Heterodontus woodwardi
Casier, 1946
Classification: Elasmobranchii Heterodontiformes Heterodontidae
Reference of the original description
La faune ichthyologique de l'Yprésien de la Belgique. Mémoires du Musée Royal d'Histoire Naturelle de Belgique, 104, 1–267
La faune ichthyologique de l'Yprésien de la Belgique. Mémoires du Musée Royal d'Histoire Naturelle de Belgique, 104, 1–267
Heterodontus woodwardi
Syntype: IRSNB.: P 00152; IRSNB.: P 00153; IRSNB.: P 00154; IRSNB.: P 00155; IRSNB.: P 00156; IRSNB.: P 00157; IRSNB.: P 00158; IRSNB.: P 00159; IRSNB.: P 00160;
Heterodontus woodwardi
Syntype: IRSNB.: P 00152; IRSNB.: P 00153; IRSNB.: P 00154; IRSNB.: P 00155; IRSNB.: P 00156; IRSNB.: P 00157; IRSNB.: P 00158; IRSNB.: P 00159; IRSNB.: P 00160;
Citation: Heterodontus woodwardi Casier, 1946: In: Database of fossil elasmobranch teeth www.shark-references.com, World Wide Web electronic publication, Version 03/2025
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shark-references Species-ID=2815;
shark-references Species-ID=2815;
Reassessment and revision of the fossil Heterodontidae (Chondrichthyes: Neoselachii) based on tooth morphology of extant taxa. Palaeontos, 30, 1–73
London Clay Fossils of Kent and Essex. Rochester, Kent, Medway Fossil and Mineral Society, 228 p, ISBN: 978–0–9538243–1–1
London Clay Fossils of the Isle of Sheppey. Medway Lapidary and Mineral Society, ISBN 0-9538243-0-6, 100pp.
De visfauna uit de basis van de Klei van Egemkapel in de groeve Ampe te Egem (onder eoceen van Noordwest -Belgie) Tielt, 1994
Soortenlijst van fossiele vissen uit het Eoceen van België. Afzettingen WTKG, 15(4), 6–12
An Illustrated Guide to the British Middle Eocene Vertebrates. Privately published, London, 59 pp.
Fossil sharks, rays and chimaeroids of the English Tertiary period. Gosport Museum, 1–47, 10 fig., 3 tabl., 16 pl.
The distribution of sharks, rays and chimaeroids in the English Palaeogene. Tertiary Research, 3(1), 13–19

Reassessment and revision of the fossil Heterodontidae (Chondrichthyes: Neoselachii) based on tooth morphology of extant taxa. Palaeontos, 30, 1–73

London Clay Fossils of Kent and Essex. Rochester, Kent, Medway Fossil and Mineral Society, 228 p, ISBN: 978–0–9538243–1–1

London Clay Fossils of the Isle of Sheppey. Medway Lapidary and Mineral Society, ISBN 0-9538243-0-6, 100pp.

De visfauna uit de basis van de Klei van Egemkapel in de groeve Ampe te Egem (onder eoceen van Noordwest -Belgie) Tielt, 1994

Soortenlijst van fossiele vissen uit het Eoceen van België. Afzettingen WTKG, 15(4), 6–12

An Illustrated Guide to the British Middle Eocene Vertebrates. Privately published, London, 59 pp.

Fossil sharks, rays and chimaeroids of the English Tertiary period. Gosport Museum, 1–47, 10 fig., 3 tabl., 16 pl.

The distribution of sharks, rays and chimaeroids in the English Palaeogene. Tertiary Research, 3(1), 13–19