Etmopterus viator
Straube, 2011
Classification: Elasmobranchii Squaliformes Etmopteridae
Reference of the original description
Description of a new deep-sea lantern shark, Etmopterus viator n. sp. (Squaliformes: Etmopteridae) from the southern hemisphere. In Duhamel, G. & Welsford, D. (Eds). The Kerguelen Plateau, Marine Ecosystem and Fisheries. Société Française d´Ichtyologie, Paris, France: 137–150
Description of a new deep-sea lantern shark, Etmopterus viator n. sp. (Squaliformes: Etmopteridae) from the southern hemisphere. In Duhamel, G. & Welsford, D. (Eds). The Kerguelen Plateau, Marine Ecosystem and Fisheries. Société Française d´Ichtyologie, Paris, France: 137–150
Image of the original description

Etmopterus viator, Straube 2011; © Nicolas Gasco and Dr. Nicolas Straube, Curator of Ichthyology & Associate Professor, Department of Natural History, University Museum of Bergen

Etmopterus viator, Straube 2011; © Nicolas Gasco and Dr. Nicolas Straube, Curator of Ichthyology & Associate Professor, Department of Natural History, University Museum of Bergen
Etmopterus viator
Holotype: MNHN: 2008-1899; Paratype: MNHN: 2007-1666; MNHN: 2007-1667; MNHN: 2007-1668; MNHN: 2008-1900; MNHN: 2008-1896; NMNZ: P42738; NMNZ: P42739; NMNZ: P42740; NMNZ: P42741; NMNZ: P42742; ZSM: 38530 (ref. MNHN 2008-1898);
Etmopterus viator
Holotype: MNHN: 2008-1899; Paratype: MNHN: 2007-1666; MNHN: 2007-1667; MNHN: 2007-1668; MNHN: 2008-1900; MNHN: 2008-1896; NMNZ: P42738; NMNZ: P42739; NMNZ: P42740; NMNZ: P42741; NMNZ: P42742; ZSM: 38530 (ref. MNHN 2008-1898);
Description :
Citation: Etmopterus viator Straube, 2011: In: Database of modern sharks, rays and chimaeras,, World Wide Web electronic publication, Version 02/2025
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Etmopterus viator Straube 2011, 20 cm © Nicolas Gasco

Etmopterus viator Straube 2011, 20 cm © Nicolas Gasco
Short Description
Vertebrae: 75 - 84. A medium-sized Etmopterus species with the following combination of characters: body fusiform, caudal peduncle short 0.1 (0.09-0.1) % of total length (TL). Moderately long interdorsal distance 0.19 (0.17-0.24) % TL, very long distance from first dorsal fin spine insertion to snout tip 0.36 (0.36-0.43)% TL. Head long 0.21 (0.21-0.26) % TL and broad 0.1 (0.1-0.15) % TL long, as long as caudal peduncle. Snout short 0.41 (0.40-0.46) % head length (HL) and broad 0.37 (0.34-0.38) % HL. Interorbital distance narrow 0.28 (0.26-0.36) % HL, shorter than snout width. Large oval eyes, eye length 0.26 (0.19-0.26) % HL. Eyes reflect greenish in fresh specimens. Large tear-drop shaped spiracles 0.05 (0.03-0.08) % HL. Mouth strongly arched and broad 0.4 (0.11-0.43) % HL with dignathic homodont dentition . Nostrils large and oblique 0.11 (0.11-0.15) % HL. Gill openings with distinct white margins. Pectoral fins rounded and white-edged with fringed ceratotrichia, moderate in size. Inner margin 0.04 (0.04-0.06) % TL, fin base short 0.05 (0.03-0.06) % TL. Dorsal fins densely covered with dermal denticles, 2nd dorsal fin significantly larger than 1st dorsal fin, height 0.09 (0.10-0.15) % TL compared to 0.03 (0.03-0.05) % TL in 1st dorsal fin. 2nd dorsal fin deeply concave with drawn-out lower lobe. Both dorsal fins fringed, with strong fin spines. The 2nd dorsal fin spine is larger than 1st (broken in the holotype) pointing posteriorly. First dorsal fin originate distinctively behind the pectoral fin insertions, whereas origin of 2nd dorsal fin only sligthly behind pelvic fin insertions. Large heterocercal caudal fin 0.2 (0.19-0.21) % TL with strong upper and weaker lower edged lobes, widely covered with dermal denticles [13840].
Vertebrae: 75 - 84. A medium-sized Etmopterus species with the following combination of characters: body fusiform, caudal peduncle short 0.1 (0.09-0.1) % of total length (TL). Moderately long interdorsal distance 0.19 (0.17-0.24) % TL, very long distance from first dorsal fin spine insertion to snout tip 0.36 (0.36-0.43)% TL. Head long 0.21 (0.21-0.26) % TL and broad 0.1 (0.1-0.15) % TL long, as long as caudal peduncle. Snout short 0.41 (0.40-0.46) % head length (HL) and broad 0.37 (0.34-0.38) % HL. Interorbital distance narrow 0.28 (0.26-0.36) % HL, shorter than snout width. Large oval eyes, eye length 0.26 (0.19-0.26) % HL. Eyes reflect greenish in fresh specimens. Large tear-drop shaped spiracles 0.05 (0.03-0.08) % HL. Mouth strongly arched and broad 0.4 (0.11-0.43) % HL with dignathic homodont dentition . Nostrils large and oblique 0.11 (0.11-0.15) % HL. Gill openings with distinct white margins. Pectoral fins rounded and white-edged with fringed ceratotrichia, moderate in size. Inner margin 0.04 (0.04-0.06) % TL, fin base short 0.05 (0.03-0.06) % TL. Dorsal fins densely covered with dermal denticles, 2nd dorsal fin significantly larger than 1st dorsal fin, height 0.09 (0.10-0.15) % TL compared to 0.03 (0.03-0.05) % TL in 1st dorsal fin. 2nd dorsal fin deeply concave with drawn-out lower lobe. Both dorsal fins fringed, with strong fin spines. The 2nd dorsal fin spine is larger than 1st (broken in the holotype) pointing posteriorly. First dorsal fin originate distinctively behind the pectoral fin insertions, whereas origin of 2nd dorsal fin only sligthly behind pelvic fin insertions. Large heterocercal caudal fin 0.2 (0.19-0.21) % TL with strong upper and weaker lower edged lobes, widely covered with dermal denticles [13840].
Southern Ocean: Northern part of the Kerguelen Plateau, off New Zealand and South Africa. Further confirmed for the Macquarie Ridge (P. Last, pers. comm.). It hypothetically occurs in the whole Southern Hemisphere [13840].
Southern Ocean: Northern part of the Kerguelen Plateau, off New Zealand and South Africa. Further confirmed for the Macquarie Ridge (P. Last, pers. comm.). It hypothetically occurs in the whole Southern Hemisphere [13840].
Dentition: Upper teeth multicuspid with two lateral pairs of cusplets flanking a main cusp. Lateral cusplets smaller than the central cusp. Most males have, at least in the majority of upper teeth, only one pair of cusplets. Lower teeth single-cusped and interlocking. Seven tooth rows in upper jaw with three functional rows and four replacement rows. Lower jaw with one functional tooth series and three replacement rows. Twenty-six teeth in upper and 37 in the lower jaw. There are no symphyseal teeth [13840];
Dentition: Upper teeth multicuspid with two lateral pairs of cusplets flanking a main cusp. Lateral cusplets smaller than the central cusp. Most males have, at least in the majority of upper teeth, only one pair of cusplets. Lower teeth single-cusped and interlocking. Seven tooth rows in upper jaw with three functional rows and four replacement rows. Lower jaw with one functional tooth series and three replacement rows. Twenty-six teeth in upper and 37 in the lower jaw. There are no symphyseal teeth [13840];
shark-references Species-ID=11209;
shark-references Species-ID=11209;