Sclerorhynchus pettersi

Case & Cappetta, 1997

Classification: Elasmobranchii Rajiformes Sclerorhynchidae

Reference of the original description
Case, G.R. & Cappetta, H. (1997)
A new selachian fauna from the Late Maastrichtian of Texas (Upper Cretaceous/Navarro Group; Kemp Formation). Münchner Geowissenschaftliche Abhandlungen Reihe A, Geologie und Paläontologie, 34, 131–189, 10 fig., 15 pl.

Synonyms / new combinations and misspellings
Sclerorhynchus cf. pettersi

Sclerorhynchus pettersi
Holotype: AMNH.: 12188; Paratype: AMNH.: 12189;


Citation: Sclerorhynchus pettersi Case & Cappetta, 1997: In: Database of fossil elasmobranch teeth, World Wide Web electronic publication, Version 03/2025

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Sclerorhynchus pettersi Case & Cappetta, 1997 Holotype © G. Case

Distribution Geographic
South Sulphur River, near Commerce, Hunt County, Texas [401]; one mile southeast of Arneytown, Monmouth County, New Jersey [404]

Distribution Strategraphy
Late Maastrichtian (Navarroan), Kemp Clay Formation [401]; Late Maastrichtian (New Egypt Formation) [404]

less than one dozen rostral teeth; one oral tooth [401]; two rostral spine [404]

Diagnosis after CASE & CAPPETTA, 1997 [401]: Rostral teeth of a Sclerorhynchus design but with a well differentiated posterior barb a little bit above the basal bulge. Oral teeth very low, with a cusp strongly bent lingually. Labial face very developed and bearing some radiating folds some of them dividing before the labial margin. Root slightly higher than the crown; root lobes wide with a flat basal face. There is a pair of large margino-lingual foramina.

shark-references Species-ID=6241;
Some authors described rostral spines in open nomenclature as Sclerorhynchus cf. pettersi, eg. Smith (1999) [2244] and Smith et al. (1999) [3462] from Belgium or Case et al. (2017) from the Peedee Formation of North Carolina, USA [25344]

Guinot, G. & Condamine, F.L. (2023)
Global impact and selectivity of the Cretaceous-Paleogene mass extinction among sharks, skates, and rays. Science, 379, 802–806
DOI: 10.1126/science.abn2080
Case, G.R. & Cook, T.D. & Sadorf, E.M. & Shannon, K.R. (2017)
A late Maastrichtian selachian assemblage from the Peedee Formation of North Carolina, USA. Vertebrate Anatomy Morphology Palaeontology, 3, 63–80
Case, G.R. & Borodin, P.D. & Leggett, J.J. (2001)
Fossil selachians from the New Egypt Formation (Upper Cretaceous, Late Maastrichtian) of Arneytown, Monmouth County, New Jersey. Palaeontographica, Abt. A, 261(4–6), 113–124
Smith, R. & Smith, T.H. & Steurbaut, E. (1999)
Les élasmobranches de la transition Paléocène-Eocène de Dormaal (Belgique) : implications biostratigraphiques et paléobiogéographiques. Bulletin de la Société géologique de France, 170(3), 327–334
Smith, R. (1999)
Elasmobranches nouveaux de la transition Paléocène-Eocène de Dormaal (Belgique). Bulletin de l'Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique, 69, 173–185
Case, G.R. & Cappetta, H. (1997)
A new selachian fauna from the Late Maastrichtian of Texas (Upper Cretaceous/Navarro Group; Kemp Formation). Münchner Geowissenschaftliche Abhandlungen Reihe A, Geologie und Paläontologie, 34, 131–189, 10 fig., 15 pl.