Chimaera opalescens
Luchetti, Iglésias & Sellos, 2011
Opal chimaera
Classification: Holocephali Chimaeriformes Chimaeridae
Reference of the original description
Chimaera opalescens n. sp., a new chimaeroid (Chondrichthyes: Holocephali) from the north-eastern Atlantic Ocean. Journal of Fish Biology, 79(2), 399–417
Chimaera opalescens n. sp., a new chimaeroid (Chondrichthyes: Holocephali) from the north-eastern Atlantic Ocean. Journal of Fish Biology, 79(2), 399–417
Image of the original description
Image in copyright.
Image in copyright.
Chimaera opalescens
Holotype: MNHN: 2007-1569; Paratype: CSIRO: H 6562-01; CSIRO: H 6563-01; HUMZ: 198901; HUMZ: 198902; MNHN: 2007-1554; MNHN: 2007-1555; MNHN: 2007-1556; MNHN: 2007-1557; MNHN: 2007-1558; MNHN: 2007-1559; MNHN: 2007-1560; MNHN: 2007-1561; MNHN: 2007-1562; MNHN: 2007-1563; MNHN: 2007-1564; MNHN: 2007-1565; MNHN: 2007-1566; MNHN: 2007-1567; MNHN: 2007-1568; MNHN: 2007-1570; MNHN: 2007-1571; MNHN: 2007-1572; MNHN: 2007-1573; MNHN: 2007-1574; MNHN: 2007-1575; MNHN: 2007-1576; MNHN: 2007-1577; MNHN: 2007-1578; USNM: 390767; USNM: 390768;
Chimaera opalescens
Holotype: MNHN: 2007-1569; Paratype: CSIRO: H 6562-01; CSIRO: H 6563-01; HUMZ: 198901; HUMZ: 198902; MNHN: 2007-1554; MNHN: 2007-1555; MNHN: 2007-1556; MNHN: 2007-1557; MNHN: 2007-1558; MNHN: 2007-1559; MNHN: 2007-1560; MNHN: 2007-1561; MNHN: 2007-1562; MNHN: 2007-1563; MNHN: 2007-1564; MNHN: 2007-1565; MNHN: 2007-1566; MNHN: 2007-1567; MNHN: 2007-1568; MNHN: 2007-1570; MNHN: 2007-1571; MNHN: 2007-1572; MNHN: 2007-1573; MNHN: 2007-1574; MNHN: 2007-1575; MNHN: 2007-1576; MNHN: 2007-1577; MNHN: 2007-1578; USNM: 390767; USNM: 390768;
Description :
Citation: Chimaera opalescens Luchetti, Iglésias & Sellos, 2011: In: Database of modern sharks, rays and chimaeras,, World Wide Web electronic publication, Version 03/2025
Please send your images of "Chimaera opalescens" to
Chimaera opalescens Luchetti, Iglésias & Sellos, 2011, Azores © Diana Catarino, OKEANOS Centre, University of the Azores, Horta, Portugal

Chimaera opalescens Luchetti, Iglésias & Sellos, 2011, Azores © Diana Catarino, OKEANOS Centre, University of the Azores, Horta, Portugal
Common names
Opal chimaera

Short Description
Chimaera opalescens can be distinguished from its congeners by the following combination of characters: body evenly coloured, iridescent, varying from beige to tan in adults and bronzish in juveniles; unpaired fins brown to purple, uniformly coloured or with pale or whitish edges; iris black; claspers tripartite divided for one third of their length, not extending beyond the pelvic fins in adults; dorsal spine equal or shorter than first dorsal fin; ventral caudal lobe equal or deeper than the dorsal caudal lobe. Comparison of DNA sequences of the CO1 gene with those of related species supported C. opalescens as a distinct species [13545].
Chimaera opalescens can be distinguished from its congeners by the following combination of characters: body evenly coloured, iridescent, varying from beige to tan in adults and bronzish in juveniles; unpaired fins brown to purple, uniformly coloured or with pale or whitish edges; iris black; claspers tripartite divided for one third of their length, not extending beyond the pelvic fins in adults; dorsal spine equal or shorter than first dorsal fin; ventral caudal lobe equal or deeper than the dorsal caudal lobe. Comparison of DNA sequences of the CO1 gene with those of related species supported C. opalescens as a distinct species [13545].
Atlantic Ocean: North-eastern Atlantic, along the slope to the west of the British Isles and France [13545]. Source:
Atlantic Ocean: North-eastern Atlantic, along the slope to the west of the British Isles and France [13545]. Source:
Temperate; 48°N - 57°N, 6°W - 11°W
Temperate; 48°N - 57°N, 6°W - 11°W
shark-references Species-ID=11108;
shark-references Species-ID=11108;