Apristurus ovicorrugatus

White, O'Neill, Devloo-Delva, Nakaya & Iglésias, 2023

Classification: Elasmobranchii Carcharhiniformes Pentanchidae

Reference of the original description
White, W.T. & O'Neill, H.L. & Devloo-Delva, F. & Nakaya, K. & Iglésias, S.P. (2023)
What came first, the shark or the egg? Discovery of a new species of deepwater shark by investigation of egg case morphology. Journal of Fish Biology, 103(1), 73–90

Images of types

Description :

Citation: Apristurus ovicorrugatus White, O'Neill, Devloo-Delva, Nakaya & Iglésias, 2023: In: Database of modern sharks, rays and chimaeras, www.shark-references.com, World Wide Web electronic publication, Version 03/2025

Please send your images of "Apristurus ovicorrugatus" to info@shark-references.com

Lateral view of Apristurus ovicorrugatus n. sp. holotype (CSIRO H 3161-01, adult female 467 mm LT): (a) fresh; (b) preserved © White, O'Neill, Devloo-Delva, Nakaya & Iglésias, 2023
Common names
eng Ridged-egg catshark

Short Description
Original diagnosis of White, O'Neill, Devloo-Delva, Nakaya & Iglésias, 2023 [31770]: A small Apristurus species with the following combination of characters: eyes with shiny white iris (when fresh); head moderately long and relatively narrow, head length 23.8% LT, interorbital space 6.4% LT; snout moderately elongate, preoral length 10.0% LT, preorbital length 10.9% LT; mouth wide, its width 9.5% LT; pelvic–anal space 5.9% LT; anal fin large, base length 15.2% LT, posterior margin 11.5% LT; prepectoral length relatively long, about 21.1% LT; labial furrows long, not confined to mouth corners, uppers longer than lowers (3.8 vs. 2.4% LT); no enlarged denticles on upper or lower caudal fin; duodenum of intestine moderately sized, 15 intestinal spiral valves; 35 monospondylous centra; 33 precaudal-diplospondylous vertebrae; precaudal centra 68; females mature by 467 mm LT; egg case small (50.4–60.6 mm long), with 5–7 strong T-shaped ridges on dorsal and ventral surfaces.

off northwestern Australia (southwest of Rowley Shoals and northwest of Dampier Archipelago) in depths of 410 to 550 m (Fig. 14) and one egg case paratype (AMS IB.1389) collected off the Northern Territory [31770]

Size / Weight / Age
TL (max, holotype): 467 mm [31770]

marine; depth 410 to 550 m (only types) [31770]

Tooth files on upper jaw 36 + 41 = 77, on lower jaw 36 + 38 = 74. Teeth on upper jaw possessing mostly 5 (rarely 4) cusps, either 2–1–2 or 2–1–1 arrangement; 3rd tooth from the symphysis with moderately long central cusp, about 1.5 times length of adjacent cusps, outermost cusps much smaller than cusps either side of central cusp; cusps becoming slightly posteriorly projecting from about 10th tooth from symphysis. Teeth on lower jaw with 5–7 cusps, mostly 5; 3rd tooth from symphysis with long central cusp, about twice length of adjacent cusps, outermost cusps much smaller than cusps either side of central cusp; posteriormost teeth with numerous cusps in maple leaf-like outline (mostly with 5 cusps), its central cusp not conspicuously elongated. No naked space at symphysis of upper jaw. [31770]

shark-references Species-ID=16448;