Squatina minor

Eastman, 1911

Classification: Elasmobranchii Squatiniformes Squatinidae

Reference of the original description
Eastman, C.R. (1911)
New elasmobranchs from Solnhofen in the Carnegie Museum. American Journal of Science, Series 4, 31, 399–404

Image of the original description

Squatina minor Eastman, 1911; original figure of Eastman, 1911 (pl. III), Carnegie Museum of Natural History No. 4737

Squatina minor
Holotype: CM.: 4737;

Images of types


Citation: Squatina minor Eastman, 1911: In: Database of fossil elasmobranch teeth www.shark-references.com, World Wide Web electronic publication, Version 03/2025

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Original diagnose after Eastman (1911) p. 400 [752]: Type. Complete skeleton, Carnegie Museum (Cat. No. 4737). In general like the contemporary species of S. alifera, but distinguished from it by its smaller size (total length 49 cm ), relatively narrower disk, and more posterior position of both dorsal fins. The first dorsal arises at a point about one-third the distance between the hinder extremity of the pelvic fins and tip of the tail, the second dorsal midway between the latter point and origin of the first dorsal. Dentition and other characters as in the typical species. The differential characters given in the foregoing diagnosis are considered of sufficient weight to warrant a specific separation between the form here described and its larger contemporary which accompanies it in the same locality, S. alifera. Not more than two or three examples of the latter form have thus far been brought to light, so far as published information shows, and the holotype of the new species here made known is unique. Hence the genus Squatina must be regarded as represented very sparsely, and by not more than three species, at the time of its advent in the Upper Jura of Solenhofen.

shark-references Species-ID=6934;
valid after Eastman (1911) p. 403 [752]; Eastman (1914) p. 399 [14497];

Eastman, C.R. (1914)
Catalog of the fossil fishes in the Carnegie Museum. Part IV. Descriptive Catalog of the fossil fishes from the lithographic stone of Solnhofen, Bavaria. Memoirs of the Carnegie Museum, 6(7), 389–423
Eastman, C.R. (1911)
New elasmobranchs from Solnhofen in the Carnegie Museum. American Journal of Science, Series 4, 31, 399–404