Pristiophorus suevicus
Jaekel, 1890
Classification: Elasmobranchii Pristiophoriformes Pristiophoridae
Reference of the original description
Über die systematische Stellung und über fossile Reste der Gattung Pristiophorus. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft, 42, 86–120
Über die systematische Stellung und über fossile Reste der Gattung Pristiophorus. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft, 42, 86–120
Pristiophorus suevicus
Pristiophorus suevicus
Citation: Pristiophorus suevicus Jaekel, 1890: In: Database of fossil elasmobranch teeth, World Wide Web electronic publication, Version 03/2025
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Pristiophorus suevicus Jaekel, 1890; Neuhofen Formation, A-B: Mitterdorf near Schmidham, Germany (SNSB-BSPG 2020 LVII-5 and 6); C: Neuhofen, Germany (SNSB-BSPG 2020 LVII-7); © Thomas Reinecke, Bochum

Pristiophorus suevicus Jaekel, 1890; Neuhofen Formation, A-B: Mitterdorf near Schmidham, Germany (SNSB-BSPG 2020 LVII-5 and 6); C: Neuhofen, Germany (SNSB-BSPG 2020 LVII-7); © Thomas Reinecke, Bochum
Diagnose based on oral teeth after Reinecke et al. (2020) p. 117 [29177]: Medium- to large-sized pristiophorid teeth, up to 2.2 mm wide and 1.2 mm high. Teeth in anterior files with upright central cusp and moderately wide, laterally sloping heels lacking cusplets. Labial crown face moderately to strongly convex, commonly smooth; very rarely with a weak, axial ridge in the apical region of the cusp; occasionally, few subvertical folds on the labial face below the heels. Surface of labial visor well rounded, smooth to slightly ripply; apron broad, unilobed or bilobed, well rounded. Distinct mesial/distal cutting edges running continuously from the apex to lateral crown margins. Laterolingual crown faces low and smooth or ornamented with weak folds on a transverse ridge. Uvula conical, broad, and rather short (relative to labio-lingual crown diameter). Root bulky and lower than crown, with a broad axial depression on labial side. Teeth in lateral to lateroposterior files with lower, erect or slightly oblique cusp and relatively broader, less sloping heels than in anterior teeth. Labial crown face similar or less convex, commonly smooth and lacking an axial ridge. Labial visor with weak, broad apron (sometimes bilobed) and transverse ridges (casually) occurring on either sides of the apron, ornamented with short vertical folds and tubercles. Uvula short, rather thick in lateroposterior teeth. Laterolingual crown faces either smooth or slightly ripply, rarely equipped with a short transverse ridge.
Diagnose based on oral teeth after Reinecke et al. (2020) p. 117 [29177]: Medium- to large-sized pristiophorid teeth, up to 2.2 mm wide and 1.2 mm high. Teeth in anterior files with upright central cusp and moderately wide, laterally sloping heels lacking cusplets. Labial crown face moderately to strongly convex, commonly smooth; very rarely with a weak, axial ridge in the apical region of the cusp; occasionally, few subvertical folds on the labial face below the heels. Surface of labial visor well rounded, smooth to slightly ripply; apron broad, unilobed or bilobed, well rounded. Distinct mesial/distal cutting edges running continuously from the apex to lateral crown margins. Laterolingual crown faces low and smooth or ornamented with weak folds on a transverse ridge. Uvula conical, broad, and rather short (relative to labio-lingual crown diameter). Root bulky and lower than crown, with a broad axial depression on labial side. Teeth in lateral to lateroposterior files with lower, erect or slightly oblique cusp and relatively broader, less sloping heels than in anterior teeth. Labial crown face similar or less convex, commonly smooth and lacking an axial ridge. Labial visor with weak, broad apron (sometimes bilobed) and transverse ridges (casually) occurring on either sides of the apron, ornamented with short vertical folds and tubercles. Uvula short, rather thick in lateroposterior teeth. Laterolingual crown faces either smooth or slightly ripply, rarely equipped with a short transverse ridge.
shark-references Species-ID=5027;
valid after Jaekel (1890) p. 116 [1207]; Joleaud (1907) p. 122 [1227]; Reinecke et al. (2020) p. 116 [29177];
shark-references Species-ID=5027;
valid after Jaekel (1890) p. 116 [1207]; Joleaud (1907) p. 122 [1227]; Reinecke et al. (2020) p. 116 [29177];
Trophic relationships in the Early Miocene Upper Marine Molasse of Baden-Württemberg, Southwest Germany, with special emphasis on the elasmobranch fauna. Palaeontologia Electronica, 26(3), Article a46
DOI: 10.26879/1233
The shark and ray teeth of the Lower Miocene (Upper Marine Molasse) from Ballendorf, Baden-Württemberg, Southern Germany. Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments, 104, 153–180
DOI: 10.1007/s12549-023-00582-2
„Beiträge zur Kenntniss der fossilen Fische aus der Molasse von Baltringen“ – Revision zum 200. Geburtstag von Pfarrer Josef Probst. Teil Batoidei (Probst 1877). Jahreshefte der Gesellschaft für Naturkunde Württemberg, 178, 149–204
DOI: 10.26251/jhgfn.178.2022.149-204
Fossil Chondrichthyes from the Neogene of Portugal: Diversity and Occurrence. Anuário do Instituto de Geociências, 44, Article 43395
DOI: 10.11137/1982-3908_2021_44_43395
Haie im Alpenvorland - Fossile Zeugen eines verschwundenen Paradieses. Verlag Anton Pustet, Salzburg, ISBN-10: 3702510230
Sawsharks (Pristiophoriformes, Pristiophoridae) in the Oligocene and Neogene of Europe and their relationships with extant species based on teeth and rostral denticles. Palaeontos, 33, 57‒163
Vertebrados marinos del neógeno del suroeste de la Península Ibérica. Thesis, University of Huelva, Spain
Elasmobranchii in de ontsluiting aan de luchthaven te Borsbeek (prov. Antwerpen, België) Afzettingen WTKG, 36(1), 12–19
Eine Elasmobranchierfauna (Elasmobranchii, Neoselachii) aus der Oberen Meeresmolasse (Ottnangium, Unteres Miozän) des Heigelsberger Grabens bei Teisendorf, Oberbayern. [A Miocene elasmobranch fauna (Elasmobranchii, Neoselachii) from the Upper Marine Molasse of Upper Bavaria (Heigelsberger Ditch, Teisendorf, Bavaria)]. Zitteliana, A54, 23–37
Pisces. In Piller, W.E. (ed.) Catalogus Fossilium Austriae, Band 3 - Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien, ISBN13: 978-3-7001-7238-3, 576 pp.
A new shark and ray fauna from the Middle Miocene of Mazan, Vaucluse (southern France) and its importance in interpreting the paleoenvironment of marine deposits in the southern Rhodanian Basin. Swiss Journal of Palaeontology, 130(2), 241–258
DOI: 10.1007/s13358-011-0025-4
Les Chondrichthyens du Miocène moyen (Serravallien) de Salles (Gironde, France). Cossmanniana, 13, 59–79
Inventaire des Élasmobranches (requins, raies, chimères) des dépôts molassiques du Sud-Luberon (Miocène supérieur), à Cabrières d'Aigues (Vaucluse) France. Courriers scientifiques du Parc Régional du Lubéron, Hors Série, 1–100
Systematic, paleoecologic and paleobiogeographic analysis of the Plio-Pleistocene Mediteranean elasmobranch fauna. Atti Societa Toscana Scienze Naturali, Serie A, 113: 81–88
Fossilien der Sandgrube Ballendorf. Altheim, 120 p., 90 fig., 30 pl.
Die Hai- und Rochenfauna aus dem Miozän (Langenfeldium) von Groß Pampau. Der Geschiebesammler, 31(2), 51–113
Sharks from the Middle and early Upper Miocene from Lisbon, Portugal. A check-list. Comunicações do Instituto Geológico e Mineiro, 82, 141–144
Der Glimmerton-Aufschluß Groß Pampau (Langenfeldium, Obermiozän), seine Entwicklung und Fossilführung. Der Geschiebesammler, 27(4), 143–183
Notizen zu einem Profil der Selachier-Fundstelle Walbertsweiler im Bereich der miozänen Oberen Meeresmolasse Süddeutschlands. Münchner Geowissenschaftliche Abhandlungen Reihe A, Geologie und Paläontologie, 19, 195–208
Le Tortonien supérieur (TVII-b) des environs de Fonte de Telha (Peninsule de Setubal) et ses faunes. Comunicações dos Serviços Geológicos de Portugal, 63, 13–51
Requins de l'Helvétien supérieur et du Tortonien de Lisbonne. Revista da Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa, 16(1), 119–280
Deux faunes de sélaciens du Miocène méditerranéen de France et leur signification bathymétrique. Compte Rendu sommaire des Séances de la Société Géologique de France, 7, 292–293
Die Fossilien der Quarzsande von Benken (Kt. Zürich). Mitteilungen der naturwissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft Winterthur, 17/18, 131–167
Géologie et paléontologie de la Plaine du Comtat et de ses abords. Description des terrains néogènes. Montpellier, Imprimerie Montane, Sicardi et Valentin, 2, 255–285
Géologie et paléontologie de la Plaine du Comtat et de ses abords. Description des terrains néogènes. Mémoire de l'Académie de Vaucluse, 1, 1–252
Über die systematische Stellung und über fossile Reste der Gattung Pristiophorus. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft, 42, 86–120
Trophic relationships in the Early Miocene Upper Marine Molasse of Baden-Württemberg, Southwest Germany, with special emphasis on the elasmobranch fauna. Palaeontologia Electronica, 26(3), Article a46
DOI: 10.26879/1233
The shark and ray teeth of the Lower Miocene (Upper Marine Molasse) from Ballendorf, Baden-Württemberg, Southern Germany. Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments, 104, 153–180
DOI: 10.1007/s12549-023-00582-2

„Beiträge zur Kenntniss der fossilen Fische aus der Molasse von Baltringen“ – Revision zum 200. Geburtstag von Pfarrer Josef Probst. Teil Batoidei (Probst 1877). Jahreshefte der Gesellschaft für Naturkunde Württemberg, 178, 149–204
DOI: 10.26251/jhgfn.178.2022.149-204
Fossil Chondrichthyes from the Neogene of Portugal: Diversity and Occurrence. Anuário do Instituto de Geociências, 44, Article 43395
DOI: 10.11137/1982-3908_2021_44_43395
Haie im Alpenvorland - Fossile Zeugen eines verschwundenen Paradieses. Verlag Anton Pustet, Salzburg, ISBN-10: 3702510230

Sawsharks (Pristiophoriformes, Pristiophoridae) in the Oligocene and Neogene of Europe and their relationships with extant species based on teeth and rostral denticles. Palaeontos, 33, 57‒163
Vertebrados marinos del neógeno del suroeste de la Península Ibérica. Thesis, University of Huelva, Spain

Elasmobranchii in de ontsluiting aan de luchthaven te Borsbeek (prov. Antwerpen, België) Afzettingen WTKG, 36(1), 12–19
Eine Elasmobranchierfauna (Elasmobranchii, Neoselachii) aus der Oberen Meeresmolasse (Ottnangium, Unteres Miozän) des Heigelsberger Grabens bei Teisendorf, Oberbayern. [A Miocene elasmobranch fauna (Elasmobranchii, Neoselachii) from the Upper Marine Molasse of Upper Bavaria (Heigelsberger Ditch, Teisendorf, Bavaria)]. Zitteliana, A54, 23–37

Pisces. In Piller, W.E. (ed.) Catalogus Fossilium Austriae, Band 3 - Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien, ISBN13: 978-3-7001-7238-3, 576 pp.

A new shark and ray fauna from the Middle Miocene of Mazan, Vaucluse (southern France) and its importance in interpreting the paleoenvironment of marine deposits in the southern Rhodanian Basin. Swiss Journal of Palaeontology, 130(2), 241–258
DOI: 10.1007/s13358-011-0025-4

Les Chondrichthyens du Miocène moyen (Serravallien) de Salles (Gironde, France). Cossmanniana, 13, 59–79

Inventaire des Élasmobranches (requins, raies, chimères) des dépôts molassiques du Sud-Luberon (Miocène supérieur), à Cabrières d'Aigues (Vaucluse) France. Courriers scientifiques du Parc Régional du Lubéron, Hors Série, 1–100
Systematic, paleoecologic and paleobiogeographic analysis of the Plio-Pleistocene Mediteranean elasmobranch fauna. Atti Societa Toscana Scienze Naturali, Serie A, 113: 81–88

Fossilien der Sandgrube Ballendorf. Altheim, 120 p., 90 fig., 30 pl.

Die Hai- und Rochenfauna aus dem Miozän (Langenfeldium) von Groß Pampau. Der Geschiebesammler, 31(2), 51–113

Sharks from the Middle and early Upper Miocene from Lisbon, Portugal. A check-list. Comunicações do Instituto Geológico e Mineiro, 82, 141–144

Der Glimmerton-Aufschluß Groß Pampau (Langenfeldium, Obermiozän), seine Entwicklung und Fossilführung. Der Geschiebesammler, 27(4), 143–183

Notizen zu einem Profil der Selachier-Fundstelle Walbertsweiler im Bereich der miozänen Oberen Meeresmolasse Süddeutschlands. Münchner Geowissenschaftliche Abhandlungen Reihe A, Geologie und Paläontologie, 19, 195–208

Le Tortonien supérieur (TVII-b) des environs de Fonte de Telha (Peninsule de Setubal) et ses faunes. Comunicações dos Serviços Geológicos de Portugal, 63, 13–51

Requins de l'Helvétien supérieur et du Tortonien de Lisbonne. Revista da Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa, 16(1), 119–280

Deux faunes de sélaciens du Miocène méditerranéen de France et leur signification bathymétrique. Compte Rendu sommaire des Séances de la Société Géologique de France, 7, 292–293

Die Fossilien der Quarzsande von Benken (Kt. Zürich). Mitteilungen der naturwissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft Winterthur, 17/18, 131–167

Géologie et paléontologie de la Plaine du Comtat et de ses abords. Description des terrains néogènes. Montpellier, Imprimerie Montane, Sicardi et Valentin, 2, 255–285

Géologie et paléontologie de la Plaine du Comtat et de ses abords. Description des terrains néogènes. Mémoire de l'Académie de Vaucluse, 1, 1–252

Über die systematische Stellung und über fossile Reste der Gattung Pristiophorus. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft, 42, 86–120