Isurus paucus

Guitart Manday, 1966

Longfin mako
Classification: Elasmobranchii Lamniformes Lamnidae

Reference of the original description
Guitart-Manday, D.J. (1966)
Nuevo nombre para una especie de Tiburón del género Isurus (Elasmobranchii: Isuridae) de Aguas Cubanas. Poeyana, Ser. A, 15, 1–9

Synonyms / new combinations and misspellings
Isurus alatus, Isurus cf. paucus

Isurus paucus
XXXX: No types known;
Isurus alatus
Holotype: USNM: 197427; Paratype: USNM: 197429; USNM: 197435;

Description :

Citation: Isurus paucus Guitart Manday, 1966: In: Database of modern sharks, rays and chimaeras,, World Wide Web electronic publication, Version 03/2025

Please send your images of "Isurus paucus" to

Isurus paucus Guitart Manday, 1966, © FAO, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Ebert, D.A. 2014. On Board Guide for the Identification of Pelagic Sharks and Rays of the Western Indian Ocean. Reproduced with permission, illustration by Marc Dando , Wildlife Illustrator
Common names
deu \(T\) Makohai, spa Dientuso prieto, spa Mako aletón, spa Marrajo carite, fra \(T\) Petite taupe, eng Longfin mako, eng Longfinned mako shark, por Anequim-preto, por Tubarão, por Tubarão-anequim-de-gadanha

Short Description
Pectoral fins about as long as head or longer, relatively broad-tipped in young and adults; snout usually narrowly to bluntly pointed, usually not acute; cusps of upper and lower anterior teeth straighter, with tips not reversed [531]. Caudal fin lunate, with a very long lower lobe [20050]. Dark blue above, white below, with dusky markings on underside of snout, around mouth (Ref. 6581).

Western Atlantic: Gulf Stream and Florida, USA; also Cuba. Reported from southern Brazil [20050]. Eastern Atlantic: Guinea, Ghana. Western Indian Ocean: Madagascar. Pacific Ocean: Taiwan, near Phoenix Island, and north of Hawaii [20050]. Source:

Human uses
fisheries: minor commercial; price category: medium; price reliability: reliable: based on ex-vessel price for this species

Exhibit ovoviparity (aplacental viviparity), with embryos feeding on other ova produced by the mother (oophagy) after the yolk sac is absorbed [733]. With litters of 2-8 pups [518] [2539]. Distinct pairing with embrace [17086]. Born at 97-120 cm TL [2539].

Size / Weight / Age
417 cm TL (male/unsexed; [518]); 417 cm TL (female)

pelagic-oceanic; oceanodromous [17660]; marine; depth range 0 - 200 m [531]

shark-references Species-ID=3295; CITES: (see: Protected Species for more details) Convention on International Trade in Endangered Speciesof Wild Fauna and Flora annex: II; Council Regulation 2017/160 annex: B

Parasites (arranged by Jürgen Pollerspöck)