Palidiplospinax enniskilleni

(Duffin & Ward, 1993)

Classification: Elasmobranchii Synechodontiformes Palaeospinacidae

Reference of the original description
Duffin, C.J. & Ward, D.J. (1993)
The Early Jurassic palaeospinacid sharks of Lyme Regis, southern England. Belgian Geological Survey, Professional Paper, Elasmobranches et Stratigraphie, 264, 53–101

Synonyms / new combinations and misspellings
Synechodus cf. enniskilleni, Synechodus enniskilleni

Palidiplospinax enniskilleni


Citation: Palidiplospinax enniskilleni (Duffin & Ward, 1993): In: Database of fossil elasmobranch teeth, World Wide Web electronic publication, Version 03/2025

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shark-references Species-ID=4605;
valid after Stumpf et al. (2013) p. 642 [27725];

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DOI: 10.1007/s12542-019-00451-4
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A new basal galeomorph shark (Synechodontiformes, Neoselachii) from the Early Jurassic of Europe. Naturwissenschaften, 95(5), 443–448
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A new Pliensbachian (early Jurassic) neoselachian shark fauna from southern Sweden. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica, 45(4), 407–424
Dineley, D.L. & Metcalf, S.J. (1999)
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Chondrichthyens du Toarcien inférieur d'Aubange (Lorraine belge). Belgian Geological Survey, Professional Paper, Elasmobranches et Stratigraphie, 278, 23–43
Duffin, C.J. & Ward, D.J. (1993)
The Early Jurassic palaeospinacid sharks of Lyme Regis, southern England. Belgian Geological Survey, Professional Paper, Elasmobranches et Stratigraphie, 264, 53–101
Delsate, D. & Duffin, C.J. (1993)
Chondrichthyens du Sinémurien de Belgique. Belgian Geological Survey, Professional Paper, Elasmobranches et Stratigraphie, 264, 103–136