Hydrolagus trolli
Didier & Séret, 2002
Pointy-nosed blue chimaera
Classification: Holocephali Chimaeriformes Chimaeridae
Reference of the original description
Chimaeroid fishes of New Caledonia with description of a new species of Hydrolagus (Chondrichthyes, Holocephali). Cybium, 26(3), 225–233
Chimaeroid fishes of New Caledonia with description of a new species of Hydrolagus (Chondrichthyes, Holocephali). Cybium, 26(3), 225–233
Image of the original description
Image in copyright.
Image in copyright.
Synonyms / new combinations and misspellings
Hydrolagus cf. trolli
Hydrolagus cf. trolli
Hydrolagus trolli
Holotype: MNHN: 1998-0679; Paratype: ANSP: 177754 (old: NMNZ P28647); ANSP: 177750 (old: NMNZ P25938); ANSP: 177751 (old: NMNZ P20351); ANSP: 177752 (old: NMNZ P24858); ANSP: 177755 (old: NMNZ P31189); MNHN: 1998-0680; MNHN: 1998-0671; NMNZ: P26953; NMNZ: P25932; NMNZ: P24479; NMNZ: P24471; NMNZ: P24478; NMNZ: P24469; NMNZ: P20350; NMNZ: P31189; NMNZ: P25970; NMNZ: P24858; NMNZ: P24470;
Hydrolagus trolli
Holotype: MNHN: 1998-0679; Paratype: ANSP: 177754 (old: NMNZ P28647); ANSP: 177750 (old: NMNZ P25938); ANSP: 177751 (old: NMNZ P20351); ANSP: 177752 (old: NMNZ P24858); ANSP: 177755 (old: NMNZ P31189); MNHN: 1998-0680; MNHN: 1998-0671; NMNZ: P26953; NMNZ: P25932; NMNZ: P24479; NMNZ: P24471; NMNZ: P24478; NMNZ: P24469; NMNZ: P20350; NMNZ: P31189; NMNZ: P25970; NMNZ: P24858; NMNZ: P24470;
Description :
Citation: Hydrolagus trolli Didier & Séret, 2002: In: Database of modern sharks, rays and chimaeras, www.shark-references.com, World Wide Web electronic publication, Version 03/2025
Please send your images of "Hydrolagus trolli" to info@shark-references.com
Hydrolagus trolli Didier & Séret, 2002 © National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA)

Hydrolagus trolli Didier & Séret, 2002 © National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA)
Common names
Chimère bleue à museau pointu,
Pointy-nosed blue chimaera

Short Description
Original diagnosis after DIDIER & SÉRET, 2002 [687]: A species of chimaeroid fish assigned to the genus Hydrolagus on the basis of a ventral caudal fin that is not deeply indented at its origin to form a separate anal fin. Hydrolagus trolli is distinguished from its congeners by the following combination of characters: even blue-gray coloration with dark line around orbit and dark shadowing along edges of lateral-line canals; distinctly pointed snout; preopercular and oral lateral-line canals typically sharing a common branch; first dorsal fin concave with pale margin; males with frontal tenaculum deeply curved, upturned distally with spines along dorsal upturned edge; prepelvic tenacula deeply indended along distal margin; and pelvic claspers with pale fleshy distal lobes, divided distally for 1/3 their length, tips usually extending beyond distal edge of pelvic fins.
Original diagnosis after DIDIER & SÉRET, 2002 [687]: A species of chimaeroid fish assigned to the genus Hydrolagus on the basis of a ventral caudal fin that is not deeply indented at its origin to form a separate anal fin. Hydrolagus trolli is distinguished from its congeners by the following combination of characters: even blue-gray coloration with dark line around orbit and dark shadowing along edges of lateral-line canals; distinctly pointed snout; preopercular and oral lateral-line canals typically sharing a common branch; first dorsal fin concave with pale margin; males with frontal tenaculum deeply curved, upturned distally with spines along dorsal upturned edge; prepelvic tenacula deeply indended along distal margin; and pelvic claspers with pale fleshy distal lobes, divided distally for 1/3 their length, tips usually extending beyond distal edge of pelvic fins.
Western Pacific: New Caledonia and New Zealand [687].
first record: 2016: REICHERT et al. 2016 [24556]: North Pacific, off central California, southern California, and west of the Hawaiian Islands Source: www.gbif.org
Western Pacific: New Caledonia and New Zealand [687].
first record: 2016: REICHERT et al. 2016 [24556]: North Pacific, off central California, southern California, and west of the Hawaiian Islands Source: www.gbif.org
Tooth plates yellowish. Upper anterior tooth plates (vomerine) small, incisor-like with 6 or 7 rows of tritor knobs visible along the cutting edge. Posterior upper tooth plates (palatine) with tritors on worn surface (details not readily visible in specimens with mouths fixed shut). Lower tooth plates (mandibular) incisor like with two large tritors at the symphysis forming a pointed blade that becomes deeply indented along the edge; occluding with the vomerine tooth plates then rises again at the postero-lateral (labial) edge of the tooth plate; 2 large tritors at the leading edge as the tooth plate gradually slopes posteriorly along worn edge. [687]
Tooth plates yellowish. Upper anterior tooth plates (vomerine) small, incisor-like with 6 or 7 rows of tritor knobs visible along the cutting edge. Posterior upper tooth plates (palatine) with tritors on worn surface (details not readily visible in specimens with mouths fixed shut). Lower tooth plates (mandibular) incisor like with two large tritors at the symphysis forming a pointed blade that becomes deeply indented along the edge; occluding with the vomerine tooth plates then rises again at the postero-lateral (labial) edge of the tooth plate; 2 large tritors at the leading edge as the tooth plate gradually slopes posteriorly along worn edge. [687]
shark-references Species-ID=3094;
shark-references Species-ID=3094;