Sphyrna laevissima
(Cope, 1867)
Classification: Elasmobranchii Carcharhiniformes Sphyrnidae
Reference of the original description
An addition to the vertebrate fauna of the Miocene period, with a synopsis of the extinct Cetacea of the United States. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 19, 138–156
An addition to the vertebrate fauna of the Miocene period, with a synopsis of the extinct Cetacea of the United States. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 19, 138–156
Synonyms / new combinations and misspellings
Carcharias laevissimus, Carcharias (Physodon) kraussi, Carcharias (Scoliodon) cf. krausi, Carcharias (Scoliodon) krausi, Carcharias (Scoliodon) kraussi, Cestracion laevissimus, Cestracion (Sphyrna) laevissimus, Galeocerdo laevissimus, Negaprion kraussei, Negaprion kraussi, Sphyrna aff. laevissima, Sphyrna cf. laevissima
Carcharias laevissimus, Carcharias (Physodon) kraussi, Carcharias (Scoliodon) cf. krausi, Carcharias (Scoliodon) krausi, Carcharias (Scoliodon) kraussi, Cestracion laevissimus, Cestracion (Sphyrna) laevissimus, Galeocerdo laevissimus, Negaprion kraussei, Negaprion kraussi, Sphyrna aff. laevissima, Sphyrna cf. laevissima
Sphyrna laevissima
Carcharias (Scoliodon) kraussi
Syntype: GPIT: PV-117923; GPIT: PV-117924; GPIT: PV-117925; GPIT: PV-76639;
Sphyrna laevissima
Carcharias (Scoliodon) kraussi
Syntype: GPIT: PV-117923; GPIT: PV-117924; GPIT: PV-117925; GPIT: PV-76639;
Citation: Sphyrna laevissima (Cope, 1867): In: Database of fossil elasmobranch teeth www.shark-references.com, World Wide Web electronic publication, Version 03/2025
shark-references Species-ID=6574;
valid after Reinecke et al. (2011) p. 81 [13836]; Bor et al. (2012) p. 59 [17759]; Reinecke & Radwański (2015) p. 13 [23540]; Szabó et al. (2021) p. 404 [30347]; Adnet & Charpentier (2022) p. 3 [30557];
shark-references Species-ID=6574;
valid after Reinecke et al. (2011) p. 81 [13836]; Bor et al. (2012) p. 59 [17759]; Reinecke & Radwański (2015) p. 13 [23540]; Szabó et al. (2021) p. 404 [30347]; Adnet & Charpentier (2022) p. 3 [30557];
Fossil chondrichthyans of the Carpathian-Pannonian Region (in Hungarian: A Kárpát-Pannon-térség fosszilis porcoshalai). Hungarian Natural History Museum, Dabasi Nyomda Zrt., Budapest. 255 pages, ISBN 978-963-9877-52-8
Faszination Haie – Die Welt der fossilen und der lebenden Haie. Der Steinkern, 58, 1–116
New records and specimens to the Badenian fish fauna of Nyirád (Hungary), including the first report of Galeocerdo cuvier from the Middle Miocene of Europe. Fragmenta Palaeontologica Hungarica, 38, 53–74
DOI: 10.17111/FragmPalHung.2023.38.53
„Beiträge zur Kenntniss der fossilen Fische aus der Molasse von Baltringen“ – Revision zum 200. Geburtstag von Pfarrer Josef Probst. Teil Hayfische (Selachoidei A. Günther) (Probst 1878). Jahreshefte der Gesellschaft für Naturkunde Württemberg, 179, 197–255
DOI: 10.26251/jhgfn.179.2023.197-255
„Beiträge zur Kenntniss der fossilen Fische aus der Molasse von Baltringen“ – Revision zum 200. Geburtstag von Pfarrer Josef Probst. Teil Hayfische (Selachoidei A. Günther) (Probst 1878). Jahreshefte der Gesellschaft für Naturkunde Württemberg, 179, 197–255
DOI: 10.26251/jhgfn.179.2023.197-255
Trophic relationships in the Early Miocene Upper Marine Molasse of Baden-Württemberg, Southwest Germany, with special emphasis on the elasmobranch fauna. Palaeontologia Electronica, 26(3), Article a46
DOI: 10.26879/1233
Combining palaeontological and neontological data shows a delayed diversification burst of carcharhiniform sharks likely mediated by environmental change. Scientific Reports, 12, Article 21906
DOI: 10.1038/s41598-022-26010-7
Combining palaeontological and neontological data shows a delayed diversification burst of carcharhiniform sharks likely mediated by environmental change. Scientific Reports, 12, Article 21906
DOI: 10.1038/s41598-022-26010-7
A new elasmobranch fauna from the early Miocene of Sharbithat (Sultanate of Oman) reveals the teeth of an ancient fantail stingray. Geologica Acta, 20.2, 1–13
DOI: 10.1344/GeologicaActa2022.20.2
A diverse Miocene fish assemblage (Chondrichthyes and Osteichthyes) from the Pécs-Danitzpuszta sand pit (Mecsek Mts, Hungary). Földtani Közlöny, 151(4), 363–410
DOI: 10.23928/foldt.kozl.2021.151.4.363
Haie im Alpenvorland - Fossile Zeugen eines verschwundenen Paradieses. Verlag Anton Pustet, Salzburg, ISBN-10: 3702510230
Feeding ecology has shaped the evolution of modern sharks. Current Biology, 31(23), 5138–5148
DOI: 10.1016/j.cub.2021.09.028
Feeding ecology has shaped the evolution of modern sharks. Current Biology, 31(23), 5138–5148
DOI: 10.1016/j.cub.2021.09.028
Supplementary data on the Middle Miocene (Badenian) fish assemblage of Nyirád (Hungary): revision and new results on faunal composition and paleoenvironment. Palaeontographica, Abt. A, 315(5–6), 121–191
DOI: 10.1127/pala/2020/0094
Een vroeg-miocene fauna uit het Zand van Kiel (Formatie van Berchem) bij Post X in Berchem (Antwerpen). Afzettingen WTKG, 40(4), 83–100
Neogene Caribbean elasmobranchs: diversity, paleoecology and paleoenvironmental significance of the Cocinetas Basin assemblage (Guajira Peninsula, Colombia). Biogeosciences, 16, 33–56
DOI: 10.5194/bg-16-33-2019
The Cartilaginous Fishes (Chimaeras, Sharks, and Rays) of Calvert Cliffs, Maryland, USA. In The Geology and vertebrate paleontology of Calvert Cliffs, Maryland / edited by Stephen J. Godfrey: 45-157
Neogene sharks and rays from the Brazilian ‘Blue Amazon’. PLoS ONE, 12(8), Article e0182740
DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0182740
A new early Miocene (Aquitanian) Elasmobranchii assemblage from the La Guajira Peninsula, Colombia. Ameghiniana, 53(2), 77–99
DOI: 10.5710/AMGH.26.10.2015.2931
An Early Neogene Elasmobranch fauna from the southern Caribbean (Western Venezuela). Palaeontologia Electronica, 19.2.27A, 1–32
Fossil sharks and batoids from the Korytnica-clays, early Badenian (Langhian, Middle Miocene), Fore-Carpathian basin, central Poland – a revision and updated record. Palaeontos, 28, 1–32
Pisces. In Piller, W.E. (ed.) Catalogus Fossilium Austriae, Band 3 - Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien, ISBN13: 978-3-7001-7238-3, 576 pp.
Les assemblages de vertébrés dans deux sites paléontologiques du bassin miocène de Savigné-sur-Lathan/Noyant-sous-le-Lude: La Guimardière et Pelmer (Maine-et-Loire, France). [Clusters of vertebrates in two paleontological sites of the Savigné-sur-Lathan/Noyantsous-le-Lude Miocene Basin: La Guimardière and Pelmer (Maine-et-Loire, France)]. Geodiversitas, 35(1), 67–103
DOI: 10.5252/g2013n1a5
Miocene Chondrichthyes from Winterswijk - Miste, the Netherlands. Palaeontos, 21, 1–136
The elasmobranch fauna of the late Burdigalian, Miocene, at Werder-Uesen, Lower Saxony, Germany, and its relationships with Early Miocene faunas in the North Atlantic, Central Paratethys and Mediterranean. Palaeontos, 20, 1–170
Variation in Composition and Abundance of Miocene Shark Teeth from Calvert Cliffs, Maryland. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 30(1), 26–35
DOI: 10.1080/02724630903409063
Fossil Shark Teeth of the World. Lamna Books, 170 p
A Middle Eocene Selachian Fauna from the Castle Hayne Limestone Formation of Duplin County, North Carolina. Münchner Geowissenschaftliche Abhandlungen Reihe A, Geologie und Paläontologie, 39, 17–32, 7 pl., 1 fig.
Ichthyofaunen aus dem atlantischen Tertiär der USA. Leipziger Geowissenschaften, 9–10, 1–360
Late Mesozoic and Cenozoic fish faunas of Japan. Island Arc, 3(4), 255–269
DOI: 10.1111/j.1440-1738.1994.tb00115.x
Fossil Sharks of the Chesapeake Bay Region. Egan Rees and Boyer, Inc. Columbia. 146 pp.
Die Neoselachier der Paleokaribik (Pisces: Elasmobranchii). Courier Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg, 119, 1–102
Stand der Untersuchungen an der Chondrichthyes-Fauna des nordwestdeutschen Tertiärs. Beiträge zur regionalen Geologie der Erde, 18, 503–509

Miocene fossils of the Mizunami group, central Japan. 3. Elasmobranchs. Monographs of the Mizunami Fossil Museum, 5, 1–99
Lithostratigraphical and biostratigraphical subdivision of Tertiary deposits (Oligocene - Pliocene) in the Winterswijk - Almelo region (eastern part of the Netherlands). Scripta Geologica, 29, 1–167
Les Sélaciens du Miocène de la région de Montpellier. Palaeovertebrata, Mémoire extraordinaire 1970, 1–139
Sur la faune ichthyologique de la Formation de Bissex Hill et de la Série océanique, de l'Ile de la Barbade, et sur l'âge de ces formations. Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae, 59(1), 493–516
Contribution à l'étude des poissons fossiles des Antilles. Mémoires Suisses de Paléontologie, 74, 1–95
Notes on African Tertiary sharks. Bulletin of the Geological Survey of Nigeria, 5(3), 319–325
Contribuiciao para o conhecimento da fauna ictiológica do Miocénico Marinho de Portugal Continental. Revista da Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa, Serie C, 4, 39–119
Os peixes miocénicos portugueses. Comunicações dos Serviços Geológicos de Portugal, 31, 308–412
Contribution à l'étude des faunes ichthyologiques marines des terrains tertiaires de la Plaine Côtière Atlantique et du centre des Etats-Unis. Les synchronismes des formations tertiaires des deux côtés de l'Atlantique. Mémoires de la Société géologique de France, 45(2–4), 1–110
Die Fossilien der Quarzsande von Benken (Kt. Zürich). Mitteilungen der naturwissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft Winterthur, 17/18, 131–167
Die miocäne Selachierfauna von Schwaben und ihre Beziehungen zu anderen Tertiärfaunen. Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie, Geologie und Paläontologie, Beilage Band 57: 466–503
Les Poissons de la Molasse suisse. Mémoires de la Société Paléontologique Suisse, 47, 57–119
Catalog of the fossil fishes in the Museum of the Buffalo Society of Natural Sciences. Bulletin of the Buffalo Society of Natural Sciences, 12, 1–346
Géologie et paléontologie de la Plaine du Comtat et de ses abords. Description des terrains néogènes. Montpellier, Imprimerie Montane, Sicardi et Valentin, 2, 255–285
Géologie et paléontologie de la Plaine du Comtat et de ses abords. Description des terrains néogènes. Mémoire de l'Académie de Vaucluse, 1, 1–252
Kövült czápafogak és emlősmaradványok Felsőesztergályról, Nógrád vármegyében: Földtani Közlöny, 34, 190–203
Fossile Haifischzähne und Säugetierreste von Felsöesztergály im Komitate Nógrád. Földtani Közlöny, 34, 260–273
Tarnócz Nógrád megyében, mint kövült czápafogaknak új gazdag lelőhelye. Földtani Közlöny, 33, 22–44
Tarnócz im Komitat Nógrád, als neuer reicher Fundort fossiler Haifischzähne. Földtani Közlöny, 33, 139–164
Bibliography and catalogue of the fossil Vertebrata of North America. Bulletin of the United States Geological and Geographical Survey of the Territories, 179, 1–868
Beiträge zur Kenntniss der fossilen Fische aus der Molasse von Baltringen. Hayfische. Jahreshefte des Vereins für vaterländische Naturkunde in Württemberg, 34, 113–154

Fossil chondrichthyans of the Carpathian-Pannonian Region (in Hungarian: A Kárpát-Pannon-térség fosszilis porcoshalai). Hungarian Natural History Museum, Dabasi Nyomda Zrt., Budapest. 255 pages, ISBN 978-963-9877-52-8

Faszination Haie – Die Welt der fossilen und der lebenden Haie. Der Steinkern, 58, 1–116

New records and specimens to the Badenian fish fauna of Nyirád (Hungary), including the first report of Galeocerdo cuvier from the Middle Miocene of Europe. Fragmenta Palaeontologica Hungarica, 38, 53–74
DOI: 10.17111/FragmPalHung.2023.38.53

„Beiträge zur Kenntniss der fossilen Fische aus der Molasse von Baltringen“ – Revision zum 200. Geburtstag von Pfarrer Josef Probst. Teil Hayfische (Selachoidei A. Günther) (Probst 1878). Jahreshefte der Gesellschaft für Naturkunde Württemberg, 179, 197–255
DOI: 10.26251/jhgfn.179.2023.197-255

„Beiträge zur Kenntniss der fossilen Fische aus der Molasse von Baltringen“ – Revision zum 200. Geburtstag von Pfarrer Josef Probst. Teil Hayfische (Selachoidei A. Günther) (Probst 1878). Jahreshefte der Gesellschaft für Naturkunde Württemberg, 179, 197–255
DOI: 10.26251/jhgfn.179.2023.197-255
Trophic relationships in the Early Miocene Upper Marine Molasse of Baden-Württemberg, Southwest Germany, with special emphasis on the elasmobranch fauna. Palaeontologia Electronica, 26(3), Article a46
DOI: 10.26879/1233
Combining palaeontological and neontological data shows a delayed diversification burst of carcharhiniform sharks likely mediated by environmental change. Scientific Reports, 12, Article 21906
DOI: 10.1038/s41598-022-26010-7
Combining palaeontological and neontological data shows a delayed diversification burst of carcharhiniform sharks likely mediated by environmental change. Scientific Reports, 12, Article 21906
DOI: 10.1038/s41598-022-26010-7
A new elasmobranch fauna from the early Miocene of Sharbithat (Sultanate of Oman) reveals the teeth of an ancient fantail stingray. Geologica Acta, 20.2, 1–13
DOI: 10.1344/GeologicaActa2022.20.2
A diverse Miocene fish assemblage (Chondrichthyes and Osteichthyes) from the Pécs-Danitzpuszta sand pit (Mecsek Mts, Hungary). Földtani Közlöny, 151(4), 363–410
DOI: 10.23928/foldt.kozl.2021.151.4.363
Haie im Alpenvorland - Fossile Zeugen eines verschwundenen Paradieses. Verlag Anton Pustet, Salzburg, ISBN-10: 3702510230
Feeding ecology has shaped the evolution of modern sharks. Current Biology, 31(23), 5138–5148
DOI: 10.1016/j.cub.2021.09.028
Feeding ecology has shaped the evolution of modern sharks. Current Biology, 31(23), 5138–5148
DOI: 10.1016/j.cub.2021.09.028

Supplementary data on the Middle Miocene (Badenian) fish assemblage of Nyirád (Hungary): revision and new results on faunal composition and paleoenvironment. Palaeontographica, Abt. A, 315(5–6), 121–191
DOI: 10.1127/pala/2020/0094
Een vroeg-miocene fauna uit het Zand van Kiel (Formatie van Berchem) bij Post X in Berchem (Antwerpen). Afzettingen WTKG, 40(4), 83–100
Neogene Caribbean elasmobranchs: diversity, paleoecology and paleoenvironmental significance of the Cocinetas Basin assemblage (Guajira Peninsula, Colombia). Biogeosciences, 16, 33–56
DOI: 10.5194/bg-16-33-2019
The Cartilaginous Fishes (Chimaeras, Sharks, and Rays) of Calvert Cliffs, Maryland, USA. In The Geology and vertebrate paleontology of Calvert Cliffs, Maryland / edited by Stephen J. Godfrey: 45-157

Neogene sharks and rays from the Brazilian ‘Blue Amazon’. PLoS ONE, 12(8), Article e0182740
DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0182740
A new early Miocene (Aquitanian) Elasmobranchii assemblage from the La Guajira Peninsula, Colombia. Ameghiniana, 53(2), 77–99
DOI: 10.5710/AMGH.26.10.2015.2931
An Early Neogene Elasmobranch fauna from the southern Caribbean (Western Venezuela). Palaeontologia Electronica, 19.2.27A, 1–32

Fossil sharks and batoids from the Korytnica-clays, early Badenian (Langhian, Middle Miocene), Fore-Carpathian basin, central Poland – a revision and updated record. Palaeontos, 28, 1–32

Pisces. In Piller, W.E. (ed.) Catalogus Fossilium Austriae, Band 3 - Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien, ISBN13: 978-3-7001-7238-3, 576 pp.
Les assemblages de vertébrés dans deux sites paléontologiques du bassin miocène de Savigné-sur-Lathan/Noyant-sous-le-Lude: La Guimardière et Pelmer (Maine-et-Loire, France). [Clusters of vertebrates in two paleontological sites of the Savigné-sur-Lathan/Noyantsous-le-Lude Miocene Basin: La Guimardière and Pelmer (Maine-et-Loire, France)]. Geodiversitas, 35(1), 67–103
DOI: 10.5252/g2013n1a5

Miocene Chondrichthyes from Winterswijk - Miste, the Netherlands. Palaeontos, 21, 1–136

The elasmobranch fauna of the late Burdigalian, Miocene, at Werder-Uesen, Lower Saxony, Germany, and its relationships with Early Miocene faunas in the North Atlantic, Central Paratethys and Mediterranean. Palaeontos, 20, 1–170

Variation in Composition and Abundance of Miocene Shark Teeth from Calvert Cliffs, Maryland. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 30(1), 26–35
DOI: 10.1080/02724630903409063

Fossil Shark Teeth of the World. Lamna Books, 170 p

A Middle Eocene Selachian Fauna from the Castle Hayne Limestone Formation of Duplin County, North Carolina. Münchner Geowissenschaftliche Abhandlungen Reihe A, Geologie und Paläontologie, 39, 17–32, 7 pl., 1 fig.

Ichthyofaunen aus dem atlantischen Tertiär der USA. Leipziger Geowissenschaften, 9–10, 1–360

Late Mesozoic and Cenozoic fish faunas of Japan. Island Arc, 3(4), 255–269
DOI: 10.1111/j.1440-1738.1994.tb00115.x

Fossil Sharks of the Chesapeake Bay Region. Egan Rees and Boyer, Inc. Columbia. 146 pp.

Die Neoselachier der Paleokaribik (Pisces: Elasmobranchii). Courier Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg, 119, 1–102

Stand der Untersuchungen an der Chondrichthyes-Fauna des nordwestdeutschen Tertiärs. Beiträge zur regionalen Geologie der Erde, 18, 503–509

Miocene fossils of the Mizunami group, central Japan. 3. Elasmobranchs. Monographs of the Mizunami Fossil Museum, 5, 1–99
Lithostratigraphical and biostratigraphical subdivision of Tertiary deposits (Oligocene - Pliocene) in the Winterswijk - Almelo region (eastern part of the Netherlands). Scripta Geologica, 29, 1–167

Les Sélaciens du Miocène de la région de Montpellier. Palaeovertebrata, Mémoire extraordinaire 1970, 1–139
Sur la faune ichthyologique de la Formation de Bissex Hill et de la Série océanique, de l'Ile de la Barbade, et sur l'âge de ces formations. Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae, 59(1), 493–516

Contribution à l'étude des poissons fossiles des Antilles. Mémoires Suisses de Paléontologie, 74, 1–95

Notes on African Tertiary sharks. Bulletin of the Geological Survey of Nigeria, 5(3), 319–325

Contribuiciao para o conhecimento da fauna ictiológica do Miocénico Marinho de Portugal Continental. Revista da Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa, Serie C, 4, 39–119

Os peixes miocénicos portugueses. Comunicações dos Serviços Geológicos de Portugal, 31, 308–412

Contribution à l'étude des faunes ichthyologiques marines des terrains tertiaires de la Plaine Côtière Atlantique et du centre des Etats-Unis. Les synchronismes des formations tertiaires des deux côtés de l'Atlantique. Mémoires de la Société géologique de France, 45(2–4), 1–110

Die Fossilien der Quarzsande von Benken (Kt. Zürich). Mitteilungen der naturwissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft Winterthur, 17/18, 131–167

Die miocäne Selachierfauna von Schwaben und ihre Beziehungen zu anderen Tertiärfaunen. Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie, Geologie und Paläontologie, Beilage Band 57: 466–503

Les Poissons de la Molasse suisse. Mémoires de la Société Paléontologique Suisse, 47, 57–119

Catalog of the fossil fishes in the Museum of the Buffalo Society of Natural Sciences. Bulletin of the Buffalo Society of Natural Sciences, 12, 1–346

Géologie et paléontologie de la Plaine du Comtat et de ses abords. Description des terrains néogènes. Montpellier, Imprimerie Montane, Sicardi et Valentin, 2, 255–285

Géologie et paléontologie de la Plaine du Comtat et de ses abords. Description des terrains néogènes. Mémoire de l'Académie de Vaucluse, 1, 1–252
Kövült czápafogak és emlősmaradványok Felsőesztergályról, Nógrád vármegyében: Földtani Közlöny, 34, 190–203
Fossile Haifischzähne und Säugetierreste von Felsöesztergály im Komitate Nógrád. Földtani Közlöny, 34, 260–273

Tarnócz Nógrád megyében, mint kövült czápafogaknak új gazdag lelőhelye. Földtani Közlöny, 33, 22–44
Tarnócz im Komitat Nógrád, als neuer reicher Fundort fossiler Haifischzähne. Földtani Közlöny, 33, 139–164

Bibliography and catalogue of the fossil Vertebrata of North America. Bulletin of the United States Geological and Geographical Survey of the Territories, 179, 1–868

Beiträge zur Kenntniss der fossilen Fische aus der Molasse von Baltringen. Hayfische. Jahreshefte des Vereins für vaterländische Naturkunde in Württemberg, 34, 113–154