Synechodus dispar
(Reuss, 1846)
Classification: Elasmobranchii Synechodontiformes Palaeospinacidae
Reference of the original description
Die Versteinerungen der böhmischen Kreideformation. Mit Abbildungen der neuen oder weniger bekannten Arten. Abtheilung 2: 148 p., pl. 14–51. Stuttgart(Schweizerbart)
Die Versteinerungen der böhmischen Kreideformation. Mit Abbildungen der neuen oder weniger bekannten Arten. Abtheilung 2: 148 p., pl. 14–51. Stuttgart(Schweizerbart)
Synonyms / new combinations and misspellings
Hybodus dispar
Hybodus dispar
Synechodus dispar
Synechodus dispar
Citation: Synechodus dispar (Reuss, 1846): In: Database of fossil elasmobranch teeth, World Wide Web electronic publication, Version 03/2025
shark-references Species-ID=7059;
shark-references Species-ID=7059;
A new shark species of the genus Galeorhinus (Chondrichthyes, Triakidae) from the Cenomanian of the lower Volga River basin. Paleontological Journal, 34(4), 435–438
(On the relationships between the families Lamnidae and Odontaspidae and on new lamnid genera from the Late Cretaceous). «in russian». Trudy geol. Muz. «A.P. Karpinskogo» Akad. Nauk S.S.S.R., 1: 110–117, 2fig.
(On fossil fishes of provinces of the Kiev Academic District. First issue. Placoid fishes. Placoidei Ag. and Ganoid fishes. Ganoidei Ag.) «in russian». In Natural History of the Provinces of the Kiev Academic District. Paleontology. Systematic part. Kiev, 87 p. + IX pl.
Die Fische der Vorwelt, mit steter Berücksichtigung der lebenden Fische. Erster Band: Wirbelthiere. Dritte Abtheilung: Fische: i–xii, 1–467. Leipzig (Brockhaus).
A new shark species of the genus Galeorhinus (Chondrichthyes, Triakidae) from the Cenomanian of the lower Volga River basin. Paleontological Journal, 34(4), 435–438
(On the relationships between the families Lamnidae and Odontaspidae and on new lamnid genera from the Late Cretaceous). «in russian». Trudy geol. Muz. «A.P. Karpinskogo» Akad. Nauk S.S.S.R., 1: 110–117, 2fig.

(On fossil fishes of provinces of the Kiev Academic District. First issue. Placoid fishes. Placoidei Ag. and Ganoid fishes. Ganoidei Ag.) «in russian». In Natural History of the Provinces of the Kiev Academic District. Paleontology. Systematic part. Kiev, 87 p. + IX pl.
Die Fische der Vorwelt, mit steter Berücksichtigung der lebenden Fische. Erster Band: Wirbelthiere. Dritte Abtheilung: Fische: i–xii, 1–467. Leipzig (Brockhaus).