Protosqualus albertsi

Thies, 1981

Classification: Elasmobranchii Squaliformes Squalidae

Reference of the original description
Thies, D. (1981)
Vier neue Neoselachier-Haiarten aus der NW-deutschen Unterkreide. Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Monatshefte, 1981(8), 475–486

Protosqualus albertsi


Citation: Protosqualus albertsi Thies, 1981: In: Database of fossil elasmobranch teeth, World Wide Web electronic publication, Version 03/2025

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shark-references Species-ID=5187;
valid after Guinot et al. (2013) p. 600 [24889];

Flammensbeck, C.K. & Pollerspöck, J. & Schedel, F.D.B. & Matzke, N.J. & Straube, N. (2018)
Of teeth and trees: A fossil tip-dating approach to infer divergence times of extinct and extant squaliform sharks. Zoologica Scripta, 47(5), 539–557
DOI: 10.1111/zsc.12299
Kriwet, J. & Klug, S. (2009)
Fossil record and origin of squaliform sharks (Chondrichthyes, Neoselachii). In Gallucci, V.F. & McFarlane, G.A. & Bargmann, G.G. (Eds). Biology and management of dogfish sharks. American Fisheries Society. Bethesda, Maryland: 19–38
Thies, D. (1981)
Vier neue Neoselachier-Haiarten aus der NW-deutschen Unterkreide. Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Monatshefte, 1981(8), 475–486