from the Pécs-Danitzpuszta sand pit (Mecsek Mts, Hungary). Földtani Közlöny, 151(4), 363–410 Wilk, O. & Olive, S. & Pradel, A. & den Blaauwen, J.L. & Szrek, P. (2021) The first lower jaw of a ctenacanthid shark from the Late Devonian (Famennian) of Belgium. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 41(1), Article e1960537
Parasites: Armwood, A.R. & Stilwell, J.M. & Ng, T.F.F. & Clauss, T.M. & Leary, J.H. & Mader, D. & Camus, A.C.-(2021)-A novel herpes-like virus inducing branchial lesions in a tiger shark (Galeocerdo cuvier).-Veterinary Pathology, in press Tang, L.S. & Gu, X.H. & Wang, J.H. & Ni, X.F. & Zhou, K.F. & Li, L.-(2021)-Morphological and molecular characterization of Paraleptus chiloscyllii Yin & Zhang, 1983 (Nematoda: Physalopteridae) from the brownbanded bambooshark Chiloscyllium punctatum Müller & Henle (Elasmobranchii: Orectolobiformes).-Parasitology International, 87, Article 102511 Weston, M. & Nunkoo, I. & Reed, C. & van der Lingen, C.D.-(2021)-Ectoparasites infecting the heads and gills of commercially valuable marine fishes in South Africa.-African Zoology, in press |
Jaws of defeat: Anglers’ emotions toward shark depredation is key to conservation
- Date: November 26, 2021
- Source: University of Massachusetts Amherst
- Summary: In a broad-scale study researchers quantified the emotional and behavioral responses to shark depredation in recreational fisheries. The study found that anglers, and especially recreational fishing guides, who experienced depredation were more likely to have a negative response towards sharks and were thus more likely to target sharks for additional harvesting.
Full story

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