Squalus suckleyi (Girard, 1855)




Material: sex: female, 119.4 cm TL, Ventura, California, Florida, collection: Jaws International, Gordon Hubbell, Florida (ID by Ana Veríssimo)

Images: © Ross Robertson, Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Panama, images shows the correct position of the teeth Squalus suckleyi


 Squalus suckleyi


 Squalus suckleyi


 Squalus suckleyi


 Squalus suckleyi


 Squalus suckleyi


Material: sex?, ? cm TL, California, collection: Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, nr. 39544-1, coll. 18.12.1957 (ID by Ana Veríssimo)

Images: © Ross Robertson, Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Panama, images shows the correct position of the teeth Squalus suckleyi


 Squalus suckleyi


 Squalus suckleyi


 Squalus suckleyi


 Squalus suckleyi


 Squalus suckleyi


 Squalus suckleyi