NEWSLETTER 12/2022 20.12.2022
Pollerspöck, J. & Straube, N. 2022, Bibliography database of living/fossil sharks, rays and chimaeras (Chondrichthyes: Elasmobranchii, Holocephali),, World Wide Web electronic publication, Version 2022 |
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Pollerspöck, J. & Unger, E. (2022): „Beiträge zur Kenntniss der fossilen Fische aus der Molasse von Baltringen“ – Revision zum 200. Geburtstag von Pfarrer Josef Probst. Teil Batoidei (Probst 1877). Jahreshefte der Gesellschaft für Naturkunde Württemberg, 178, 149–204 Abstract: With the present first part of the study the ray species from the Molasse of Baltringen (Baden-Wuerttemberg, SW Germany) published by Probst (1877) are reinterpreted and taxonomically updated to the current state of knowledge. The main focus of this work is on the illustration originals or types deposited in the museum of the Eberhard Karls University of Tuebingen. The material was verified regarding completeness, inventoried and examined in detail. 32 types as well as 10 illustration originals could be found; 13 used or newly introduced species names were evaluated as nomina dubia, one species and one illustration original is a tooth or rostral spine of a shark (Raja grandis = Ginglymostoma delfortriei Daimeries, 1889; Pristis sp. = Pristiophorus suevicus Jaekel, 1890). Keywords: Batoidea, Miocene, Ottnangian, North Alpine Foreland Basin, Molasse. request please via ResearchGate or email
Feichtinger, I. & Pollerspöck, J. & Harzhauser, M. & Auer, G. & Ćorić, S. & Kranner, M. & Guinot, G. (2022): Shifts in composition of northern Tethyan elasmobranch assemblages during the last millennia of the Cretaceous. Cretaceous Research, in press Article 105414
Extensive bulk sampling of seven horizons of a continuous succession deposited in an outer neritic environment of the latest Maastrichtian yielded more than three thousand ichthyoliths, including 1347 elasmobranch teeth. The sampled succession represents a characteristic deep-water fauna dominated by small squaliform sharks with an increase of species richness towards the end of the Cretaceous. The multidisciplinary approach of precise sampling in combination with a well-founded biostratigraphic classification of seven assemblages provides rare and direct evidence of diversity fluctuations within the latest Maastrichtian, immediately before the bolide impact triggered the severe mass extinction event at the K/Pg boundary. Although squaliform sharks dominate the fauna, a conspicuous heterogeneity of species abundance between the assemblages is observed and a noteworthy correlation between squaliform species richness and the abundance of Parasquatina zitteli (Orectolobiformes) might indicate clade competition for ecological niches. Among 15 elasmobranch species, this study describes one new genus (Fredipristis gen. nov.) and four new squaliform species (F. eximia gen. et sp. nov., Eoetmopterus davidi sp. nov., Proetmopterus lukasi sp. nov., and Cretascymnus beauryi sp. nov.), which highlights the importance and potential of bulk sampling for reconstructing elasmobranch diversity of deep-marine realms through time.
------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ADJUSTMENT OF CITATION STYLE IN SHARK REFERENCES We started to change our old (and unique!) citation style to adapt to the APA citation style (for information please see: to make the usage of references listed in shark references easier and more compatible with a widely accepted reference style adopted by several international scientific journals. The transition is ongoing, so far 25175 (last month: 25066) references are changed. ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------
NEW SECTION: From now on, we will report last month’s most popular three papers from our Shark References Facebook page:
If you would like us to post information about your newly published work, please send us a picture and the paper as a pdf to or
Nr. 1 (281 Likes/Emojis, 151 Shares):
 Thanks to Keny Kanagusuku for this new open access paper. Valderrama-Herrera, M. & Kanagusuku, K. & Ramírez-Amaro, S. 2022 Morphological abnormalities in the Chilean Eagle ray #Myliobatis chilensis (Myliobatiformes: Myliobatidae) off the Peruvian coast, Southeast Pacific. Universitas Scientiarum, 27(3), 292–312 Records about morphological abnormalities in rays of the genus Myliobatis are scarce worldwide. In the present study, three specimens exhibiting different malformations were identified during the monitoring of the reproductive biology of the Chilean eagle ray Myliobatis chilensis, conducted from 2017 to 2018 in the fishing port of Salaverry (northern Peru). The identified specimens included: (i) a female with split pectoral fins, (ii) a male with an unfused-to-the-head pectoral fin, and (iii) a female with a short and thick tail. Here we report and discuss the implications and likely causes of these first three cases of morphological abnormalities in M. chilensis from the western Pacific. image by the authors: MC01-2018: Immature female specimen with divided pectoral fins. (a) Dorsal and (b) ventral views. In the radiography (c), pectoral radial fusion is shown; this could be similar to the crurae located in the pelvic fins.
Nr. 2 (138 Likes/Emojis, 103 Shares):
 New open access paper about the White Shark! Thanks to Julia Spaet for sharing! Spaet, J.L.Y. & Butcher, P.A. & Manica, A. & Lam, C.H. 2022 Spatial Dynamics and Fine-Scale Vertical Behaviour of Immature Eastern #Australasian White #Sharks (#Carcharodon carcharias). Biology, 11, Article 1689 For white sharks in Australian and New Zealand waters, horizontal movement has been relatively well studied, but their diving behaviour is less well understood. We tagged 27 immature white sharks with three different tag types that collect positional, temperature and depth data. Tagged sharks travelled from southern Queensland to southern Tasmania and New Zealand. All sharks frequently dove up and down the water column (0–632 m) and experienced temperatures ranging from 7.8–28.9 °C. Importantly, there was a noticeable difference in the sharks’ diving behaviour between day and nighttime. During the day, white sharks remained at relatively constant depths, while at night, they constantly moved vertically through the water column in a high frequency. These findings help us to better understand how Eastern Australasian (EA) white sharks navigate through the ocean and provide new information on the ecology of juvenile white sharks.
Nr. 3 (85 Likes/Emojis, 16 Shares):
 New 150 million old egg capsule discoverd! Thanks to Christopher J. Duffin for this new paper! Duffin, C.J. & Lauer, B. & Lauer, R. 2022 Chimaeroid egg cases from the Late Jurassic of the Solnhofen area (S Germany). Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie - Abhandlungen, 306(2), 161–175 The ichnotaxon Chimaerotheca schernfeldensis nov. isp. is established here for holocephalian egg cases from the Plattenkalk (Altmühltal Formation, Tithonian, Late Jurassic) of the Solnhofen/Eichstätt area of southern Germany, including the first ever double case of a holocephalian described from the fossil record. The egg capsules measure up to 400 mm in length and have a short beak but a very long pedicle; the ratio of capsule length to maximum width is 5.1:1, the largest of any chimaeroid egg case described so far. The moderately well-developed lateral webs are supported by branched and unbranched costae and are confined to the beak, trunk and upper pedicle areas of the case. The egg cases belong to the Rhinochimaera-type ichnospecies group and were probably produced by Ischyodus quenstedti, at around 1.5 m in length the largest of the Plattenkalk chimaeroids.
New Images
Many thanks to the following people for providing images:
 Frederik Mollen, Elasmobranch Research, Belgium for images of Dalatias licha (Bonnaterre, 1788)
 Jesco Seifert, for images of Carcharhinus amblyrhynchoides Carcharhinus macloti Hemigaleus australiensis Squatina guggenheim Scoliodon laticaudus Eusphyra blochii
 L. Ignacio Contreras, Laboratorio de Zoología de Vertebrados, Facultad de Ciencias, U. de Chile for a images of Hydrolagus macrophthalmus Deania calceus Bathyraja albomaculata Lamna nasus
 Christopher J. Duffin for a image of Chimaerotheca schernfeldensis Duffin, Lauer & Lauer, 2022
 Ilya Archakov for a image of Pseudomegachasma casei (Nessov, 1999) |
Missing papers:
Many thanks to all friends of shark-references, who sent us some missing papers last month!
Shark-References would kindly like to ask you for your contribution to this project.
At the moment we are looking for some of the following papers:
Extinct Chondrichthyes:
Numano, M. (1993) Some Neogene shark-teeth from Mogami area, Yamagata Prefecture. Applied Geology of Yamagata, 13: 32–49
Extant Chondrichthyes:
Smith, J.L.B. (1958) The mystery killer, the new shark Carcharhinus vanrooyeni. Veld & Vlei, 3 (9): 12–14, 28.
Ishiyama, R. (1967) Fauna Japonica. Rajidae (Pisces). Biogeographical Society of Japan (Tokyo): i–vi, 1–82
Gubanov, E.P. & Schleib, N.A. (1980) Sharks of the Arabian Gulf. Kuwait Ministry of Public Works, Agracultural Department, Fisheries Division. Sharks of the Arabian Gulf.: 1–69
Deng, S.-M. & Xiong, G.-Q. & Zhan, H.-X. (1988) The deep water fishes of the east China Sea. Xue Lin Publishing house: 356 pp.
Dolganov, V.N. (1983) Rukovodstvo po opredeleniyu khryashchevykh ryb dal'nevostochnykh morei SSSR i sopredel'nykh vod. [Manual for identification of cartilaginous fishes of Far East seas of USSR and adjacent waters.] TINRO, Vladivostok. Rukovodstvo po opredeleniyu khryashchevykh ryb dal'nevostochnykh morei SSSR i sopredel'nykh vod.: 92 pp.
Please support and send missing papers (not listed papers or papers without the info-symbol) to or

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Extant Chondrichthyes:
 Ebert, D.A. & Jang, J.J. (2022) Galeus friedrichi (Carcharhiniformes: Pentanchidae), a new sawtail catshark from the Philippines. Journal of the Ocean Science Foundation, 39, 45–53 New species: Galeus friedrichi Abstract: A new species of sawtail catshark, Galeus friedrichi n. sp., is described from the Philippines. The new species is separable from other western Pacific Galeus species by the absence of saddle or blotch markings, a large size, >50 cm TL, 40 monospondylous vertebrae, and 83 precaudal vertebrae. All regional Galeus, other than Galeus sauteri, can be distinguished by having a marking pattern made up of a series of dark to light saddle or blotch patterns beneath the dorsal fins and on the caudal fin. Galeus sauteri can be separated from G. friedrichi n. sp. by its relatively small adult size, <50 cm TL, and fewer precaudal vertebrae (73–76 vs. 83). The two other large regional species, G. longirostris and G. nipponensis are presently known only from Japan and Taiwan. The new species is the third Galeus species, after G. sauteri and G. schultzi, documented from the Philippines.
Extinct Chondrichthyes:
 Duffin, C.J. & Lauer, B. & Lauer, R. (2022) Chimaeroid egg cases from the Late Jurassic of the Solnhofen area (S Germany). Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie - Abhandlungen, 306(2), 161–175 New species: Chimaerotheca schernfeldensis Abstract: The ichnotaxon Chimaerotheca schernfeldensis nov. isp. is established here for holocephalian egg cases from the Plattenkalk (Altmühltal Formation, Tithonian, Late Jurassic) of the Solnhofen/Eichstätt area of southern Germany, including the first ever double case of a holocephalian described from the fossil record. The egg capsules measure up to 400 mm in length and have a short beak but a very long pedicle; the ratio of capsule length to maximum width is 5.1:1, the largest of any chimaeroid egg case described so far. The moderately well-developed lateral webs are supported by branched and unbranched costae and are confined to the beak, trunk and upper pedicle areas of the case. The egg cases belong to the Rhinochimaera-type ichnospecies group and were probably produced by Ischyodus quenstedti, at around 1.5 m in length the largest of the Plattenkalk chimaeroids.
Parasites: Lisnerova, M. & Martinek, I.N. & Alama-Bermejo, G. & Bouberlova, K. & Schaeffner, B.C. & Nkabi, N. & Holzer, A.S. & Bartosova-Sojkova, P. (2022) An ancient alliance: Matching evolutionary patterns of cartilaginous fishes (Elasmobranchii) and chloromyxid parasites (Myxozoa). Infection Genetics and Evolution, 103, Article 105346 New species: Chloromyxum africanum, Chloromyxum bulliti, Chloromyxum carcharhinid, Chloromyxum acuminatum, Chloromyxum ornamentum, Chloromyxum regularis Abstract: Myxozoa is a group of endoparasitic cnidarians covering almost 2600 species but merely 53 species, mostly from the genus Chloromyxum, have been reported from sharks, rays, and skates (Elasmobranchii). Elasmobranchs play a key role in the study of evolutionary trajectories of myxozoans as they represent ancestral vertebrate hosts. Our study provides new data on Chloromyxum spp. from 57 elasmobranchs, covering 20 species from geographical regions and host groups not previously investigated, such as Lamniformes and Hexanchiformes, the most basal phylogenetic shark lineage. In total, 28% of elasmobranchs were infected with Chloromyxum spp., indicating high diversity. Of the seven distinguished species, six are formally described based on morphological, morphometric, and genetic (18S rDNA) data. Comprehensive co-phylogenetic analyses and ancestral state reconstruction revealed that parasite and host phylogenies are clearly correlated, resulting in a distinct phylogenetic separation of chloromyxids from selachid (shark) vs. batoid (ray and skate) hosts. Species infecting the most ancient elasmobranchs formed a sublineage, branching off in the middle of the Chloromyxum sensu stricto clade. Our findings indicate that chloromyxids likely invaded an ancestral elasmobranch prior the time of divergence of shark and batoid lineages. Our analyses did not show a clear phylogeographic pattern of Chloromyxum parasites, probably due to the cosmopolitan distribution and migratory behaviour of many elasmobranch hosts, but geographical sampling must be extended to confirm or refute this observation. This study provides a complex view on species diversity, phylogeny, evolution, host-parasite co-phylogeny, and the phylogeographic origin of Chloromyxum species from elasmobranchs. Our results highlight the importance of adding missing data from previously un- or undersampled geographical regions and host species which results in a more accurate estimate of myxozoan biodiversity and a better understanding of the evolution of this parasite group in their hosts and in the different oceans of our planet. Al-Sabi, M.N.S. & Ibrahim, M.M. & Al-Hizab, F. & Al-Jabr, O.A. & Al-Shubaythi, S. & Huffman, D.G. (2022) Huffmanela selachii n. sp. (Nematoda: Trichosomoididae: Huffmanelinae): A new species infecting the skin of the great hammerhead shark (Sphyrna mokarran) and the blacktip reef shark (Carcharhinus melanopterus) in the Arabian Gulf, off-shore Saudi Arabia. Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences, 29(12), Article 103430 New species: Huffmanela selachii Abstract: From January 2017 -December 2019, 75 out of 850 (8.8 %) great hammerhead sharks from the Arabian Gulf had skin lesions of black irregular discolorations on the ventral surface of the head. The lesions con-sisted of pencil-like lineations often advancing forward by about 2 mm in back-and-forth looped scrib-bles often forming a relatively linear bands of about 5-7 cm wide. Similar lesions were also found in the blacktip reef shark from the same area within the same period, and consisted of straight to irregular black lines, extended indiscriminately across the skin of the sharks. Microscopic examination of the skin revealed the presence of dark-brown eggs exhibiting the spindle or ellipsoidal eggs characteristic of Huffmanela sp. The morphometrics of eggs from both hosts were similar (62.9-89.9 lm long and 29.3- 56.1 lm wide). The eggshells were smooth with polar plugs protruding or not, with an abruptly truncated crown-like or shoulder-like collar surrounding the plug. The eggs were only found in the epidermal layer of the skin. Based on the unique morphometrics of the eggs, we report a new species, named: Huffmanela selachii n. sp.. This appears to be the first report of Huffmanela from either the great hammerhead shark or the blacktip reef shark, and the third reported Huffmanela in sharks from the Arabian Gulf. It is also one of few species reported from connecting waters of the greater Indian Ocean. This new finding contributes to our understanding of the diversity and ubiquity of Huffmanela sp. in marine creatures. Oosthuizen, G. & Naidoo, K. & Smit, N.J. & Schaeffner, B.C. (2022) Adding one more to the list: A new species of Eniochobothrium (Cestoda: Lecanicephalidea) from the Oman cownose ray in South Africa. International Journal for Parasitology-Parasites and Wildlife, 19, 138–147 New species: Eniochobothrium acostae Abstract: A new species of Eniochobothrium Shipley and Hornell, 1906 was recovered from the Oman cownose ray (Rhinoptera jayakari Boulenger) from the body of water off the south-eastern coastline of the KwaZulu-Natal Province, South Africa. Eniochobothrium acostae n. sp. is described on morphological and molecular grounds. The new species is placed within Eniochobothrium (viz., Eniochobothrium gracile Shipley and Hornell, 1906, Eniochobothrium qatarense Al Kawari, Saoud and Wanas, 1994, Eniochobothrium euaxos Jensen, 2005) by possessing key generic characteristics such as the absence of a vagina, expansion of the anterior region of the strobila forming a trough and presence of a thick-walled cirrus sac. Molecular phylogenetic analyses of the partial 28S rRNA and mtCOI genes confirm the generic characterisation as the newly proposed species groups together with other members of the genus. Eniochobothrium acostae n. sp. currently represents the largest described species of the genus; it possesses slightly fewer testes compared to most congeners, given that this feature has been provided in the original description (e.g., E. euaxos and E. qatarense). The new species of Eniochobothrium is the fourth valid species described to date and the first species record from South African waters.
Latest Research Articles
Extant Chondrichthyes: Abidin, D.H.Z. & Nor, S.A.M. & Lavoue, S. & Rahim, M.A. & Akib, N.A.M. (2022): Assessing a megadiverse but poorly known community of fishes in a tropical mangrove estuary through environmental DNA (eDNA) metabarcoding.-Scientific Reports, 12(1), Article 16346 Aguilar-Medrano, R. & Vega-Cendejas, M.E. (2022): Evolutionary ecomorphology of select species of rays distributed in the Gulf of Mexico.-Revista Mexicana De Biodiversidad, 93, Article e934032 Alves, L.M.F. & Lemos, M.F.L. & Moutinho, A.B. & Ceia, F.R. & Munoz-Arnanz, J. & Jimenez, B. & Cabral, H. & Novais, S.C. (2022): Assessment of contaminants in blue sharks from the Northeast Atlantic: Profiles, accumulation dynamics, and risks for human consumers.-Environmental Pollution, 316, Article 120467 Bava, P. & Micarelli, P. & Buttino, I. (2022): Zooplankton assemblage diversity in the whale shark Rhincodon typus aggregation area of Nosy Be (Madagascar).-Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science, 279, Article 108159 Blanco-Parra, M.D. & Nino-Torres, C.A. (2022): Elasmobranchs of the Mexican Caribbean: biodiversity and conservation status (vol 105, pg 151, 2022).-Environmental Biology of Fishes, 105(2), 345–350 Boldrocchi, g. & Monticelli, D. & Bettinetti, R. (2022): To what extent are filter feeder elasmobranchs exposed to marine pollution? A systematic review.-Environmental Pollution, 318, Article 120881 Brainard, J. (2022): Cameras on sharks help map vast seagrass meadows.-Science, 378(6619), 457–457 Braun, C.D. & Arostegui, M.C. & Thorrold, S.R. & Papastamatiou, Y.P. & Gaube, P. & Fontes, J. & Afonso, P. (2022): The Functional and Ecological Significance of Deep Diving by Large Marine Predators.-Annual Review of Marine Science, 14, 129–159 Brown, C. & Schluessel, V. (2022): Smart sharks: a review of chondrichthyan cognition.-Animal Cognition, in press Burchert, S.J. & Hyndes, G.A. & Ryan, K.L. & Mueller, U. (2022): Geostatistical tools to assess shifts in recreational fishing.-Marine and Freshwater Research, 73(5), 588–604 Burgess, M.G. & Becker, S.L. (2022): Good and bad news for ocean predators Some tunas and billfishes are recovering, but sharks continue to decline.-Science, 378(6620), 596–597 Cabral, M.M.P. & Stewart, J.D. & Marques, T.A. & Ketchum, J.T. & Ayala-Bocos, A. & Hoyos-Padilla, E.M. & Reyes-Bonilla, H. (2022): The influence of El Nino Southern Oscillation on the population dynamics of oceanic manta rays in the Mexican Pacific.-Hydrobiologia, in press Carrillo-Aguilar, L.A. & Guerra-Rosas, E. & Alvarez-Borrego, J. & Echavarria-Heras, H.A. & Hernandez-Munoz, S. (2022): Identification of Shark Species Based on Their Dry Dorsal Fins through Image Processing.-Applied Sciences-Basel, 12(22), Article 11646 Carvalho, L.M. & Mies, M. & Inagaki, K.Y. & Sanches, E.G. & Souza, M.R. & Longo, G.O. & Tomas, A.R.G. (2022): The marine ornamental market in Brazil (Southwestern Atlantic) frequently trades prohibited and endangered species, and threatens the ecosystem role of cleaning mutualism.-Marine Policy, 146, Article 105305 Chabot, C.L. & Buth, D.G. (2022): Species-Specific Nuclear Genetic Markers for the Detection of Hybridization between the Grey Smoothhound (Mustelus californicus) and the Brown Smoothhound (Mustelus henlei).-Ichthyology and Herpetology, 110(1), 63–68 Chelotti, L.D. & Gadig, O.B.F. (2022): Comparative trophic ecology of two sympatric guitarfishes Pseudobatos (Chondrichthyes, Rhinobatidae) from Southeast Brazil, southwestern Atlantic.-Journal of Fish Biology, in press Costa, C.I. & de Oliveira, A.M. & Wosnick, N. & Hauser-Davis, R.A. & Siciliano, S. & Nunes, J.L.S. (2022): Elasmobranch-associated microbiota: a scientometric literature review.-PeerJ, 10, Article e14255 Dalongeville, A. & Boulanger, E. & Marques, V. & Charbonnel, E. & Hartmann, V. & Santoni, M.C. & Deter, J. & Valentini, A. & Lenfant, P. & Boissery, P. & Dejean, T. & Velez, L. & Pichot, F. & Sanchez, L. & Arnal, V. & Bockel, T. & Delaruelle, G. & Holon, F. & Milhau, T. & Romant, L. & Manel, S. & Mouillot, D. (2022): Benchmarking eleven biodiversity indicators based on environmental DNA surveys: More diverse functional traits and evolutionary lineages inside marine reserves.-Journal of Applied Ecology, 59(11), 2803–2813 Desgarnier, L. & Mouillot, D. & Vigliola, L. & Chaumont, M. & Mannocci, L. (2022): Putting eagle rays on the map by coupling aerial video-surveys and deep learning.-Biological Conservation, 267, Article 109494 Di Crescenzo, S. & Ferrari, A. & Barria, C. & Cannas, R. & Cariani, A. & Drewery, J. & Fernández-Peralta, L. & Giordano, D. & Hidalgo, M. & Kousteni, V. & Marino, I.A.M. & Massi, D. & Moura, T. & Rey, J. & Sartor, P. & Scacco, U. & Serena, F. & Stagioni, M. & Tinti, F. (2022): First evidence of population genetic structure of the deep-water blackmouth catshark Galeus melastomus Rafinesque, 1810.-Frontiers in Marine Science, 9, Article 953895 Dolgov, A.V. & Prozorkevich, D.V. (2022): Status of Skate Populations in the Barents Sea in the Recent Warm Period.-Journal of Ichthyology, in press Ebert, D.A. & Jang, J.J. (2022): Galeus friedrichi (Carcharhiniformes: Pentanchidae), a new sawtail catshark from the Philippines.-Journal of the Ocean Science Foundation, 39, 45–53 Elston, C. & Cowley, P.D. & Murray, T.S. & Parkinson, M.C. (2022): Novel insights into coastal site affinity and habitat connectivity of a benthic stingray with implications for management.-Biodiversity and Conservation, in press Fahmi-(2022)-Additional Records of Genus Echinorhinus (Echinorhiniformes: Echinorhinidae) from Indonesia with Notes on the Species Distribution in the Indian Ocean.-Journal of Ichthyology, in press Falco, F. & Bono, G. & Cammarata, M. & Cavalca, J. & Vazzana, I. & Dara, M. & Scannella, D. & Guicciardi, S. & Faggio, C. & Ragonese, S. (2022): Stress related blood values in Scyliorhinus canicula as live-indicators of physiological status after bottom trawling capture activity.-Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology B-Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, 263, Article 110802 Feldheim, K.A. & Dubach, J. & Watson, L. (2022): Parthenogenesis in an elasmobranch in the presence of conspecific males.-Journal of Fish Biology, in press Frawley, T.H. & Muhling, B. & Welch, H. & Seto, K.L. & Chang, S.K. & Blaha, F. & Hanich, Q. & Jung, M.Y.H. & Hazen, E.L. & Jacox, M.G. & Brodie, S. (2022): Clustering of disaggregated fisheries data reveals functional longline fleets across the Pacific.-One Earth, 5(9), 1002–1018 Fujimori, C. & Umatani, C. & Chimura, M. & Ijiri, S. & Bando, H. & Hyodo, S. & Kanda, S. (2022): In vitro and in vivo gene transfer in the cloudy catshark Scyliorhinus torazame.-Development Growth & Differentiation, in press Gallagher, A.J. & Brownscombe, J.W. & Alsudairy, N.A. & Casagrande, A.B. & Fu, C.C. & Harding, L. & Harris, S.D. & Hammerschlag, N. & Howe, W. & Huertas, A.D. & Kattan, S. & Kough, A.S. & Musgrove, A. & Payne, N.L. & Phillips, A. & Shea, B.D. & Shipley, O.N. & Sumaila, U.R. & Hossain, M.S. & Duarte, C.M. (2022): Tiger sharks support the characterization of the world's largest seagrass ecosystem.-Nature Communications, 13(1), Article 6328 Gao, P.C. & Huang, Q.G. & Pan, G. & Ma, Y.L. & Song, D. (2022): Research on the hydrodynamic performance of double manta ray gliding in groups with variable attack angles.-Physics of Fluids, 34(11), Article 111908 Gilman, E. & Chaloupka, M. & Benaka, L.R. & Bowlby, H. & Fitchett, M. & Kaiser, M. & Musyl, M. (2022): Phylogeny explains capture mortality of sharks and rays in pelagic longline fisheries: a global meta-analytic synthesis.-Scientific Reports, 12(1), Article 18164 Harty, K. & Guerrero, M. & Knochel, A.M. & Stevens, G.M.W. & Marshall, A. & Burgess, K. & Stewart, J.D. (2022): Demographics and dynamics of the world's largest known population of oceanic manta rays Mobula birostris in coastal Ecuador.-Marine Ecology Progress Series, 700, 145–159 Holland, K. & Meyer, C. & Potemra, J. & Holland, M. (2022): Ocean depth-temperature profiles for operational oceanography from a shark-borne transmitter.-Animal Biotelemetry, 10(1), Article 34 Hori, M. & Kimura, S.S. & Mizutani, Y. & Miyagawa, Y. & Ito, K. & Arai, N. & Niizuma, Y. (2022): Detection of telomere length and oxidative stress in Chondrichthyes.-Fisheries Science, 88(6), 741–750 Huynh, H.H. & Hung, C.Y. & Tsai, W.P. (2022): Demographic Analysis of Shortfin Mako Shark (Isurus oxyrinchus) in the South Pacific Ocean.-Animals, 12(22), Article 3229 Hyde, C.A. & di Sciara, G.N. & Sorrentino, L. & Boyd, C. & Finucci, B. & Fowler, S.L. & Kyne, P.M. & Leurs, G. & Simpfendorfer, C.A. & Tetley, M.J. & Womersley, F. & Jabado, R.W. (2022): Putting sharks on the map: A global standard for improving shark area-based conservation.-Frontiers in Marine Science, 9, Article 968853 Jubinville, I. & Shackell, N.L. & Worm, B. 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