Carcharhinus galapagensis
(Snodgrass & Heller, 1905)
Galapagos shark
Classification: Elasmobranchii Carcharhiniformes Carcharhinidae
Reference of the original description
Papers from the Hopkins-Stanford Galapagos Expedition, 1898-1899. XVII. Shore fishes of the Revillagigedo, Clipperton, Cocos and Galapagos islands. Proceedings of the Washington Academy of Sciences, 6, 333–427
Papers from the Hopkins-Stanford Galapagos Expedition, 1898-1899. XVII. Shore fishes of the Revillagigedo, Clipperton, Cocos and Galapagos islands. Proceedings of the Washington Academy of Sciences, 6, 333–427
Image of the original description
No image in first description.
No image in first description.
Synonyms / new combinations and misspellings
Carcharhinus cf. galapagensis, Carcharias galapagensis, Carcharinus galapagensis, Eulamia galapagensis
Carcharhinus cf. galapagensis, Carcharias galapagensis, Carcharinus galapagensis, Eulamia galapagensis
Carcharhinus galapagensis
Holotype: SU: 12324 (apparently lost) Paratype: SU: 12325 SU: 12326 (apparently lost)
Carcharhinus galapagensis
Holotype: SU: 12324 (apparently lost) Paratype: SU: 12325 SU: 12326 (apparently lost)
Description :
Citation: Carcharhinus galapagensis (Snodgrass & Heller, 1905): In: Database of modern sharks, rays and chimaeras,, World Wide Web electronic publication, Version 03/2025
Please send your images of "Carcharhinus galapagensis" to
Carcharhinus galapagensis (Snodgrass & Heller, 1905), © FAO, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Ebert, D.A. 2014. On Board Guide for the Identification of Pelagic Sharks and Rays of the Western Indian Ocean. Reproduced with permission, illustration by Marc Dando , Wildlife Illustrator

Carcharhinus galapagensis (Snodgrass & Heller, 1905), © FAO, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Ebert, D.A. 2014. On Board Guide for the Identification of Pelagic Sharks and Rays of the Western Indian Ocean. Reproduced with permission, illustration by Marc Dando , Wildlife Illustrator
Common names
Tiburón de Galapagos,
Requin de Galapagos,
Requin des Galapagos,
Galapagos shark,
Mackerel shark,

Short Description
Low inter-dorsal ridge present [544]. Dark grey above, light below, fins plain or with slightly dusky tips [544].
Low inter-dorsal ridge present [544]. Dark grey above, light below, fins plain or with slightly dusky tips [544].
Circumtropical with a preference for waters around oceanic islands. Eastern Atlantic: including St. Paul"quot;s Rocks (Refs. 13121, 52289). Western Indian Ocean: including Walter"quot;s Shoal, south of Madagascar. Western Pacific: including Middleton and Elizabeth Reefs. Eastern Pacific: Galápagos (Ref. 58896). Source:
Circumtropical with a preference for waters around oceanic islands. Eastern Atlantic: including St. Paul"quot;s Rocks (Refs. 13121, 52289). Western Indian Ocean: including Walter"quot;s Shoal, south of Madagascar. Western Pacific: including Middleton and Elizabeth Reefs. Eastern Pacific: Galápagos (Ref. 58896). Source:
Human uses
fisheries: minor commercial; price category: medium; price reliability: very questionable: based on ex-vessel price for species in this family
fisheries: minor commercial; price category: medium; price reliability: very questionable: based on ex-vessel price for species in this family
Viviparous, with a yolk sac placenta [517]. 6 to 16 young born at 60-80 cm [578]. Distinct pairing with embrace [17086]. Occurs on the continental shelf (Ref. 75154). An ontogenetic change in diet occurs as size increases. They consume a smaller proportion of teleosts and more elasmobranchs with increasing size [5603].
Viviparous, with a yolk sac placenta [517]. 6 to 16 young born at 60-80 cm [578]. Distinct pairing with embrace [17086]. Occurs on the continental shelf (Ref. 75154). An ontogenetic change in diet occurs as size increases. They consume a smaller proportion of teleosts and more elasmobranchs with increasing size [5603].
Size / Weight / Age
370 cm TL (male/unsexed; [17643]); max. published weight: 85.5 kg (Ref. 40637); max. reported age: 24 years [2246]
370 cm TL (male/unsexed; [17643]); max. published weight: 85.5 kg (Ref. 40637); max. reported age: 24 years [2246]
shark-references Species-ID=755;
shark-references Species-ID=755;
Parasites (arranged by Jürgen Pollerspöck)
- Dermophthirius carcharhini Maccallum, 1926 [17076]
- Alebion carchariae Krøyer, 1863 [31560]
- Nesippus crypturus Heller, 1868 [16599]
- Pandarus cranchii Leach, 1819 [16599]
- Pandarus smithii Rathbun, 1886 [16599]