Heptranchias howellii

(Reed, 1946)

Classification: Elasmobranchii Hexanchiformes Hexanchidae

Reference of the original description
Reed, M.D. (1946)
A new species of fossil shark from New Jersey. Notulae Naturae, 172, 1–3

Image of the original description

Heptranchias howellii (Reed, 1946); holotype, original image of the first description, Shark River formation, Eocene, New Jersey, 13 mm length, ANSP no. 15078

Synonyms / new combinations and misspellings
Heptranchias cf. howelli, Heptranchias cf. howellii, Heptranchias howelli, Notidanion howellii

Heptranchias howellii

Images of types


Citation: Heptranchias howellii (Reed, 1946): In: Database of fossil elasmobranch teeth www.shark-references.com, World Wide Web electronic publication, Version 03/2025

Please send your images of "Heptranchias howellii" to info@shark-references.com

Heptranchias howellii (Reed, 1946), Jamna Dolna (JD2 Locality), Bieszczady Country, Outer Carpathians, Poland, Menilite Formatioon, Early Oligocene, Rupelian, collection and © Adam Anderson

Distribution Geographic
type locality: Beach at Belmar, Monmouth County, New Jersey;
other localities: Jamna Dolna (JD2 Locality), Bieszczady Country, Outer Carpathians, Poland [25358], collection Adam Anderson, Tasmania; Bogelund, Mariagen, Jutland, Denmark, collection Adam Anderson, Tasmania; Frederica, Trelde Naes, Jutland, Denmark, collectionAdam Anderson; Ouled Abdoun Basin, Khouribga, Morocco, collection Adam Anderson, Tasmania; Martinovics Quarry, Kissvabhegy, Budapest, Hungary, collection Adam Anderson, Tasmania;

Distribution of Heptranchidae show google map

Distribution Strategraphy
Shark River formation, Eocene [2003]; Menilite Formatioon, Early Oligocene, Rupelian [25358]; Early Paleocene (Danian), collection Adam Anderson; Early to Middle Eocene (Late Ypresian to Middle Lutetian), Lillebaelt Clay Formation, collection Adam Anderson; Early Eocene (Ypresian) collection Adam Anderson, Tasmania; Late Eocene (Priabonian), Szepvolgy Limestone Formation, collection Adam Anderson, Tasmania;

1 tooth collection nr. ANSP no. 15078 [2003]; 3 teeth (V.61.814., VER 2016.3452., VER 2016.3453.) [25358]

Original description after Reed [2003]: The species is founded on a single lateral tooth from the upper jaw. The length is about 13 mm., the height from the lower margin of the root to the tip of the principal cone is about 7 mm, and the height of the principal cone above the root is about 4 mm. The principal cone is preceded by a group of 3 or 4 denticles, the first of which is comparatively large, but all decrease rapidly in size as they approach the root, giving somewhat the effect of a miniature cockscomb. The principal cone is followed by four accessory cones which are all the same size, and a fifth accessory cone which is very small. There is an indication of a denticle at the extreme posterior end. The cutting edges of the tooth :are entire, and are so thin as to be almost translucent. The tooth is similarly convex on both the inner and outer sides, and is well compressed. The root is straight on the outer side, convex on the inner, with the base tapering to a thickness about equal to that at the base of the crown, so that in profile the root is roughly the shape of a half circle. The tooth as a whole is very slightly twisted, but the cones and denticles are set straight on the root, and are not at all sigmoid.

shark-references Species-ID=2730;
valid after Welton (1974) [2516];

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