Gryphodobatis uncus

Leidy, 1877

Classification: Elasmobranchii Orectolobiformes Orectolobidae

Reference of the original description
Leidy, J. (1877)
Description of vertebrate remains, chiefly from the Phosphate Beds of South Carolina. Journal of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 8(2), 209–261

Image of the original description

Gryphodobatis uncus fig. 8, 9 pl. 34 of Leidy (1877)

Gryphodobatis uncus


Citation: Gryphodobatis uncus Leidy, 1877: In: Database of fossil elasmobranch teeth, World Wide Web electronic publication, Version 03/2025

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Gryphodobatis uncus fig. 8, 9 pl. 34 of Leidy (1877)

Original diagnose after Leidy (1877) p. 249: Figures 8 and 9 of Plate xxxiv represent a tooth, twice the natural size, from the Ashley phosphate beds, ,which may be the symphysial tooth of a Shark, or perhaps the tooth of a Ray. The crown is a narrow curved cone with a laterally expanded base, and twice the length on its external face that it is on the inner face. The point curves inward •and posteriorly. The outline of the base in front is convex. The outer lateral border presents a single denticle a short distance from the summit. The root extends below the crown with a prominent obtuse convex border, and projects backward in a broad trilobate base, as seen in figure 9. Length of the tooth in front, 4 3/4 lines; breadth 3 1/2 lines. Length of the crown in front, 3 1/2 lines. Height of base of root posteriorly, 3 3/4 lines; breadth, 3 1/4 lines.

shark-references Species-ID=8978;
type species of Gryphodobatis Leidy, 1877 p. 249 [1420] by monotypy (Art. 68.3 ICZN)

valid after Leidy (1877) p. 249 [1420]; Woodward (1889) p. 156 [2593]; Hay (1902) p. 316 [1095]

Kruckow, T. & Thies, D. (1990)
Die Neoselachier der Paleokaribik (Pisces: Elasmobranchii). Courier Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg, 119, 1–102
Leriche, M. (1942)
Contribution à l'étude des faunes ichthyologiques marines des terrains tertiaires de la Plaine Côtière Atlantique et du centre des Etats-Unis. Les synchronismes des formations tertiaires des deux côtés de l'Atlantique. Mémoires de la Société géologique de France, 45(2–4), 1–110
Hay, O.P. (1902)
Bibliography and catalogue of the fossil Vertebrata of North America. Bulletin of the United States Geological and Geographical Survey of the Territories, 179, 1–868
Leidy, J. (1877)
Description of vertebrate remains, chiefly from the Phosphate Beds of South Carolina. Journal of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 8(2), 209–261