Dipturus doutrei

(Cadenat, 1960)

Violet skate
Classification: Elasmobranchii Rajiformes Rajidae

Reference of the original description
Cadenat, J. (1960)
Notes d'ichtyologie ouest-africaine. XXVII. Raja doutrei, espèce nouvelle des eaux profondes des côtes du Sénégal. Bulletin de l'Institut Francais d'Afrique Noire (A), 22(1), 294–311

Image of the original description
Image in copyright.

Synonyms / new combinations and misspellings
Raja doutrei, Raja (Dipturus) doutrei

Dipturus doutrei
Lectotype: MNHN: 1959-0041 (old: IFAN) ; Paralectotype: IFAN: uncat. IFAN: R747 IFAN: R748 IFAN: R749 IFAN: R750 IFAN: R751 IFAN: 1954-679 IFAN: 59-804 IFAN: R744 IFAN: R745 IFAN: R746 MNHN: 1959-0043 (ex IFAN); MNHN: 1959-0042 (ex IFAN);

Description :

Citation: Dipturus doutrei (Cadenat, 1960): In: Database of modern sharks, rays and chimaeras, www.shark-references.com, World Wide Web electronic publication, Version 07/2024

Please send your images of "Dipturus doutrei" to info@shark-references.com

Dipturus doutrei (Cadenat, 1960), female, 93. cm TL, 65.6 cm DW, 24 Sept 2023, Bottom trawl, Northern Namibia (-19.60555556;11.65 to -19.20277778;11.45833333) © Ruth H. Leeney/ Namibia's Rays and Sharks
Common names
spa Raya violeta, fra \(T\) Raie violette, eng Javalin skate, eng Javelin skate, eng Skate, eng Violet skate

Short Description
an all-dark longnose skate with an elongated, acutely triangular snout, and a stout tail - shorter than body and with mid-section swollen sausage-shaped; disc with narrowly rounded outer corners and smooth underside except for small denticles on snout; no thorns on nape or along back [536]. Dark brown with irregular dark blotches dorsally; rear end of disc and pelvic fins blackish; underside dark brown with black pores and scattered lighter blotches on disc, at base of pelvic fins, around vent, and on tail [536].

Eastern Atlantic: Mauritania to South Africa. Source: www.gbif.org

Human uses
fisheries: commercial

Oviparous, paired eggs are laid. Embryos feed solely on yolk [733]. Occurs in deeper slope waters [7180]. Feeds on benthic fishes, shrimps and crabs [20206].

Size / Weight / Age
100.0 cm TL (male/unsexed; [536])

bathydemersal; marine; depth range 163 - 1200 m [5130], usually 450 - 600 m (Ref. 36731)

shark-references Species-ID=1992;

Parasites (arranged by Jürgen Pollerspöck)
  • Schistobrachia kabata Dippenaar, 2016 [27172]