Isurus minutus
(Agassiz, 1843)
Classification: Elasmobranchii Lamniformes Lamnidae
Reference of the original description
Recherches sur les poissons fossiles, 15th and 16th livraisons (March 1843). Jent and Gassmann, Soleure (text) and H. Nicolet, Neuchâtel (planches). – vol. 3: [i]-[iv], 157-390, 382*-382**, 1–32, [33]-[34], pl. 1, 18, 22, 22a, 22b, 26a, 38, 40b, 40c, 40d, 45, 47
Recherches sur les poissons fossiles, 15th and 16th livraisons (March 1843). Jent and Gassmann, Soleure (text) and H. Nicolet, Neuchâtel (planches). – vol. 3: [i]-[iv], 157-390, 382*-382**, 1–32, [33]-[34], pl. 1, 18, 22, 22a, 22b, 26a, 38, 40b, 40c, 40d, 45, 47
Synonyms / new combinations and misspellings
Lamna aff. minuta, Oxyrhina minuta
Lamna aff. minuta, Oxyrhina minuta
Isurus minutus
Isurus minutus
Citation: Isurus minutus (Agassiz, 1843): In: Database of fossil elasmobranch teeth, World Wide Web electronic publication, Version 03/2025
shark-references Species-ID=3288;
Links: Original description of Agassiz Recherches sur les Poissons Fossiles (1833-1843)
shark-references Species-ID=3288;
Links: Original description of Agassiz Recherches sur les Poissons Fossiles (1833-1843)
Die Fauna und Flora der Rügener Schreibkreide (Maastrichtium, Ostsee) / The fauna and flora of the Rügen White Chalk (Maastrichtian, Baltic Sea). Archiv für Geschiebekunde, 3(2/4), 73–284
Extinct Vertebrates from Beaumaris. Victorian Naturalist, 43(3), 78–82
Some Cainozoic fish remains, vvith a revision of the group. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria, 36, 107–162
Descriptions and revisions of the Cretaceous and Tertiary fish-remains of New-Zealand. New Zealand Department of Mines, Geological Survey Branch, Palaeontological Bulletin, 7, 1–45
Fossil fish remains from the Tertiaries of Australia. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria, 17, 267–297
Bibliography and catalogue of the fossil Vertebrata of North America. Bulletin of the United States Geological and Geographical Survey of the Territories, 179, 1–868
Ittiodontoliti del Veneto. Atti Accademia Scientifica Veneto-Trentino-Istriana, 5, 275–308
Synopsis of the Vertebrata of the Miocene of Cumberland County, New Jersey. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, 14, 361–364
Beiträge zur Kenntniss der Gattung Oxyrhina mit besonderer Berücksichtigung von Oxyrhina Mantelli Agassiz. Palaeontographica, 41, 149–191
An addition to the vertebrate fauna of the Miocene period, with a synopsis of the extinct Cetacea of the United States. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 19, 138–156
Ricerche sui pesci fossili della Sicilia. Atti dell' Accademia nat. Catania, ser. 2(13): 279–328, pl. 1–6 [also: Atti dell' Accademia Gioenia die Scienze Naturali, 13, Serie Seconda, 1858]
Paleontologia del regno di Napoli contenente la descrizione e figura di tutti gli avanzi organici fossili racchiusi nel suolo di questo regno. Parte II, III Tramater, 1856: 1–378, 18 pls.
Descrizione dei pesci e dei crostacei fossili nel Piemonte. Memorie della Reale Accademia della Scienze di Torino, 10, 1–88
Monograph of the fossil Squalidae of the United States. Art. 14. Journal of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 1(ser. 2), 191–206
Die Fische der Vorwelt, mit steter Berücksichtigung der lebenden Fische. Erster Band: Wirbelthiere. Dritte Abtheilung: Fische: i–xii, 1–467. Leipzig (Brockhaus).
Traité élémentaire de paléontologie; ou, Histoire naturelle des animaux fossiles, considérés dans leurs rapports zoologiques et géologiques. Paris, Langlois et Leclerq, 1844-46, vol. II, pp. 259-310

Die Fauna und Flora der Rügener Schreibkreide (Maastrichtium, Ostsee) / The fauna and flora of the Rügen White Chalk (Maastrichtian, Baltic Sea). Archiv für Geschiebekunde, 3(2/4), 73–284

Extinct Vertebrates from Beaumaris. Victorian Naturalist, 43(3), 78–82

Some Cainozoic fish remains, vvith a revision of the group. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria, 36, 107–162
Descriptions and revisions of the Cretaceous and Tertiary fish-remains of New-Zealand. New Zealand Department of Mines, Geological Survey Branch, Palaeontological Bulletin, 7, 1–45

Fossil fish remains from the Tertiaries of Australia. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria, 17, 267–297

Bibliography and catalogue of the fossil Vertebrata of North America. Bulletin of the United States Geological and Geographical Survey of the Territories, 179, 1–868

Ittiodontoliti del Veneto. Atti Accademia Scientifica Veneto-Trentino-Istriana, 5, 275–308
Synopsis of the Vertebrata of the Miocene of Cumberland County, New Jersey. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, 14, 361–364
Beiträge zur Kenntniss der Gattung Oxyrhina mit besonderer Berücksichtigung von Oxyrhina Mantelli Agassiz. Palaeontographica, 41, 149–191
An addition to the vertebrate fauna of the Miocene period, with a synopsis of the extinct Cetacea of the United States. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 19, 138–156
Ricerche sui pesci fossili della Sicilia. Atti dell' Accademia nat. Catania, ser. 2(13): 279–328, pl. 1–6 [also: Atti dell' Accademia Gioenia die Scienze Naturali, 13, Serie Seconda, 1858]
Paleontologia del regno di Napoli contenente la descrizione e figura di tutti gli avanzi organici fossili racchiusi nel suolo di questo regno. Parte II, III Tramater, 1856: 1–378, 18 pls.
Descrizione dei pesci e dei crostacei fossili nel Piemonte. Memorie della Reale Accademia della Scienze di Torino, 10, 1–88
Monograph of the fossil Squalidae of the United States. Art. 14. Journal of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 1(ser. 2), 191–206
Die Fische der Vorwelt, mit steter Berücksichtigung der lebenden Fische. Erster Band: Wirbelthiere. Dritte Abtheilung: Fische: i–xii, 1–467. Leipzig (Brockhaus).
Traité élémentaire de paléontologie; ou, Histoire naturelle des animaux fossiles, considérés dans leurs rapports zoologiques et géologiques. Paris, Langlois et Leclerq, 1844-46, vol. II, pp. 259-310