Chimaera compacta
Iglésias, Kemper & Naylor, 2021
Classification: Holocephali Chimaeriformes Chimaeridae
Reference of the original description
Chimaera compacta, a new species from southern Indian Ocean, and an estimate of phylogenetic relationships within the genus Chimaera (Chondrichthyes: Chimaeridae). Ichthyological Research, 69, 31–45
Chimaera compacta, a new species from southern Indian Ocean, and an estimate of phylogenetic relationships within the genus Chimaera (Chondrichthyes: Chimaeridae). Ichthyological Research, 69, 31–45
Description :
Citation: Chimaera compacta Iglésias, Kemper & Naylor, 2021: In: Database of modern sharks, rays and chimaeras,, World Wide Web electronic publication, Version 12/2024
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Chimaera compacta Iglésias, Kemper & Naylor, 2021; holotype, MNHN-IC 2005-1749, adult female, 843+ mm TL, 705 mm PCL, 561 mm BDL © Samuel P. Iglésias, Jenny M. Kemper and Gavin J. P. Naylor

Chimaera compacta Iglésias, Kemper & Naylor, 2021; holotype, MNHN-IC 2005-1749, adult female, 843+ mm TL, 705 mm PCL, 561 mm BDL © Samuel P. Iglésias, Jenny M. Kemper and Gavin J. P. Naylor
Common names
Chimère trapue,
Stubby Chimaera

Short Description
Diagnosis after IGLÉSIAS, KEMPER & NAYLOR, 2021 [29595]: A species of Chimaeridae assigned to the genus Chimaera on the basis of an anal fn separated from ventral caudal fn. Chimaera compacta sp. nov. is distin - guished from its congeners by the following combination of characters: massive head with short snout; stocky and relatively long trunk 44% BDL, short tail with second dor - sal fn base 72% BDL; long pelvic fn anterior margin 26%. BDL. Caudal fn dorsal origin slightly posterior to caudal fn ventral origin. Firm, non-deciduous skin; brown color with yellow blotches on body both on fresh and preserved specimen; preopercular and oral lateral line canals sharing a common branch; specifc CO1 and NADH2 sequences.
Diagnosis after IGLÉSIAS, KEMPER & NAYLOR, 2021 [29595]: A species of Chimaeridae assigned to the genus Chimaera on the basis of an anal fn separated from ventral caudal fn. Chimaera compacta sp. nov. is distin - guished from its congeners by the following combination of characters: massive head with short snout; stocky and relatively long trunk 44% BDL, short tail with second dor - sal fn base 72% BDL; long pelvic fn anterior margin 26%. BDL. Caudal fn dorsal origin slightly posterior to caudal fn ventral origin. Firm, non-deciduous skin; brown color with yellow blotches on body both on fresh and preserved specimen; preopercular and oral lateral line canals sharing a common branch; specifc CO1 and NADH2 sequences.
Amsterdam Island, the Territory of the French Southern and Antarctic Lands (TAAF), in the southern Indian Ocean (only holotype) [29595]
Amsterdam Island, the Territory of the French Southern and Antarctic Lands (TAAF), in the southern Indian Ocean (only holotype) [29595]
shark-references Species-ID=16127;
shark-references Species-ID=16127;