Chimaera orientalis

Angulo, López, Bussing & Murase, 2014

Classification: Holocephali Chimaeriformes Chimaeridae

Reference of the original description
Angulo, A. & López, M.I. & Bussing, W.A. & Murase, A. (2014)
Records of chimaeroid fishes (Holocephali: Chimaeriformes) from the Pacific coast of Costa Rica, with the description of a new species of Chimera (Chimaeridae) from the eastern Pacific Ocean. Zootaxa, 3861(6), 554–574

Image of the original description

Chimaera orientalis Angulo, López, Bussing & Murase, 2014 © Arturo Angulo Sibaja, Universidad de Costa Rica; Paratype: UCR 2909–05.02, male, 760 mm TL, 475 mm BDL

Chimaera orientalis
Holotype: UCR: 2909–05.01; Paratype: HUMZ: 174615; UCR: 2909–05.02;

Images of types

Description :

Citation: Chimaera orientalis Angulo, López, Bussing & Murase, 2014: In: Database of modern sharks, rays and chimaeras,, World Wide Web electronic publication, Version 03/2025

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Chimaera orientalis Angulo, López, Bussing & Murase, 2014 © Arturo Angulo Sibaja, Universidad de Costa Rica; Holotype, UCR 2909–05.01, male, 774 mm TL, 460 mm BDL
Common names
Eastern Pacific black Chimaera

Short Description
Orignal diagnoseafter ANGULO, LÓPEZ, BUSSING & MURASE, 2014 [21520]: A species of the genus Chimaera based on the presence of an anal fin. Chimaera orientalis sp. nov is distinguished from its congeners by the following combination of characters: oral and preopercular canals sharing a short common branch off the infraorbital canal; dorsal spine long (DSA 28.4–31.0% BDL), longer than first dorsal fin, when depressed reaches beyond to origin of second dorsal fin; first dorsal fin high (D1H 20.8–26.7% BDL) with a short base (D1B 10.3–12.5% BDL); interdorsal space long (IDS 8.1–10.2% BDL); pectoral fin long (P1A 40.0–43.5% BDL), when depressed reaches beyond to origin of pelvic fin base; pelvic claspers long (CLT 17.5–17.7% BDL), bifurcate, divided at about distal 40.9–43.1% of its length; dorsal caudal space long (DCS 2.0–2.5% BDL); ventral caudal margin ending slightly posterior to dorsal caudal margin; and dark brown coloration with the ventral portion of the trunk and all fins slightly darker, without distinctive markings or mottling.

off Costa Rica, off Peru, eastern Pacific (types) [21520]

Size / Weight / Age
male (holotype): 774 mm TL, female (paratype): 858 mm TL [21520]

marine; depth range 560 and 1138 m (types) [21520]

shark-references Species-ID=14112;