Dichichthys nigripalatum
(Fahmi & Ebert, 2018)
Indonesian Bristle Shark
Classification: Elasmobranchii Carcharhiniformes Dichichthyidae
Reference of the original description
Parmaturus nigripalatum n. sp., a new species of deep-sea catshark (Chondrichthyes: Carcharhiniformes: Scyliorhinidae) from Indonesia. Zootaxa, 4413(3), 531–540
Parmaturus nigripalatum n. sp., a new species of deep-sea catshark (Chondrichthyes: Carcharhiniformes: Scyliorhinidae) from Indonesia. Zootaxa, 4413(3), 531–540
Synonyms / new combinations and misspellings
Parmaturus nigripalatum
Parmaturus nigripalatum
Description :
Citation: Dichichthys nigripalatum (Fahmi & Ebert, 2018): In: Database of modern sharks, rays and chimaeras, www.shark-references.com, World Wide Web electronic publication, Version 02/2025
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Common names
Indonesian Bristle Shark, Hiu minyak (Indonesia)

Short Description
Original diagnose after Fahmi & Ebert, 2018 [26194]: A moderate-sized species of Parmaturus with combination of characteristics as follows: body slender, soft-velvety skin, dermal denticles on side and upper body tricuspidate; uniformly plain medium brown body coloration; head slightly depress; snout relatively short; mouth curved, upper and lower labial furrows conspicuous with the uppers and lowers of equal lengths; the roof of mouth blackish with darker pores; teeth mainly tricuspidate with greatly elongate median cusps, about 50 rows in both jaws; origin of the first dorsal fin posterior to the insertion of the pelvic fins, pre-first dorsal fin slightly posterior of body mid-length; origin of second dorsal fin posterior to mid-length of anal fin base; pelvic fins origin and vent slightly posterior to midlength; second dorsal fin slightly larger than first; caudal peduncle relatively short, pronounced caudal crests on upper and lower anterior caudal fin margins with enlarged denticles; vertebral counts monospondylous centra 42, precaudal centra 90.
Original diagnose after Fahmi & Ebert, 2018 [26194]: A moderate-sized species of Parmaturus with combination of characteristics as follows: body slender, soft-velvety skin, dermal denticles on side and upper body tricuspidate; uniformly plain medium brown body coloration; head slightly depress; snout relatively short; mouth curved, upper and lower labial furrows conspicuous with the uppers and lowers of equal lengths; the roof of mouth blackish with darker pores; teeth mainly tricuspidate with greatly elongate median cusps, about 50 rows in both jaws; origin of the first dorsal fin posterior to the insertion of the pelvic fins, pre-first dorsal fin slightly posterior of body mid-length; origin of second dorsal fin posterior to mid-length of anal fin base; pelvic fins origin and vent slightly posterior to midlength; second dorsal fin slightly larger than first; caudal peduncle relatively short, pronounced caudal crests on upper and lower anterior caudal fin margins with enlarged denticles; vertebral counts monospondylous centra 42, precaudal centra 90.
Teeth of upper and lower jaws exposed when mouth closed; tricuspidate with enlarged, erect, acutely pointed central cusp flanked by a single smaller cusplet on each side; teeth on upper jaw smaller relative to lower jaw, but otherwise similar shaped; tooth count on upper jaw 52, lower jaw 48; longest teeth adjacent to symphysis, 2–3 rows of shorter teeth at symphysis ; lateral teeth relatively shorter than anterior (holotype) [26194]
Teeth of upper and lower jaws exposed when mouth closed; tricuspidate with enlarged, erect, acutely pointed central cusp flanked by a single smaller cusplet on each side; teeth on upper jaw smaller relative to lower jaw, but otherwise similar shaped; tooth count on upper jaw 52, lower jaw 48; longest teeth adjacent to symphysis, 2–3 rows of shorter teeth at symphysis ; lateral teeth relatively shorter than anterior (holotype) [26194]
shark-references Species-ID=17263;
shark-references Species-ID=17263;