Cantioscyllium cf. decipiens

Woodward, 1889

Classification: Elasmobranchii Orectolobiformes Ginglymostomatidae

Reference of the original description
Woodward, A.S. (1889)
Catalogue of the fossil fishes in the British Museum. Part. I. British Museum (Natural History): 474 p., fig., 17 pl.

Cantioscyllium cf. decipiens


Citation: Cantioscyllium cf. decipiens Woodward, 1889: In: Database of fossil elasmobranch teeth, World Wide Web electronic publication, Version 02/2025

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Original description of Woodward, 1889 [2593]: The type specimen, consisting of the imperfect mandibular and hyoid arches, pectoral arch, and the anterior portion of the vertebral column, figured by Agassiz, tom. cit. pl. xxxviii. fig. 2 (Scyllious antiquus); Lower Chalk, Burham, Kent. Several teeth have been exposed by the removal of matrix since the publication of the original figure and description; and these exhibit the character noted in the foregoing generic and specific diagnoses.

shark-references Species-ID=690;

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Un nouveau gisement à microrestes de vertébrés continentaux et littoraux dans le Cénomanien inférieur de Fouras (Charente-Maritime, Sud-Ouest de la France). Comptes Rendus Palevol, 4(1), 95–107
DOI: 10.1016/j.crpv.2004.11.006