Etmopterus benchleyi
Vásquez, Ebert & Long, 2015
Ninja Lanternshark
Classification: Elasmobranchii Squaliformes Etmopteridae
Reference of the original description
Etmopterus benchleyi n. sp., a new lanternshark (Squaliformes: Etmopteridae) from the central eastern Pacific Ocean. Journal of the Ocean Science Foundation; 17, 43–55
Etmopterus benchleyi n. sp., a new lanternshark (Squaliformes: Etmopteridae) from the central eastern Pacific Ocean. Journal of the Ocean Science Foundation; 17, 43–55
Etmopterus benchleyi
Holotype: USNM: 423195; Paratype: USNM: 423209; USNM: 422645; USNM: 422639; USNM: 421539; USNM: 421389; USNM: 421394; USNM: 422489;
Etmopterus benchleyi
Holotype: USNM: 423195; Paratype: USNM: 423209; USNM: 422645; USNM: 422639; USNM: 421539; USNM: 421389; USNM: 421394; USNM: 422489;
Description :
Citation: Etmopterus benchleyi Vásquez, Ebert & Long, 2015: In: Database of modern sharks, rays and chimaeras,, World Wide Web electronic publication, Version 02/2025
Common names
Ninja Lanternshark
Ninja Lanternshark
Short Description
Original Diagnosis after VÁSQUEZ, EBERT & LONG, 2015 [23543]: A moderately large species of Etmopterus with the following combination of characteristics: snout short with pre-narial length 2.9% TL (2.9–4.0%) and pre-oral length 7.8% TL (6.9–9.0%); mouth broad and strongly arched, mouth width 1.2 (1.0–1.5) times into pre-oral length; dentition exhibits strong disjunct dignathic heterodonty with upper teeth comprised of single median cusp, flanked by 1–2 pairs of lateral cusplets, lower teeth with low, distally-inclined cusps lacking serrations and a low posterior blade; dermal denticles short, slender, with slightly hook-like conical crowns; denticles below second dorsal fin arranged in irregular patch densities and align into rows along the ceratotrichia of the fins; denticles dense around eyes and gill openings, sparse to bare on ventrum of snout tip and around mouth; first dorsal fin similar in size to second dorsal fin; second-dorsal-fin spine 1.7 (1.6–2.3) times longer than first-dorsal-fin spine; second-dorsal-fin spine height greater than second-dorsalfin apex; interdorsal-fin space moderately long, 23.1% TL (19.2–21.4%); color uniformly black with anteroposteriorly oblong narrow pineal window apparent.
Original Diagnosis after VÁSQUEZ, EBERT & LONG, 2015 [23543]: A moderately large species of Etmopterus with the following combination of characteristics: snout short with pre-narial length 2.9% TL (2.9–4.0%) and pre-oral length 7.8% TL (6.9–9.0%); mouth broad and strongly arched, mouth width 1.2 (1.0–1.5) times into pre-oral length; dentition exhibits strong disjunct dignathic heterodonty with upper teeth comprised of single median cusp, flanked by 1–2 pairs of lateral cusplets, lower teeth with low, distally-inclined cusps lacking serrations and a low posterior blade; dermal denticles short, slender, with slightly hook-like conical crowns; denticles below second dorsal fin arranged in irregular patch densities and align into rows along the ceratotrichia of the fins; denticles dense around eyes and gill openings, sparse to bare on ventrum of snout tip and around mouth; first dorsal fin similar in size to second dorsal fin; second-dorsal-fin spine 1.7 (1.6–2.3) times longer than first-dorsal-fin spine; second-dorsal-fin spine height greater than second-dorsalfin apex; interdorsal-fin space moderately long, 23.1% TL (19.2–21.4%); color uniformly black with anteroposteriorly oblong narrow pineal window apparent.
eastern Pacific Ocean from Nicaragua south to Panama, with most specimens collected off Costa Rica [23543]
eastern Pacific Ocean from Nicaragua south to Panama, with most specimens collected off Costa Rica [23543]
marine: depth range 836–1443 m
marine: depth range 836–1443 m
upper teeth with stout, erect pointed median cusp with an acute apex showing no distal inclination flanked by a single (occasionally a double) pair of lateral cusplets, distal pair much smaller than medial pair; mesial denticles extend to less than one-half length of primary cusp; labial crown face smooth and weakly convex, lingual crown face smooth and moderately convex; upper teeth arranged in one or two functional series with about three posterior replacement teeth; root lobes acutely pointed forming a chevron-shaped attachment at base; labial root face strongly convex and forming a round pit; crown foot showing a row of vertical, short ridges at base of primary cusp; longest teeth anteriormost, length of primary cusp decreasing in size distally; lower-jaw teeth labiolingually thin, mesodistally wide, and vertically tall with very low distally inclined crown lacking serrations and with a low and poorly-developed posterior blade, arranged in one functional row with three to four reserve rows; labial face of root with low central bulge, 3–4 small foramen, and basal root margin with a short central notch, usually with a small foramen; lower teeth progressively decrease in size from most mesial to most distal; tooth count in first row of upper jaw 25 (26–30), first row of lower jaw 34 (30–36). [23543]
upper teeth with stout, erect pointed median cusp with an acute apex showing no distal inclination flanked by a single (occasionally a double) pair of lateral cusplets, distal pair much smaller than medial pair; mesial denticles extend to less than one-half length of primary cusp; labial crown face smooth and weakly convex, lingual crown face smooth and moderately convex; upper teeth arranged in one or two functional series with about three posterior replacement teeth; root lobes acutely pointed forming a chevron-shaped attachment at base; labial root face strongly convex and forming a round pit; crown foot showing a row of vertical, short ridges at base of primary cusp; longest teeth anteriormost, length of primary cusp decreasing in size distally; lower-jaw teeth labiolingually thin, mesodistally wide, and vertically tall with very low distally inclined crown lacking serrations and with a low and poorly-developed posterior blade, arranged in one functional row with three to four reserve rows; labial face of root with low central bulge, 3–4 small foramen, and basal root margin with a short central notch, usually with a small foramen; lower teeth progressively decrease in size from most mesial to most distal; tooth count in first row of upper jaw 25 (26–30), first row of lower jaw 34 (30–36). [23543]
shark-references Species-ID=14530;
shark-references Species-ID=14530;