Eostegostoma sp.
Classification: Elasmobranchii Orectolobiformes Brachaeluridae
Eostegostoma sp.
Eostegostoma sp.
Citation: Eostegostoma sp. : In: Database of fossil elasmobranch teeth www.shark-references.com, World Wide Web electronic publication, Version 03/2025
shark-references Species-ID=2129;
shark-references Species-ID=2129;
Preliminary report on the fishes (Chondrichthyes & Teleostei) from the lower Oligocene (Rupelian) Red Bluff Clay at site AMo-9, Monroe County, Alabama, USA. Palaeovertebrata, 47(2), Article e2
DOI: 10.18563/pv.47.2.e2
The Neogene Record of Cartilaginous Fishes (Chondrichthyes: Holocephali, Elasmobranchii) from Northern Chile: A Review and Identification Guide. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 124, Article 104230
DOI: 10.1016/j.jsames.2023.104230
Tiburones, Rayas y Quimeras (Chondrichthyes) Fósiles de Chile. Publicación Ocasional del Museo Nacional de Historia Natural, Chile, 63: 17–33
Shark and ray faunas in the Middle and Late Eocene of the Fayum Area, Egypt. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, 122(1), 47–66
DOI: 10.1016/j.pgeola.2010.09.004
Paleo-environments of the exposed Eocene Sediments between Wadi El-Hitan and east Siwa in the Egyptian Western Desert based on their faunal content especially the vertebrates. Thesis, Zagazig University, Faculty of Science, Geology Department
Nuevos hallazgos de vertebrados marinos de la formación Bahía Inglesa (Mioceno-Plioceno) Caldera, Norte de Chile [Abstract]. In 1° Congreso Latinoamericano de Paleontologia de Vertebrados, Chile
A new selachian fauna from the Wadi Umm Ghudran Formation (Late Cretaceous) - Central Jordan. Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Abhandlungen, 226(3), 419–444
Ichthyofaunen aus dem atlantischen Tertiär der USA. Leipziger Geowissenschaften, 9–10, 1–360
Les Orectolobiformes, Carcharhiniformes et Myliobatiformes (Elasmobranchii, Neoselachii) des Bassins à phosphate du Maroc (Maastrichtien-Lutétien basal). Systématique, biostratigraphie, évolution et dynamique des faunes. Palaeo Ichthyologica, 8, 1–327
Selachian Biostratigraphy of the Salamanca Formation (Palaeogene, Patagonia, Argentina); Preliminary Report. In book: XIII Jornadas de Paleontología. Libro de Resúmenes y Excursiones, Editors: Grandal d'Anglade, Gutierrez Marco, Santos Fidalgo: 156–159
De visfauna uit de basis van de Klei van Egemkapel in de groeve Ampe te Egem (onder eoceen van Noordwest -Belgie) Tielt, 1994
Preliminary report on the fishes (Chondrichthyes & Teleostei) from the lower Oligocene (Rupelian) Red Bluff Clay at site AMo-9, Monroe County, Alabama, USA. Palaeovertebrata, 47(2), Article e2
DOI: 10.18563/pv.47.2.e2
The Neogene Record of Cartilaginous Fishes (Chondrichthyes: Holocephali, Elasmobranchii) from Northern Chile: A Review and Identification Guide. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 124, Article 104230
DOI: 10.1016/j.jsames.2023.104230

Tiburones, Rayas y Quimeras (Chondrichthyes) Fósiles de Chile. Publicación Ocasional del Museo Nacional de Historia Natural, Chile, 63: 17–33

Shark and ray faunas in the Middle and Late Eocene of the Fayum Area, Egypt. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, 122(1), 47–66
DOI: 10.1016/j.pgeola.2010.09.004

Paleo-environments of the exposed Eocene Sediments between Wadi El-Hitan and east Siwa in the Egyptian Western Desert based on their faunal content especially the vertebrates. Thesis, Zagazig University, Faculty of Science, Geology Department

Nuevos hallazgos de vertebrados marinos de la formación Bahía Inglesa (Mioceno-Plioceno) Caldera, Norte de Chile [Abstract]. In 1° Congreso Latinoamericano de Paleontologia de Vertebrados, Chile

A new selachian fauna from the Wadi Umm Ghudran Formation (Late Cretaceous) - Central Jordan. Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Abhandlungen, 226(3), 419–444

Ichthyofaunen aus dem atlantischen Tertiär der USA. Leipziger Geowissenschaften, 9–10, 1–360

Les Orectolobiformes, Carcharhiniformes et Myliobatiformes (Elasmobranchii, Neoselachii) des Bassins à phosphate du Maroc (Maastrichtien-Lutétien basal). Systématique, biostratigraphie, évolution et dynamique des faunes. Palaeo Ichthyologica, 8, 1–327

Selachian Biostratigraphy of the Salamanca Formation (Palaeogene, Patagonia, Argentina); Preliminary Report. In book: XIII Jornadas de Paleontología. Libro de Resúmenes y Excursiones, Editors: Grandal d'Anglade, Gutierrez Marco, Santos Fidalgo: 156–159

De visfauna uit de basis van de Klei van Egemkapel in de groeve Ampe te Egem (onder eoceen van Noordwest -Belgie) Tielt, 1994