Isurolamna inflata

(Leriche, 1905)

Classification: Elasmobranchii Lamniformes Lamnidae

Reference of the original description
Leriche, M. (1905)
Les poissons éocènes de la Belgique. Mémoires du Musée Royal d'Histoire Naturelle de Belgique, 3(11), 49–228

Synonyms / new combinations and misspellings
Isurolamna aff. inflata, Lamna inflata, Lamna lerichei inflata, Lamna vincenti inflata

Isurolamna inflata


Citation: Isurolamna inflata (Leriche, 1905): In: Database of fossil elasmobranch teeth, World Wide Web electronic publication, Version 03/2025

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Isurolamna inflata (Leriche, 1905), Eocene, Ypresian-Lutetian, Chaumont-en-Vexin, France, Height: 14mm © Jean-Francois LHOMME,

Distribution Geographic
after REIMECKE & ENGELHARD, 1997 [2031]: Anglo-Franco-Belgian basin (e.g. CASIER 1946, GURR 1962, NOLF 1986, WARD 1980, DUTHEIL 1991, BAUT & GENAULT 1995), Morocco (? Danian to Ypresian, according to HERMAN 1972b), Fehmarn, NW-Germany (Ypresian; personal observation, VON DER HOCHT 1986) and in the Chesapeake Bay region, U.S.A. (WARD & WIEST 1990, KENT 1994)

Distribution Strategraphy
Thanetian to Upper Eocene [2031]

Original description after Leriche, 1905 [1425]: Il existe, dans l'Eocène belge, une forme, voisine de Lamna Vincenti (Winkler) A. -Smith Woodward, mais qui en diffère toujours nettement par sa plus grande épaisseur, et par la forme plus étroite de sa couronne. Celle-ci est tout à fait plane à la face externe, et, au contraire, très fortement bombée à la face interne. La racine ne présente pas, à la face interne, de sillon médian bien marqué; le foramen nutritif s'ouvre directement à l'extérieur.
Gravier de base. — Localités: Hougaerde, Saint-Gilles, Schaerbeek, Uccle (Calevoet), Zétrud-Lumay (Autgaerden).
Bruxellien. — Localités : Bellecourt, Bruxelles, Ixelles, Saint-Josse-ten-Noode, Schaerbeek, Woluwe-Saint-Lambert, Woluwe-Saint-Pierre.

shark-references Species-ID=3224;
valid after Reinecke & Engelhard (1997) p. 18 [2031];

Taxonomic remark after Cappetta & Case, 2016 [24889]: This species was erected by Leriche (1905) [1425], as a variety of Lamna vincenti (Winkler, 1876) [2576], on the basis of teeth coming from many Lutetian localities of Belgium, but no type specimen was designated nor figured at this time. In fact, this species seems morphologically close to I. affinis (Casier, 1946) [411] and only a serious revision of material from Thanetian to Lutetian could allow to clarify the systematics and relationships of those species.

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