Iniopera richardsoni
Zangerl & Case, 1973
Classification: Holocephali Iniopterygiformes Sibyrhynchidae
Reference of the original description
Iniopterygia: a new order of Chondrichthyan fishes from the Pennsylvanian of North America. Fieldiana Geology, Mem., 6, 1–67
Iniopterygia: a new order of Chondrichthyan fishes from the Pennsylvanian of North America. Fieldiana Geology, Mem., 6, 1–67
Synonyms / new combinations and misspellings
Iniopera cf. richardsoni
Iniopera cf. richardsoni
Iniopera richardsoni
Iniopera richardsoni
Citation: Iniopera richardsoni Zangerl & Case, 1973: In: Database of fossil elasmobranch teeth, World Wide Web electronic publication, Version 02/2025
shark-references Species-ID=3162;
shark-references Species-ID=3162;
Rise and diversification of chondrichthyans in the Paleozoic. Paleobiology, in press
DOI: 10.1017/pab.2024.1
Fossilienatlas Fische. Verlag für Natur- und Heimatkunde Hans A. Baensch, Melle
Paleontology, paleobotany and facies characteristics of a Pennsylvanian delta in southeastern Nebraska. Unpubl. Ph.D. thesis, Univ. Texas, Austin, Texas: 393 pp.
Iniopterygia: a new order of Chondrichthyan fishes from the Pennsylvanian of North America. Fieldiana Geology, Mem., 6, 1–67
Rise and diversification of chondrichthyans in the Paleozoic. Paleobiology, in press
DOI: 10.1017/pab.2024.1

Fossilienatlas Fische. Verlag für Natur- und Heimatkunde Hans A. Baensch, Melle

Paleontology, paleobotany and facies characteristics of a Pennsylvanian delta in southeastern Nebraska. Unpubl. Ph.D. thesis, Univ. Texas, Austin, Texas: 393 pp.

Iniopterygia: a new order of Chondrichthyan fishes from the Pennsylvanian of North America. Fieldiana Geology, Mem., 6, 1–67