Chimaera stellata
Teramura, Senou & Hirase, 2024
Classification: Holocephali Chimaeriformes Chimaeridae
Reference of the original description
Chimaera stellata, a new species described from the northwestern Pacific Ocean, with the redescription of Chimaera owstoni Tanaka 1905 (Chondrichthyes: Chimaeridae). Ichthyological Research, in press
Chimaera stellata, a new species described from the northwestern Pacific Ocean, with the redescription of Chimaera owstoni Tanaka 1905 (Chondrichthyes: Chimaeridae). Ichthyological Research, in press
Description :
Citation: Chimaera stellata Teramura, Senou & Hirase, 2024: In: Database of modern sharks, rays and chimaeras,, World Wide Web electronic publication, Version 03/2025
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Chimaera stellata Teramura, Senou & Hirase, 2024 KPM-NR 45202 (KPM-NI 28964, holotype) © Hiroshi SENOU (provided by Kanagawa Prefectural Museum of Natural History)

Chimaera stellata Teramura, Senou & Hirase, 2024 KPM-NR 45202 (KPM-NI 28964, holotype) © Hiroshi SENOU (provided by Kanagawa Prefectural Museum of Natural History)
Common names
Stellated Chimaera, Oshirobuchi-ginzame (jap)

Short Description
Original diagnosis of Teramura, Senou & Hirase, 2024 [33037]: Chimaera stellata sp. nov. is a large species (886.6 mm TL, 559.8 mm BDL) distinguished from all other chimaerid species by the following combination of characters: body stocky; head robust, height of head posterior to eye 24.9% BDL; dorsal spine weakly concaved; second dorsal-fin base (D2B) 72.4% BDL; anterior edge of second dorsal-fin base to anterior edge of pectoral-fin base (D2P1) 33.5% BDL; pectoral fin teardrop shaped with weakly angled distal margin, not elongate, pectoral-fin anterior margin (P1A) 35.3% BDL, not reaching pelvic-fin origin when laid backward; pelvic fin semicircular, distal margin squared; anal fin present, distal margin pointed and pale gray; caudal fin broad, CDH 3.8% BDL, CVH 4.8% BDL; preopercular and oral lateral-line canals not sharing a common branch; trunk lateral-line canal nearly straight; body walnut brown with lighter dot-like spots.
Original diagnosis of Teramura, Senou & Hirase, 2024 [33037]: Chimaera stellata sp. nov. is a large species (886.6 mm TL, 559.8 mm BDL) distinguished from all other chimaerid species by the following combination of characters: body stocky; head robust, height of head posterior to eye 24.9% BDL; dorsal spine weakly concaved; second dorsal-fin base (D2B) 72.4% BDL; anterior edge of second dorsal-fin base to anterior edge of pectoral-fin base (D2P1) 33.5% BDL; pectoral fin teardrop shaped with weakly angled distal margin, not elongate, pectoral-fin anterior margin (P1A) 35.3% BDL, not reaching pelvic-fin origin when laid backward; pelvic fin semicircular, distal margin squared; anal fin present, distal margin pointed and pale gray; caudal fin broad, CDH 3.8% BDL, CVH 4.8% BDL; preopercular and oral lateral-line canals not sharing a common branch; trunk lateral-line canal nearly straight; body walnut brown with lighter dot-like spots.
Teeth beak-like; upper teeth plate with 10 prominent longitudinal ridges, covering lower teeth; lower teeth plate with weak longitudinal ridges. [33037]
Teeth beak-like; upper teeth plate with 10 prominent longitudinal ridges, covering lower teeth; lower teeth plate with weak longitudinal ridges. [33037]
shark-references Species-ID=17409;
shark-references Species-ID=17409;