Centroscyllium ornatum

(Alcock, 1889)

Ornate dogfish
Classification: Elasmobranchii Squaliformes Etmopteridae

Reference of the original description
Alcock, A. (1889)
On the bathybial fishes of the Bay of Bengal and neighbouring waters, obtained during the seasons 1885-1889. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, (Series 6), 4, 376–399

Image of the original description
No image in first description.

Synonyms / new combinations and misspellings
Centroscyllium ornatura, Centroscyllium (Paracentroscyllium) ornatum, Paracentroscyllium ornatum

Centroscyllium ornatum
Syntype: BMNH: 1890.7.31.16 (old: ZSI 11665) ZSI: F11666 ZSI: F11664

Description :

Citation: Centroscyllium ornatum (Alcock, 1889): In: Database of modern sharks, rays and chimaeras, www.shark-references.com, World Wide Web electronic publication, Version 02/2025

Please send your images of "Centroscyllium ornatum" to info@shark-references.com

Centroscyllium ornatum (Alcock, 1889), © FAO, www.fish-base.org
Common names
spa Tollo negro elegante, fra \(T\) Aiguillat élégant, eng Ornate dogfish

Short Description
Original Diagnosis after ALCOCK, 1889 [9964]: Two dorsal fins, each with a strong spine. No anal fin. Mouth cresccntic, with a direct oblique groove at each angle. Teeth equal in both jaws, minute, simple, monoeuspid, straight. No membrana nictitans. Gill-openings rather wide. Integument smooth. All the tissues fragile. Head broad and depressed, the branchial region conspicuously prominent. Body subcylindrical. Tail long. Snout short, broad, depressed. Eyes large, their major diameter being one third of tlie head-length (branchial region included). Nostrils a little wider than the spiracles, borne at and on the under surface of the edge of the snout. Mouth crescentic and rather wide. Minute, simple, straight, monoeuspid teeth in both jaws. Integument absolutely smooth. Dorsal spines very strong, the second much the larger. The first dorsal fin begins an interval behind the pectorals equal to the interval of the second behind the ventrals. Pectorals, ventrals, and caudal all large. Colours "deep violet black, lighter between the eyes; head with minute white spots arranged in the shape of a lute ; ventrals with pale tips " {Dr. G. M, Giles). Length 5g: inches. Two males and one female, in bad preservation. Hah. Bay of Bengal, Swatch of No-ground, 405 to 285 fathoms ; bottom Pteropod-ooze and green mud.
after Ebert, 2013 [19900]: No anal fin, first dorsal fin possibly with a low subangular fin web, two grooved dorsal–fin spines, both very high and probably taller than the dorsal fins, teeth with narrow cusps and cusplets in both upper and lower jaws, denticles high, conical and sharp–cusped, dense and numerous on dorsal and ventral surfaces of body, skin firm, abdomen and caudal peduncle short, colour uniform blackish above and below, without white fin markings or discrete black photomarks on body.

Indian Ocean: Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal. Source: www.gbif.org

Human uses
fisheries: of no interest

Distinct pairing with embrace [17086].

Size / Weight / Age
30.0 cm TL (male/unsexed; [518])

bathydemersal; marine; depth range 521 - 1262 m

shark-references Species-ID=1274;