Paraorthacodus conicus

(Davis, 1890)

Classification: Elasmobranchii Hexanchiformes Paraorthacodontidae

Reference of the original description
Davis, J.W. (1890)
On the fossil fish of the Cretaceous formations of Scandinavia. Scientific Transactions of the Royal Dublin Society, Series 2, 4, 363–434

Synonyms / new combinations and misspellings
Oxyrhina conica, Paraorthacodus aff. nerviensis, Paraorthacodus nerviensis, Synechodus nerviensis

Paraorthacodus conicus

Synechodus nerviensis
Holotype: IRSNB.: P 01179;


Citation: Paraorthacodus conicus (Davis, 1890): In: Database of fossil elasmobranch teeth, World Wide Web electronic publication, Version 03/2025

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Paraorthacodus conicus (Davis, 1890); Upper Cretaceous, Santonian, Hallecourt, Sum Department, France © Jean-Francois LHOMME,

shark-references Species-ID=4664;
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