Edestus minor

Newberry & Worthen, 1866

Classification: Euchondrocephali Eugeneodontiformes Edestidae

Reference of the original description
Newberry, J.S. & Worthen, A.H. (1866)
Descriptions of new species of vertebrates, mainly from the Sub-Carboniferous Limestome and Coal Measures of Illinois. Geological Survey of Illinois, 2, 9–134

Synonyms / new combinations and misspellings
Edestus cf. minor

Edestus minor


Citation: Edestus minor Newberry & Worthen, 1866: In: Database of fossil elasmobranch teeth www.shark-references.com, World Wide Web electronic publication, Version 03/2025

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valid after Woodward (1891) p. 153 [4091];

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Abnormal serration rows on a tooth of the Pennsylvanian Chondrichthyan Edestus. New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science, Bulletin, 60, 139–142
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Karpinsky, A. (1899)
Ueber die Reste von Edestiden und die neue Gattung Helicoprion. Bulletin de la Société Belge de Géologie, de Paléontologie et d'Hydrologie, 13(4), 205–215
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Newberry, J.S. & Worthen, A.H. (1866)
Descriptions of new species of vertebrates, mainly from the Sub-Carboniferous Limestome and Coal Measures of Illinois. Geological Survey of Illinois, 2, 9–134