NEWSLETTER 01/2023 25.01.2023
Pollerspöck, J. & Straube, N. 2023, Bibliography database of living/fossil sharks, rays and chimaeras (Chondrichthyes: Elasmobranchii, Holocephali),, World Wide Web electronic publication, Version 2023 |
Please note!! The next newsletter will be published in March 2023!
 Open Access!
Staggl, M.A., Ruthensteiner, B. & Straube, N. (2023) Head anatomy of a lantern shark wet-collection specimen (Chondrichthyes: Etmopteridae). Journal of Anatomy, 00, 1– 19. Available from:
In this study, we apply a two-step (untreated and soft tissue stained) diffusible iodine-based contrast-enhanced micro-computed tomography array to a wet-collection Lantern Shark specimen of Etmopterus lucifer. The focus of our scanning approach is the head anatomy. The unstained CT data allow the imaging of mineralized (skeletal) tissue, while results for soft tissue were achieved after staining for 120 h in a 1% ethanolic iodine solution. Three-dimensional visualization after the segmentation of hard as well as soft tissue reveals new details of tissue organization and allows us to draw conclusions on the significance of organs in their function. Outstanding are the ampullae of Lorenzini for electroreception, which appear as the dominant sense along with the olfactory system. Corresponding brain areas of these sensory organs are significantly enlarged as well and likely reflect adaptations to the lantern sharks' deep-sea habitat. While electroreception supports the capture of living prey, the enlarged olfactory system can guide the scavenging of these opportunistic feeders. Compared to other approaches based on the manual dissection of similar species, CT scanning is superior in some but not all aspects. For example, fenestrae of the cranial nerves within the chondrocranium cannot be identified reflecting the limitations of the method, however, CT scanning is less invasive, and the staining is mostly reversible and can be rinsed out.
Pollerspöck, J. & Unger, E. (2022): „Beiträge zur Kenntniss der fossilen Fische aus der Molasse von Baltringen“ – Revision zum 200. Geburtstag von Pfarrer Josef Probst. Teil Batoidei (Probst 1877). Jahreshefte der Gesellschaft für Naturkunde Württemberg, 178, 149–204 Abstract: With the present first part of the study the ray species from the Molasse of Baltringen (Baden-Wuerttemberg, SW Germany) published by Probst (1877) are reinterpreted and taxonomically updated to the current state of knowledge. The main focus of this work is on the illustration originals or types deposited in the museum of the Eberhard Karls University of Tuebingen. The material was verified regarding completeness, inventoried and examined in detail. 32 types as well as 10 illustration originals could be found; 13 used or newly introduced species names were evaluated as nomina dubia, one species and one illustration original is a tooth or rostral spine of a shark (Raja grandis = Ginglymostoma delfortriei Daimeries, 1889; Pristis sp. = Pristiophorus suevicus Jaekel, 1890). Keywords: Batoidea, Miocene, Ottnangian, North Alpine Foreland Basin, Molasse. request please via ResearchGate or email
Feichtinger, I. & Pollerspöck, J. & Harzhauser, M. & Auer, G. & Ćorić, S. & Kranner, M. & Guinot, G. (2022): Shifts in composition of northern Tethyan elasmobranch assemblages during the last millennia of the Cretaceous. Cretaceous Research, in press Article 105414
Extensive bulk sampling of seven horizons of a continuous succession deposited in an outer neritic environment of the latest Maastrichtian yielded more than three thousand ichthyoliths, including 1347 elasmobranch teeth. The sampled succession represents a characteristic deep-water fauna dominated by small squaliform sharks with an increase of species richness towards the end of the Cretaceous. The multidisciplinary approach of precise sampling in combination with a well-founded biostratigraphic classification of seven assemblages provides rare and direct evidence of diversity fluctuations within the latest Maastrichtian, immediately before the bolide impact triggered the severe mass extinction event at the K/Pg boundary. Although squaliform sharks dominate the fauna, a conspicuous heterogeneity of species abundance between the assemblages is observed and a noteworthy correlation between squaliform species richness and the abundance of Parasquatina zitteli (Orectolobiformes) might indicate clade competition for ecological niches. Among 15 elasmobranch species, this study describes one new genus (Fredipristis gen. nov.) and four new squaliform species (F. eximia gen. et sp. nov., Eoetmopterus davidi sp. nov., Proetmopterus lukasi sp. nov., and Cretascymnus beauryi sp. nov.), which highlights the importance and potential of bulk sampling for reconstructing elasmobranch diversity of deep-marine realms through time.
------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ADJUSTMENT OF CITATION STYLE IN SHARK REFERENCES We started to change our old (and unique!) citation style to adapt to the APA citation style (for information please see: to make the usage of references listed in shark references easier and more compatible with a widely accepted reference style adopted by several international scientific journals. The transition is ongoing, so far 25269 (last month: 25175) references are changed. ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------
NEW SECTION: From now on, we will report last month’s most popular three papers from our Shark References Facebook page:
If you would like us to post information about your newly published work, please send us a picture and the paper as a pdf to or
Nr. 1 (113 Likes/Emojis, 46 Shares):
 Brée, B. & Condamine, F.L. & Guinot, G. 2022 Combining palaeontological and neontological data shows a delayed diversification burst of carcharhiniform sharks likely mediated by environmental change. Scientific Reports, 12, Article 21906
Estimating deep-time species-level diversification processes remains challenging. Both the fossil record and molecular phylogenies allow the estimation of speciation and extinction rates, but each type of data may still provide an incomplete picture of diversification dynamics. Here, we combine species-level palaeontological (fossil occurrences) and neontological (molecular phylogenies) data to estimate deep-time diversity dynamics through process-based birth–death models for Carcharhiniformes, the most speciose shark order today. Despite their abundant fossil record dating back to the Middle Jurassic, only a small fraction of extant carcharhiniform species is recorded as fossils, which impedes relying only on the fossil record to study their recent diversification. Combining fossil and phylogenetic data, we recover a complex evolutionary history for carcharhiniforms, exemplified by several variations in diversification rates with an early low diversity period followed by a Cenozoic radiation. We further reveal a burst of diversification in the last 30 million years, which is partially recorded with fossil data only. We also find that reef expansion and temperature change can explain variations in speciation and extinction through time. These results pinpoint the primordial importance of these environmental variables in the evolution of marine clades. Our study also highlights the benefit of combining the fossil record with phylogenetic data to address macroevolutionary questions.
Nr. 2 (66 Likes/Emojis, 9 Shares):
 Szabó, M. & Kocsis, L. & Tóth, E. & Szabó, P. & Németh, T. & Sebe, K. 2022 Chondrichthyan (Holocephali, Squalomorphii and Batomorphii) remains from the Badenian of southern Hungary (Tekeres, Mecsek Mountains): the first deepwater cartilaginous fishes from the Middle Miocene of the Central Paratethys. Papers in Palaeontology, 8(6), Article e1471
Thanks to Márton Szabó for sharing!
Middle Miocene (Badenian) chondrichthyan fossils collected from the Tekeres Schlieren Member of the Baden Formation at Tekeres (southern Hungary, Mecsek Mts) are described here. The chondrichthyan assemblage is exceptionally diverse and well-preserved, and consists of holocephalans, selachians and batomorphs. Nine taxa are reported for the first time from the Badenian of the Central Paratethys: Ischyodus sp., Hexanchus cf. nakamurai, Centrophorus sp., Isistius triangulus, Pristiophorus sp., Sphyrna integra, Raja cf. gentili, Dasyatis cf. pastinaca and Mobula fragilis. The fauna is characterized by many deepwater taxa, making it the first bathyal vertebrate assemblage of the Badenian Central Paratethys. However, typically shallow water, littoral forms are also present, which are worn and often broken, indicating that some of the Tekeres fauna was transported and redeposited from a shallow, coastal setting into deeper water environments. Rapid basin deepening and the resulting steep topography can be linked to ongoing rifting of the south-west Pannonian Basin. The majority of the studied chondrichthyan fauna have extant representatives in the Mediterranean, which supports an active faunal connection between the Mediterranean and the Central Paratethys via the Slovenian Corridor and the existence of a network of deepwater habitats at least along this pathway.
Nr. 3 (54 Likes/Emojis, 28 Shares):
 #Echinorhinus cookei is a rare, large, demersal, deep-sea species of #shark inhabitant of the #Pacific Ocean basin. A sub-adult female with a total length of 262.7 cm was found naturally stranded in 2021 at Bahia de Los Angeles, Baja California, Central Gulf of California. It presents two spineless dorsal fins closer to the pelvic fins, large star-shaped dermal denticles, and distally oriented multi-cusplet cutting-type teeth. Along the shark, a peninsular coyote Canis latrans peninsulae was observed scavenging on the shark carcass. This study documents the first record of E. cookei in the Bahia de Los Angeles area and the first record of scavenging by the coyote C. latrans on any echinorhiniform shark to date. Thanks to M. Sc. Jorge I. Rosales-Vásquez for this new open access paper! Rosales-Vásquez, J.I. & Anislado-Tolentino, V. & Escárcega-Miranda, B. 2023 New record of the prickly shark Echinorhinus cookei (Pietschmann, 1928) and evidence of scavenging by the coyote Canis latrans (Say, 1823) in Bahia de Los Angeles, Baja California, Mexico. Aquatic Research, 6(1), 64–71 image: Neotype of E. cookei, Museum of New Zealand, Te Papa Tongarewa.
New Images
Many thanks to the following people for providing images:
Frederik Mollen, Elasmobranch Research, Belgium for images of Carcharhinus leucas
Missing papers:
Many thanks to all friends of shark-references, who sent us some missing papers last month!
Shark-References would kindly like to ask you for your contribution to this project.
At the moment we are looking for some of the following papers:
Extinct Chondrichthyes:
Numano, M. (1993) Some Neogene shark-teeth from Mogami area, Yamagata Prefecture. Applied Geology of Yamagata, 13: 32–49
Extant Chondrichthyes:
Chu, Y.-T. (1930) A new species of the swallow ray (Pteroplatea) from China. China Journal, 12(6): 357.
Smith, J.L.B. (1958) The mystery killer, the new shark Carcharhinus vanrooyeni. Veld & Vlei, 3 (9): 12–14, 28.
Ishiyama, R. (1967) Fauna Japonica. Rajidae (Pisces). Biogeographical Society of Japan (Tokyo): i–vi, 1–82
Gubanov, E.P. & Schleib, N.A. (1980) Sharks of the Arabian Gulf. Kuwait Ministry of Public Works, Agracultural Department, Fisheries Division. Sharks of the Arabian Gulf.: 1–69
Deng, S.-M. & Xiong, G.-Q. & Zhan, H.-X. (1988) The deep water fishes of the east China Sea. Xue Lin Publishing house: 356 pp.
Dolganov, V.N. (1983) Rukovodstvo po opredeleniyu khryashchevykh ryb dal'nevostochnykh morei SSSR i sopredel'nykh vod. [Manual for identification of cartilaginous fishes of Far East seas of USSR and adjacent waters.] TINRO, Vladivostok. Rukovodstvo po opredeleniyu khryashchevykh ryb dal'nevostochnykh morei SSSR i sopredel'nykh vod.: 92 pp.
Please support and send missing papers (not listed papers or papers without the info-symbol) to or

Upcoming Meetings:
 Fifth International Marine Protected Areas Congress
IMPAC5 is where we will come together and take a stand to protect the ocean.
Join us in Vancouver, Canada for the Fifth International Marine Protected Areas Congress (IMPAC5), a global forum that brings together ocean conservation professionals and high-level officials to inform, inspire and act on marine protected areas.
3-9 February 2023 Vancouver, Canada

The 4th Meeting of Signatories (MOS4) to the Memorandum of Understanding on the Conservation of Migratory Sharks (Sharks MOU) will take place from 28 February to 2 March 2023 in Bonn. The meeting will be hosted by the CMS Secretariat, United Nations Campus, Platz der Vereinten Nationen 1, 53113 Bonn, Germany.
Participation: The meeting will be open for Signatories. As per the Rules of Procedure, non-Signatory Range States, Cooperating Partners, the United Nations, its Specialized Agencies, non-Signatory States, or any relevant scientific, environmental, cultural, fisheries, or technical body, including governmental or non-governmental organizations, concerned with the conservation and management of sharks may participate as observers.
Logistical and other limitations may require that no more than two representatives of any observer be present at the meeting. The Secretariat will notify observers of such limitations 60 days before the meeting.
We look forward to welcoming you to the University of Auckland, located in the heart of Auckland city. We invite you to come and meet the people that live and work here, explore our beautiful city and hope that you leave with lasting friends, partnerships and memories.
The Organising Committee look forward to welcoming you to the 11th Indo-Pacific Fish Conference (IPFC) and Annual Conference of the Australian Society for Fish Biology, to be held 20-24 November 2023 at the University of Auckland, New Zealand.
The Indo-Pacific Fish Conference (IPFC), held every four years, is undoubtedly one of the world’s premier ichthyological conferences and is eagerly anticipated by marine, estuarine and freshwater fish enthusiasts alike.
The Australian Society for Fish Biology (ASFB), founded in 1971, aims to promote research, education and management of fish and fisheries across the Indo-Pacific.
We are excited to bring these two conference together in a joint meeting that will reflect the extraordinary biological, environmental and cultural diversity of the vast Indo-Pacific region.
Auckland is a modern city offering a variety of cultural experiences, accommodation and entertainment options for every taste and budget. The city is a key regional hub, with transport connections to multiple cities across New Zealand, Australia, the Pacific and beyond.
The University of Auckland is an internationally recognised university that provides outstanding conference facilities and conference support within easy walking distance of the city centre. An exciting programme of conference field trips will allow attendees to sample the diversity of regional marine and freshwater ecosystems. Before or after the conference, delegates could explore Auckland’s magnificent Hauraki Gulf and its beautiful islands. The jewel of the gulf is Waiheke Island, a haven of vineyards, olive groves, beaches and fine dining, just a 40-minute ferry ride from downtown Auckland. For an exciting day trip, discover the history and sandy coves of Rotoroa Island, explore the open wildlife sanctuary of Tiritiri Matangi Island or climb the volcanic cone of Rangitoto Island for incredible views from the summit. If you have a little more time, travel south for a summer holiday to discover the majestic Milford and Doubtful Sounds, encounter marine life in Abel Tasman National Park, enjoy New Zealand’s beautiful Bay of Islands, or maybe plan a field trip or tropical holiday on one of the many Pacific islands that are only a short flight away from Auckland.
We look forward to welcoming you to Auckland in 2023!
Extant Chondrichthyes: no news this month!
Extinct Chondrichthyes:
Zhu, Y.A. & Li, Q. & Lu, J. & Chen, Y. & Wang, J.H. & Gai, Z.K. & Zhao, W.J. & Wei, G.B. & Yu, Y.L. & Ahlberg, P.E. & Zhu, M. (2022) The oldest complete jawed vertebrates from the early Silurian of China. Nature, 609(7929), 954–958 New genus: Shenacanthus New species: Shenacanthus vermiformis Abstract: Molecular studies suggest that the origin of jawed vertebrates was no later than the Late Ordovician period (around 450 million years ago (Ma))(1,2). Together with disarticulated micro-remains of putative chondrichthyans from the Ordovician and early Silurian period(3-8), these analyses suggest an evolutionary proliferation of jawed vertebrates before, and immediately after, the end-Ordovician mass extinction. However, until now, the earliest complete fossils of jawed fishes for which a detailed reconstruction of their morphology was possible came from late Silurian assemblages (about 425 Ma)(9-13). The dearth of articulated, whole-body fossils from before the late Silurian has long rendered the earliest history of jawed vertebrates obscure. Here we report a newly discovered Konservat-Lagerstatte, which is marked by the presence of diverse, well-preserved jawed fishes with complete bodies, from the early Silurian (Telychian age, around 436 Ma) of Chongqing, South China. The dominant species, a `placoderm' or jawed stem gnathostome, which we name Xiushanosteus mirabilis gen. et sp. nov., combines characters from major placoderm subgroups(14-17) and foreshadows the transformation of the skull roof pattern from the placoderm to the osteichthyan condition(10). The chondrichthyan Shenacanthus uermiformis gen. et sp. nov. exhibits extensive thoracic armour plates that were previously unknown in this lineage, and include a large median dorsal plate as in placoderms(14-16), combined with a conventional chondrichthyan bauplan(18,19). Together, these species reveal a previously unseen diversification of jawed vertebrates in the early Silurian, and provide detailed insights into the whole-body morphology of the jawed vertebrates of this period. Andreev, P.S. & Sansom, I.J. & Li, Q. & Zhao, W.J. & Wang, J.H. & Wang, C.C. & Peng, L.J. & Jia, L.T. & Qiao, T. & Zhu, M. (2022) Spiny chondrichthyan from the lower Silurian of South China. Nature, 609(7929), 969–974 New genus: Fanjingshania New species: Fanjingshania renovata Abstract: Modern representatives of chondrichthyans (cartilaginous fishes) and osteichthyans (bony fishes and tetrapods) have contrasting skeletal anatomies and developmental trajectories(1-4) that underscore the distant evolutionary split(5-7 )of the two clades. Recent work on upper Silurian and Devonian jawed vertebrates(7-10) has revealed similar skeletal conditions that blur the conventional distinctions between osteichthyans, chondrichthyans and their jawed gnathostome ancestors. Here we describe the remains (dermal plates, scales and fin spines) of a chondrichthyan, Fanjingshania renovata gen. et sp. nov., from the lower Silurian of China that pre-date the earliest articulated fossils of jawed vertebrates(10-12). Fanjingshania possesses dermal shoulder girdle plates and a complement of fin spines that have a striking anatomical similarity to those recorded in a subset of stem chondrichthyans(5,7,13) (climatiid 'acanthodians'(14)). Uniquely among chondrichthyans, however, it demonstrates osteichthyan-like resorptive shedding of scale odontodes (dermal teeth) and an absence of odontogenic tissues in its spines. Our results identify independent acquisition of these conditions in the chondrichthyan stem group, adding Fanjingshania to an increasing number of taxa(7,15) nested within conventionally defined acanthodians(16). The discovery of Fanjingshania provides the strongest support yet for a proposed(7) early Silurian radiation of jawed vertebrates before their widespread appearance(5) in the fossil record in the Lower Devonian series.
Parasites: Müller, M.I. & Adriano, E.A. & Oliveira, M.S.B. & Correa, L.L. (2022) Integrative taxonomy suggests that South American freshwater nematodes Echinocephalus and their host stingrays co-originated in late Oligocene to early Miocene. Journal of Helminthology, 96, Article e68 New species: Echinocephalus spinosus Abstract: Nematoda of the genus Echinocephalus Molin, 1858 include species from the Gnathostomatidae family, the adult stages of which parasitize the stomach and spiral intestine of elasmobranchs as their final hosts. In the present study, we describe Echinocephalus spinosus n. sp. found parasitizing the spiral valve of the freshwater stingray Potamotrygon motoro from the Tapajos River, in the Amazon Basin, in the state of Para, Brazil. In the study we performed morphological (light and scanning electron microscopy) and molecular (small subunit ribosomal ribonucleic acid (SSU rDNA) and mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase I sequencing) analyses. E. spinosus n. sp. is only the second species of the Echinocephalus genus described from a strictly freshwater environment. The SSU rDNA based phylogenetic analyses showed Echinocephalus clade as a sister lineage of Gnathostoma, and that the new species arises as a sister to Echinocephalus cf. pseudouncinatus. Time-calibrated phylogenetic analysis revealed that the origin of the freshwater Echinocephalus coincides with the recently proposed origin of the freshwater host potamotrygonin stingray, namely the late Oligocene to early Miocene, when the western Amazon was dominated by the Pebas wetlands, an epicontinental marine/freshwater system. Gordeev, I.I. & Polyakova, T.A. (2023) Onchobothrium malakhovi n. sp. (Cestoda: Onchoproteocephalidea) ex Bathyraja (Arctoraja) sexoculata (Rajiformes: Arhynchobatidae) from Kuril Islands (Russia), with comments on the status of the genus Onchobothrium. Parasitology International, 93, Article 102709 New species: Onchobothrium malakhovi Abstract: Onchobothrium malakhovi n. sp. was found in the spiral valve of the softnose skate Bathyraja (Arctoraja) sexoculata off the Simushir Island (Kuril Islands, Russia). The new species has bothridia with three loculi and no additional suckers on bothridia, single-toothed hooks unconnected by their bases, no spines at the bases of the hooks, dense matrix around the hook bases shaped as an unpaired butterfly wing, and a short and wide ovary. Onchobothrium malakhovi n. sp. differs from O. antarcticum and O. magnum in having a smaller total length, cirrus sac and ovary, smaller testes and eggs. Additionally, the new species differs from O. antarcticum by the absence of a vaginal sphincter and shorter bothridia; differs from O. magnum in having fewer proglottids and smaller vi-telline follicles. It differs from O. farmeri, O. convolutum, and O. pseudouncinatum, by the absence of a small spine at the base of the hooks and the absence of accessory suckers on bothridia; from O. pseudouncinatum, addi-tionally, by unconnected hooks; from O. schizacanthium, by the number of testes and by the presence of a postvaginal group of testes. Onchobothrium malakhovi n. sp. was placed among other members of the Oncho-proteocephalidea with a high support based on the sequence data for the D1-D3 region of the 28S rDNA and cox1 gene. The phylogenetic position of the genus Onchobothrium sensu lato remains ambiguous. We suggest that Onchobothrium sensu lato is a complex genus containing at least two morphologically different groups of species. Onchobothrium farmer, O. convolutum, O. schizacanthium, and O. pseudouncinatum, for which there are no mo-lecular genetic data, are considerably different morphologically from O. malakhovi n. sp., O. antarcticum, and O. magnum. A new genus might have to be established for the latter three species after the accumulation of genetic data.
Latest Research Articles
Extant Chondrichthyes: Akar, M.S. & Ulus, S.A. & Durgut, F. & Yigit, S. (2022): A technical trick for extracting a stingray spine from hand: a case report. Acta Orthopaedica Et Traumatologica Turcica, 56(5), 347–349 Archer, K.R. & Groll, T. & Harvey, R.J. & Thornton, S.M. & Stidworthy, M.F. & Denk, D. (2023): Case series: Lymphoid neoplasia in three elasmobranch species. Journal of Fish Diseases, in press Armada-Tapia, S. & Castillo-Geniz, J.L. & Victoria-Cota, N. & Arce-Valdes, L.R. & Enriquez-Paredes, L.M. (2023): First evidence of multiple paternity in the blue shark (Prionace glauca). Journal of Fish Biology, in press Basusta, N. & Ozel, F.V. (2022): Growth Characteristics of Long-Nosed Skate Dipturus oxyrinchus (Linnaeus, 1758) Inhabiting the Northeastern Mediterranean Sea. Animals, 12(23), Article 3443 Benzik, A.N. & Chetyrkin, A.A. (2023): Diet Composition of Skates of the Barents Sea in 2004–2021. Journal of Ichthyology, 62(7), 1343–1351 Bonnin, L. & Boussarie, G. & Kiszka, J.J. & Robbins, W. & Vigliola, L. (2023): Individual and seasonal variations of space use in silvertip sharks, Carcharhinus albimarginatus. Coral Reefs, in press Boyle, A. & Le Busque, B. (2022): Sharing the waves: An exploration of surfer and shark interactions. Marine Policy, 145, 4 Chandelier, G. & Kiszka, J.J. & Dulau-Drouot, V. & Jean, C. & Poirout, T. & Estrade, V. & Barret, M. & Fayan, J. & Jaquemet, S. (2023): Isotopic niche partitioning of co-occurring large marine vertebrates around an Indian ocean tropical oceanic island. Marine Environmental Research, 183, Article 105835 Cooper, J.A. & Griffin, J.N. & Kindlimann, R. & Pimiento, C. (2023): Are shark teeth proxies for functional traits? A framework to infer ecology from the fossil record. Journal of Fish Biology, in press Cooper, R.L. & Nicklin, E.F. & Rasch, L.J. & Fraser, G.J. (2023): Teeth outside the mouth: The evolution and development of shark denticles. Evolution & Development, in press Coxon, J.L. & Butcher, P.A. & Spaet, J.L.Y. & Rizzari, J.R. (2022): Preliminary Data about Habitat Use of Subadult and Adult White Sharks (Carcharodon carcharias) in Eastern Australian Waters (vol 11, 1443, 2022). Biology, 11(12), Article 1762 Duchatelet, L. & Ho, H.C. & Mallefet, J. (2022): Photophore Morphogenesis and Extraocular Encephalopsin Expression during the Embryogenesis of Smalleye Pygmy Shark (Squaliolus aliae). Diversity, 14(12), Article 1100 Esposito, A. & Sasal, P. & Clua, E. & Meglecz, E. & Clerissi, C. (2022): Shark Provisioning Influences the Gut Microbiota of the Black-Tip Reef Shark in French Polynesia. Fishes, 7(6), Article 312 Fanelli, E. & Da Ros, Z. & Martino, I. & Azzurro, E. & Bargione, G. & Donato, F. & Lucchetti, A. (2023): Crowding in the middle of marine food webs: A focus on Raja asterias and other mediterranean batoids. Marine Environmental Research, 183, Article 105830 Fontes, J. & Macena, B. & Solleliet-Ferreira, S. & Buyle, F. & Magalhaes, R. & Bartolomeu, T. & Liebsch, N. & Meyer, C. & Afonso, P. (2022): The advantages and challenges of non-invasive towed PILOT tags for free-ranging deep-diving megafauna. Animal Biotelemetry, 10(1), 13 Grainger, R. & Raoult, V. & Peddemors, V.M. & Machovsky-Capuska, G.E. & Gaston, T.F. & Raubenheimer, D. (2023): Integrating isotopic and nutritional niches reveals multiple dimensions of individual diet specialisation in a marine apex predator. Journal of Animal Ecology, in press Grigorov, I.V. & Kivva, K.K. & Orlov, A.M. (2022): The Aleutians and Beyond: Distribution, Size Composition, and Catch Dynamics of the Aleutian Skate Bathyraja aleutica across the North Pacific. Animals, 12(24), Article 3507 Haque, A.B. & Oyanedel, R. & Cavanagh, R.D. (2023): Mitigating elasmobranch fin trade: A market analysis for made-to-measure interventions. Science of the Total Environment, 862, Article 160716 Harned, S.P. & Bernard, A.M. & Salinas-de-Leon, P. & Mehlrose, M.R. & Suarez, J. & Robles, Y. & Bessudo, S. & Ladino, F. & Garo, A.L. & Zanella, I. & Feldheim, K.A. & Shivji, M.S. (2022): Genetic population dynamics of the critically endangered scalloped hammerhead shark (Sphyrna lewini) in the Eastern Tropical Pacific. Ecology and Evolution, 12(12), Article e9642 Heldsinger, M. & Hepburn, C. & Jowett, T. & Rayment, W. (2023): Small marine reserves provide conservation benefits for coastal sharks in southern New Zealand. Aquatic Conservation, Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, in press Hsu, H.H. & Nazeer, Z. & Panickan, P. & Lin, Y.J. & Qasem, A. & Rabaoui, L.J. & Qurban, M.A. (2022): Stomach Content Analysis for Juvenile Great Hammerhead Sharks Sphyrna mokarran (Ruppell, 1837) from the Arabian Gulf. Fishes, 7(6), Article 359 Huang, X.M. & Gao, H.C. & Li, Z.Z. & Wu, F. & Gong, Y. & Li, Y.K. (2022): Microplastic contamination and risk assessment in blue shark (Prionace glauca) from the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 184, Article 114138 Juan-Jorda, M.J. & Murua, H. & Arrizabalaga, H. & Merino, G. & Pacoureau, N. & Dulvy, N.K. (2022): Seventy years of tunas, billfishes, and sharks as sentinels of global ocean health. Science, 378(6620), Article 617 Kintsu, H. & Kodama, K. & Horiguchi, T. (2023): Spatial distributions of and species differences in 90Sr accumulation in marine fishes from the Fukushima coastal region. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 256, Article 107055 Kumar, M.K. & Jayakumar, N. & Karuppasamy, K. & Manikandavelu, D. & Uma, A. (2022): An Annotated Checklist of Elasmobranchs Along the Coromandel Coast of Tamil Nadu, Southeast Coast of India. Indian Journal of Animal Research, 56(9), 1164–1169 Lesturgie, P. & Laine, H. & Suwalski, A. & Chifflet-Belle, P. & Delser, P.M. & Clua, E. & Jaquemet, S. & Magalon, H. & Mona, S. 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The Manta Trust is working to protect manta rays and devil rays
Guy Stevens joins Dr, David Ebert and Andrew Lewin for this episode to discuss how he founded the Manta Trust in the Maldives and why he grew it to an international organization with collaborators and partners doing great work revealing more...
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