Hemitriakis japanica (Müller & Henle, 1839)


after Chen (1963): Teeth 11-13/1 or 3/13-11 (upper), 12-14/3 or 5/14-12 (lower) , similar in both jaws, broad, subtriangular; symphyseal upper teeth small and symmetrical, their margins smooth but with 3 to 4 denticles near base; next 11 to 13 teeth broader relative to height, Increasingly oblique toward angles of mouth, their inner margins convex and smooth, outer margins deeply notched, finely serrate on basal sector, outermost 1 or 2 low evenly rounded. Lower symphyseal and lateral teeth similar to upper but with shorter cusps and broader bases.

Material: Taiwan, TL ?90cm, sex unknown, size of the jaw: 8,5 cm x 5,0 cm

Images: collection and © Jesco Seifert, Germany, images shows the correct position of the teeth 

 Hemitriakis japanica


 Hemitriakis japanica


 Hemitriakis japanica


 Hemitriakis japanica


 Hemitriakis japanica