Myliobatis tobijei

Bleeker, 1854

Japanese eagle ray
Classification: Elasmobranchii Myliobatiformes Myliobatidae

Reference of the original description
Bleeker, P. (1854)
Faunae ichthyologicae japonicae. Species Novae. Natuurkundig Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch Indië, 6, 395–426

Image of the original description
No image in first description.

Synonyms / new combinations and misspellings
Aetobatis tobijei, Aetobatus tobijei, Holorhinus tobijei, Mobula tobijei, Myliobatis cornuta, Myliobatis cornutus, Myliobatis tobijaei, Myliobatis tobije

Myliobatis tobijei
Syntype: RMNH: 7461 (largest of 2);

Description :

Citation: Myliobatis tobijei Bleeker, 1854: In: Database of modern sharks, rays and chimaeras,, World Wide Web electronic publication, Version 03/2025

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Dorsal view of the holotype of Myliobatis tobijei (RMNH 7461 [largest of 2], juvenile female 236 mm DW, preserved) from Nagasaki, Japan. In: White, W.T. & Kawauchi, J. & CORRIGAN, S. & ROCHEL, E. & Naylor, G.J.P. (2015): Redescription of the eagle rays Myliobatis hamlyni Ogilby, 1911 and M. tobijei Bleeker, 1854 (Myliobatiformes: Myliobatidae) from the East Indo-West Pacific. Zootaxa, 3948 (3): 521–548
Common names
eng Cowhead eagle ray, eng Eagle ray, eng Japanese eagle ray, eng Kite ray

Short Description
Diagnose after WHITE, KAWAUCHI, CORRIGAN, ROCHEL & NAYLOR, [22508]: A small Myliobatis (attaining about 665 mm DW) with the following combination of characters: dorsal surfaces yellowish brown, usually with variable, irregular dark blotches; tail with a very weak ventral skin fold; stinging spine(s) relatively long (longest spine 10.3–18.6% DW); interorbital space shallowly concave in adult males; anterior margins of pectoral fins moderately convex; cranial fontanelle (visible in dorsal view without dissection) relatively narrow with mostly straight lateral margins; claspers of adult males 6.6–10.2% DW; predorsal length 66.6–78.8% DW; pectoral-fin radials 79–85 (excluding rostral propterygial radials anterior of eyes); total vertebral centra (including synarcual) 115–124; males mature by 429 mm DW.

Found in the western North Pacific (Sea of Okhotsk; widely distributed throughout mostly southern Japan; in South Korea, recorded from off Busan and Jeju Island) [22508] Source:

Human uses
fisheries: minor commercial; price category: medium; price reliability: very questionable: based on ex-vessel price for species in this family

Exhibit ovoviparity (aplacental viviparity), with embryos feeding initially on yolk, then receiving additional nourishment from the mother by indirect absorption of uterine fluid enriched with mucus, fat or protein through specialised structures [733]. Found from the intertidal to the uppermost continental slope. Lives on the sandy areas in the rocky regions of the Japanese and the East China seas [17641]. Also inhabits coral reefs (Ref. 58534). A carnivore feeding on benthic animals [17641].

Size / Weight / Age
1257 mm TL max, 245–619 (males) and 214–656 mm (females) DW [22508]

demersal; marine; occurs mostly in shallow coastal waters to depths of at least 60 m [22508]

teeth in 7 rows in each jaw, with a broad median row flanked by three smaller rows on each side [22508]

shark-references Species-ID=4004;

Parasites (arranged by Jürgen Pollerspöck)
  • Dendromonocotyle tsutsumii Kitamura & Ogawa, 2019 [27164]

  • Mawsonascaris myliobatum (Yin & Zhang, 1983) [15762]
  • Raphidascaroides myliobatum Yin & Zhang, 1983 [21235]