Carcharoides totuserratus

Ameghino, 1901

Classification: Elasmobranchii Lamniformes Odontaspididae

Reference of the original description
Ameghino, F. (1901)
L'âge des formations sédimentaires de Patagonie. Anales de la Sociedad Científica Argentina, 51, 20–39, 65–91

Synonyms / new combinations and misspellings
Carcharoides cf. totuserratus, Carcharoides tenuidens, Carcharoides totusserratus, Lamna cattica totuserrata, Oxyprinichthys aprioniferus, Priodontaspis bravardi, Priodontaspis valentini

Carcharoides totuserratus

Carcharoides tenuidens
Holotype: NMV.: P12636;


Citation: Carcharoides totuserratus Ameghino, 1901: In: Database of fossil elasmobranch teeth, World Wide Web electronic publication, Version 03/2025

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Carcharoides totuserratus Ameghino, 1901, Late Oligocene, Jan Juc Formation, Coastal cliff exposure east of Fishermans Step, Victoria, Australia. Collection and © Adam Anderson

Distribution Geographic
South America, Africa, Australia

Distribution Strategraphy
Late Oligocene, early Miocene

Original description after AMEGHINO, 1901 p. 83 [50]: Carcharoides totuserratus n. g., n. sp. Dents triangulaires, de la grandeur de celles de Lamna appendiculata, portant une paire de tubercules latéraux assezgros et pointus; bords dénteles aussi bien ceux du cóne central que ceux des cúspides latéraux. Patagonien inférieur.

shark-references Species-ID=1193;
type species of Carcharoides Ameghino, 1901 p. 83 [50] by original designation (Art. 68.2 ICZN);

valid after Ameghino (1901) p. 83 [50]; Chapman (1917) p. 135 [443]; Reinecke et al. (2018) p. 52 [26875];

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