Chlamydoselachus garmani
Welton in Pfeil, 1983
Classification: Elasmobranchii Hexanchiformes Chlamydoselachidae
Reference of the original description
Late Cretaceous and Cenozoic Squalomorphii of the Northwest Pacific Ocean. PhD, Univ. of California Berkeley, 553 p., 71 fig.
Late Cretaceous and Cenozoic Squalomorphii of the Northwest Pacific Ocean. PhD, Univ. of California Berkeley, 553 p., 71 fig.
Chlamydoselachus garmani
Holotype: UCMP: 114842; Paratype: UCMP: 114841; UCMP: 114866; UCMP: 116092; UCMP: 116093; UCMP: 116096; UCMP: 116097; UCMP: 116098; UCMP: 116100; UCMP: 116102; UCMP: 116104; UCMP: 116109; UCMP: 116110; UCMP: 114867; UCMP: 116094; UCMP: 116095; UCMP: 116099; UCMP: 116101; UCMP: 116103; UCMP: 116105; UCMP: 116106-116108; UCMP: 116111; UCMP: 116112; UCMP: 116114-116128;
Chlamydoselachus garmani
Holotype: UCMP: 114842; Paratype: UCMP: 114841; UCMP: 114866; UCMP: 116092; UCMP: 116093; UCMP: 116096; UCMP: 116097; UCMP: 116098; UCMP: 116100; UCMP: 116102; UCMP: 116104; UCMP: 116109; UCMP: 116110; UCMP: 114867; UCMP: 116094; UCMP: 116095; UCMP: 116099; UCMP: 116101; UCMP: 116103; UCMP: 116105; UCMP: 116106-116108; UCMP: 116111; UCMP: 116112; UCMP: 116114-116128;
Citation: Chlamydoselachus garmani Welton in Pfeil, 1983: In: Database of fossil elasmobranch teeth, World Wide Web electronic publication, Version 03/2025
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Distribution Geographic
type locality: Locality UCMP V-75135, Schooner Gulch, Mendocino County, California, USA [2517];
other localities: LACM Locality 4318, Jump-Off Joe, Lincoln County, Oregon [2517]
Distribution of Chlamydosechidae show google map
type locality: Locality UCMP V-75135, Schooner Gulch, Mendocino County, California, USA [2517];
other localities: LACM Locality 4318, Jump-Off Joe, Lincoln County, Oregon [2517]
Distribution of Chlamydosechidae show google map
Distribution Strategraphy
Skooner Gulch, Lower Miocene, Zemorrian and/or Saucesian [2517]; Nye Mudstone, Early Miocene, Lower Saucesian
Skooner Gulch, Lower Miocene, Zemorrian and/or Saucesian [2517]; Nye Mudstone, Early Miocene, Lower Saucesian
40 teeth (all types) from the type locality, 2 teeth from LACM locality 4318 (LACM 117298, incomplete tooth lacking one cusp and one root lobe; LACM 117299, incomplete tooth lacking tips of both root lobes and the tips of all three cusps) [2517];
40 teeth (all types) from the type locality, 2 teeth from LACM locality 4318 (LACM 117298, incomplete tooth lacking one cusp and one root lobe; LACM 117299, incomplete tooth lacking tips of both root lobes and the tips of all three cusps) [2517];
Original diagnose of WELTON, 1979 [2517]: Chlamydoselachus with teeth almost twice the size of known adult C. anguineus; roots meso-distally broad and labio-lingually short; antero-lateral root length-width ratio almost 1:1; mesial and distal root edges broadly expanded below crown and abruptly concave medially at level of central labial foramen; root lobes moderate to weakly bilobate; lingual transverse groove broad and short; crown as in anguineus but with robust cusp bases and strongly developed labial transverse ridges on most antero-lateral teeth.
Original diagnose of WELTON, 1979 [2517]: Chlamydoselachus with teeth almost twice the size of known adult C. anguineus; roots meso-distally broad and labio-lingually short; antero-lateral root length-width ratio almost 1:1; mesial and distal root edges broadly expanded below crown and abruptly concave medially at level of central labial foramen; root lobes moderate to weakly bilobate; lingual transverse groove broad and short; crown as in anguineus but with robust cusp bases and strongly developed labial transverse ridges on most antero-lateral teeth.
Zahnmorphologische Untersuchungen an rezenten und fossilen Haien der Ordnungen Chlamydoselachiformes und Echinorhiniformes. Palaeo Ichthyologica, 1, 1–315
Late Cretaceous and Cenozoic Squalomorphii of the Northwest Pacific Ocean. PhD, Univ. of California Berkeley, 553 p., 71 fig.

Zahnmorphologische Untersuchungen an rezenten und fossilen Haien der Ordnungen Chlamydoselachiformes und Echinorhiniformes. Palaeo Ichthyologica, 1, 1–315

Late Cretaceous and Cenozoic Squalomorphii of the Northwest Pacific Ocean. PhD, Univ. of California Berkeley, 553 p., 71 fig.