Parotodus pavlovi

(Menner, 1928)

Classification: Elasmobranchii Lamniformes Otodontidae

Reference of the original description
Menner, V.V. (1928)
Les Sélaciens du Paléogène de Manghyschlak, d'Emba et du versant oriental d'Oural. «in russian». Bulletin de la Société Impériale des Naturalistes de Moscou, Section Géologique, 6(3–4), 292–338

Image of the original description

Parotodus pavlovi (Menner, 1928), Eocene, Ypresian, Aksuat Well, Emba River, western Kazakhstan, central Asia, Plate 10 Fig. 32-35 Menner, 1928

Synonyms / new combinations and misspellings
Otodus pavlovi

Parotodus pavlovi


Citation: Parotodus pavlovi (Menner, 1928): In: Database of fossil elasmobranch teeth, World Wide Web electronic publication, Version 03/2025

Please send your images of "Parotodus pavlovi" to

Parotodus pavlovi (Menner, 1928), Eocene, Ypresian, France © Jean-Francois LHOMME,

Distribution Geographic
Aksuat Well, Emba River, western Kazakhstan, central Asia [1639]; Marke clay pit, western Belgium [15339]; France, Paris Basin

Distribution Strategraphy
Ypresian, Eocene

shark-references Species-ID=4752;

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The Aktulagay section, west Kazakhstan: a key site fornorthern mid-latitude Early Eocene stratigraphy. Stratigraphy, 10(3): 171–209
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Quantitative analysis of Elasmobranch assemblages from two successive Ypresian (early Eocene) facies at Marke, western Belgium. Geologica Belgica, 15(3), 146–153
Menner, V.V. (1928)
Les Sélaciens du Paléogène de Manghyschlak, d'Emba et du versant oriental d'Oural. «in russian». Bulletin de la Société Impériale des Naturalistes de Moscou, Section Géologique, 6(3–4), 292–338