Hydrolagus novaezealandiae
(Fowler, 1911)
Dark ghost shark
Classification: Holocephali Chimaeriformes Chimaeridae
Reference of the original description
Notes on chimaeroid and ganoid fishes. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 62, 603–612
Notes on chimaeroid and ganoid fishes. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 62, 603–612
Image of the original description
No image in first description.
No image in first description.
Synonyms / new combinations and misspellings
Chimaera monstrosa australis, Chimaera novae zealandiae, Chimaera novaezealandiae, Hydrolagus novaezelandiae, Phasmichthys novaezealandiae, Phasmichthys novaezelandiae
Chimaera monstrosa australis, Chimaera novae zealandiae, Chimaera novaezealandiae, Hydrolagus novaezelandiae, Phasmichthys novaezealandiae, Phasmichthys novaezelandiae
Hydrolagus novaezealandiae
Syntype: NMNZ: ?P00206
Chimaera monstrosa australis
Holotype: NMNZ: P00206;
Hydrolagus novaezealandiae
Syntype: NMNZ: ?P00206
Chimaera monstrosa australis
Holotype: NMNZ: P00206;
Description :
Citation: Hydrolagus novaezealandiae (Fowler, 1911): In: Database of modern sharks, rays and chimaeras, www.shark-references.com, World Wide Web electronic publication, Version 03/2025
No image available.
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Please send your images of "Hydrolagus novaezealandiae" to
Common names
Dark ghost shark,

Human uses
fisheries: minor commercial; price category: high; price reliability: reliable: based on ex-vessel price for this species
fisheries: minor commercial; price category: high; price reliability: reliable: based on ex-vessel price for this species
Oviparous, young hatch from egg case at about 9-12 cm [578]. Inhabits the outer continental shelf and upper slope. Feeds on crustaceans, shellfish, worms and small fish.
Oviparous, young hatch from egg case at about 9-12 cm [578]. Inhabits the outer continental shelf and upper slope. Feeds on crustaceans, shellfish, worms and small fish.
shark-references Species-ID=3089;
shark-references Species-ID=3089;