Echinorhinus eyrensis
Pledge, 1992
Classification: Elasmobranchii Echinorhiniformes Echinorhinidae
Description by Pollerspoeck, Juergen:
Benediktinerring 34, D-94569 Stephansposching; juergen.pollerspoeck@shark-references.comCitation: Echinorhinus eyrensis Pledge, 1992: In: Database of fossil elasmobranch teeth, World Wide Web electronic publication, Version 03/2025
Distribution Geographic
type locality: 66/DR3C, Eyre Terrace, depth between 3285m and 3506 m, Great Australian Bright, Australia [1918];
other localities:
Distribution of Echinorhinidae show google map
type locality: 66/DR3C, Eyre Terrace, depth between 3285m and 3506 m, Great Australian Bright, Australia [1918];
other localities:
Distribution of Echinorhinidae show google map
only the holotype
only the holotype
Original diagnose after PLEDGE, 1992 [1918]: An Echinorhinus with relatively high and erect main cusp; mesial and distal secondary cusps pointing upwards and divergent; mesial cusp slightly larger than distal one; and a pair of minute basal cusps mesially and distally. The specimen differs from all described species (Pfeil, 1983 [1886]), except E. cookei and E. pfauntschi, in size and orientation of main cusp; from all species, except possibly E. blakei, in orientation and size of mesial and distal secondary cusps; and from all species in relative positions of mesial and distal secondary and basal cusps.
Original diagnose after PLEDGE, 1992 [1918]: An Echinorhinus with relatively high and erect main cusp; mesial and distal secondary cusps pointing upwards and divergent; mesial cusp slightly larger than distal one; and a pair of minute basal cusps mesially and distally. The specimen differs from all described species (Pfeil, 1983 [1886]), except E. cookei and E. pfauntschi, in size and orientation of main cusp; from all species, except possibly E. blakei, in orientation and size of mesial and distal secondary cusps; and from all species in relative positions of mesial and distal secondary and basal cusps.
no record after the first description
no record after the first description
shark-references Species-ID=2065;
shark-references Species-ID=2065;
Echinorhinus caspius, Echinorhinus richiardii, Echinorhinus pollerspoecki, Echinorhinus schoenfeldi, Echinorhinus cf. riepli, Echinorhinus priscus, Paraechinorhinus riepli, Echinorhinus sp., Echinorhinus pfauntschi, Echinorhinus blakei, Echinorhinus pozzii, Echinorhinus kelleyi, Echinorhinus weltoni, Echinorhinus eyrensis, Echinorhinus australis, Gibbechinorhinus lewyi, Orthechinorhinus pfeili, In Database of fossil elasmobranchteeth, www.shark–, World Wide Web electronic publication, Version 04/2013
Oldest evidence of bramble sharks (Elasmobranchii, Echinorhinidae) in the Lower Cretaceous of southeast France and the evolutionary history of orbitostylic sharks. (plus Supplementary data). Cretaceous Research, 35, 81–87
DOI: 10.1016/j.cretres.2011.11.021
Fossil shark teeth dredged from the Great Australian Bight. BMR Journal of Australian Geology and Geophysics, 13, 15–18
Echinorhinus caspius, Echinorhinus richiardii, Echinorhinus pollerspoecki, Echinorhinus schoenfeldi, Echinorhinus cf. riepli, Echinorhinus priscus, Paraechinorhinus riepli, Echinorhinus sp., Echinorhinus pfauntschi, Echinorhinus blakei, Echinorhinus pozzii, Echinorhinus kelleyi, Echinorhinus weltoni, Echinorhinus eyrensis, Echinorhinus australis, Gibbechinorhinus lewyi, Orthechinorhinus pfeili, In Database of fossil elasmobranchteeth, www.shark–, World Wide Web electronic publication, Version 04/2013

Oldest evidence of bramble sharks (Elasmobranchii, Echinorhinidae) in the Lower Cretaceous of southeast France and the evolutionary history of orbitostylic sharks. (plus Supplementary data). Cretaceous Research, 35, 81–87
DOI: 10.1016/j.cretres.2011.11.021

Fossil shark teeth dredged from the Great Australian Bight. BMR Journal of Australian Geology and Geophysics, 13, 15–18