Etmopterus schmidti

Dolganov, 1986

Classification: Elasmobranchii Squaliformes Etmopteridae

Reference of the original description
Dolganov, V.N. (1986)
Description of new species of sharks of the family Squalidae (Squaliformes) from the north-western part of the Pacific Ocean with remarks of validity of Etmopterus frontimaculatus. Zoologichesky Zhurnal, 65(1), 149–153

Image of the original description

Etmopterus schmidti Dolganov, 1986; in: Dolganov, V.N. (1986) Description of new species of sharks of the family Squalidae (Squaliformes) from the north-western part of the Pacific Ocean with remarks of validity of Etmopterus frontimaculatus. Zoologichesky Zhurnal, 65 (1): 149-153

Etmopterus schmidti
Holotype: ZIN: 22362; Paratype: ZIN: 753;

Images of types

Description :

Citation: Etmopterus schmidti Dolganov, 1986: In: Database of modern sharks, rays and chimaeras,, World Wide Web electronic publication, Version 03/2025

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Etmopterus schmidti Dolganov, 1986, fresh specimen, EBFS-NG 00134, mature female 333 mm TL, off Daxi, northeastern Taiwan, scale bar=20 mm © Ng et al. 2025
Short Description
A moderately small Etmopterus of the E. lucifer group showing typically elongated anterior and posterior branches of lateral flank markings. It differs from other members by the following combination of characters: hook-like dermal denticles not overlapping each other, in well-defined rows; the origin of second dorsal fin well posterior to flank-marking base origin; infracaudal marking not connected with caudal-fin base marking through luminous lines; posterior caudal-fin marking long, length 20.3–34.4% caudal-fin length; caudal-fin upper lobe translucent; caudal-base marking bifurcated after caudal-fin origin; and ventral pectoral marking curved [34277].

Northwestern Pacific, from warm temperate waters off Japan to northern South China Sea [34277].

Size / Weight / Age
Up to 368 mm TL and 330 mm TL for females and males (Dolganov 1986), respectively. Smallest mature female 263 mm TL and male 272 mm TL, respectively [34277].

bathydemersal; marine; depth range 250 - 500 m [34277].

Teeth dissimilar in upper and lower jaw, having ontogenetic change and sexual dimorphism, as in the congeners; multicuspid upper teeth in three functional series; unicuspid lower teeth in three series, one functional; lower teeth blade-like, strongly oblique. No symphyseal and intermediate teeth. Upper teeth cusp rather thick; immature males and both immature and mature females with 1–2 cusplets on each side of the upper teeth (rarely 3), while mature males having 3–4 cusplets; longest cusplet length about two-third of the cusp in mature individuals; cusp and cusplets of upper teeth slender, lower teeth of mature individuals not erected. Tooth count of upper jaw 24–30 (28), lower jaw 32–42 (38), total count 57–70 (66). [34277].

shark-references Species-ID=9676;