Negaprion acutidens
(Rüppell, 1837)
Sicklefin lemon shark
Classification: Elasmobranchii Carcharhiniformes Carcharhinidae
Reference of the original description
Neue Wirbelthiere zu der Fauna von Abyssinien gehörig: Fische des rothen Meeres. Frankfurt am Main, 1837: pp. 53–80, pls. 15–21
Neue Wirbelthiere zu der Fauna von Abyssinien gehörig: Fische des rothen Meeres. Frankfurt am Main, 1837: pp. 53–80, pls. 15–21
Image of the original description

Negaprion acutidens (Rüppell, 1837), image of the first description in Rüppell, plate 18, fig. 3

Negaprion acutidens (Rüppell, 1837), image of the first description in Rüppell, plate 18, fig. 3
Synonyms / new combinations and misspellings
Aprionodon acutidens, Aprionodon acutidens queenslandicus, Carcharias acutidens, Carcharias munzingeri, Carcharias (Aprion) acutidens, Carcharias (Aprionodon) acutidens, Eulamia odontaspis, Hemigaleops fosteri, Mystidens innominatus, Negaprion odontaspis, Negaprion queenslandicus, Odontaspis madagascariensis, Squalus acutidens
Aprionodon acutidens, Aprionodon acutidens queenslandicus, Carcharias acutidens, Carcharias munzingeri, Carcharias (Aprion) acutidens, Carcharias (Aprionodon) acutidens, Eulamia odontaspis, Hemigaleops fosteri, Mystidens innominatus, Negaprion odontaspis, Negaprion queenslandicus, Odontaspis madagascariensis, Squalus acutidens
Negaprion acutidens
Lectotype: SMF: 2825
Aprionodon acutidens queenslandicus
Holotype: QM: I.6189 Paratype: QM: I.5577 QM: I.5976 QM: I.6117
Eulamia odontaspis
Holotype: ANSP: 34634 (missing);
Hemigaleops fosteri
Holotype: USNM: 152917;
Mystidens innominatus
Holotype: AMS: IB.278;
Odontaspis madagascariensis
XXXX: No types known;
Negaprion acutidens
Lectotype: SMF: 2825
Aprionodon acutidens queenslandicus
Holotype: QM: I.6189 Paratype: QM: I.5577 QM: I.5976 QM: I.6117
Eulamia odontaspis
Holotype: ANSP: 34634 (missing);
Hemigaleops fosteri
Holotype: USNM: 152917;
Mystidens innominatus
Holotype: AMS: IB.278;
Odontaspis madagascariensis
XXXX: No types known;
Description :
Citation: Negaprion acutidens (Rüppell, 1837): In: Database of modern sharks, rays and chimaeras,, World Wide Web electronic publication, Version 03/2025
Please send your images of "Negaprion acutidens" to
Negaprion acutidens (Rüppell, 1837), © Johann Mourier, Shark research & Behavioural Ecology

Negaprion acutidens (Rüppell, 1837), © Johann Mourier, Shark research & Behavioural Ecology
Common names
Tiburón aletón,
Tiburón segador,
Requin citron,
Requin citron faucille,
Requin grandes ailes,
Requin limon faucille,
Broadfin shark,
Indian lemon shark,
Indo-Pacific lemon shark,
Lemon shark,
Sharptooth lemon shark,
Sharptooth shark,
Sicklefin lemon shark,
Limão foiçador

Short Description
A large, stocky, yellowish shark with a broad, blunt snout, narrow, smooth-cusped teeth in both jaws, and equal-sized dorsal fins [536]. Yellowish brown above, paler below [544]. With two nearly equally large dorsal fins (Ref. 37816).
A large, stocky, yellowish shark with a broad, blunt snout, narrow, smooth-cusped teeth in both jaws, and equal-sized dorsal fins [536]. Yellowish brown above, paler below [544]. With two nearly equally large dorsal fins (Ref. 37816).
Indo-Pacific: Red Sea and South Africa (including Mauritius, Seychelles, Madagascar) to Philippines, north to Viet Nam, south to Australia. Also from Palau, Marshall Islands, and Tahiti. Recorded from Taiwan (Ref. 4868).
First record: 2017 [25261]: Chesterfield reefs (Coral Sea, Western Central Pacific)
Indo-Pacific: Red Sea and South Africa (including Mauritius, Seychelles, Madagascar) to Philippines, north to Viet Nam, south to Australia. Also from Palau, Marshall Islands, and Tahiti. Recorded from Taiwan (Ref. 4868).
First record: 2017 [25261]: Chesterfield reefs (Coral Sea, Western Central Pacific)
Human uses
fisheries: commercial
fisheries: commercial
Viviparous, placental [733], 1-14 per litter [1388]. Gestation period 10-11 months [536] [2539]. Size at birth about 50 to 70 cm TL [544]; 45-80 cm TL [2539]. Distinct pairing with embrace [17086]. Mating and pupping take place during late spring and early summer (Ref. 37816). Occurs on the continental shelf (Ref. 75154).
Viviparous, placental [733], 1-14 per litter [1388]. Gestation period 10-11 months [536] [2539]. Size at birth about 50 to 70 cm TL [544]; 45-80 cm TL [2539]. Distinct pairing with embrace [17086]. Mating and pupping take place during late spring and early summer (Ref. 37816). Occurs on the continental shelf (Ref. 75154).
shark-references Species-ID=4086;
copyright by: Jürgen Pollerspöck, Curieuse, Seychelles
shark-references Species-ID=4086;
copyright by: Jürgen Pollerspöck, Curieuse, Seychelles
Parasites (arranged by Jürgen Pollerspöck)
- Ceratomyxa negaprioni Gleeson & Adlard, 2011 [13965]
- Alexandercestus gibsoni Ruhnke & Workman, 2013 [19402]
- Alexandercestus manteri Ruhnke & Workman, 2013 [19402]
- Alexandercestus masoumehae Maleki, Valinasab & Palm, 2020 [28903]
- Otobothrium sp. [16112]
- Paragrillotia spratti (Campbell & Beveridge, 1993) [12209]
- Phoreiobothrium perilocrocodilus Caira, Richmond & Swanson, 2005 [16205]
- Platybothrium jondoeorum Healy, 2003 [7384]
- Scyphophyllidium arnoldi (Ruhnke & Thompson, 2006) [16104]
- Triloculatum andersonorum Caira & Jensen, 2009 [7582]
- Perissopus dentatus Steenstrup & Lütken, 1861 [33009]
- Gnathia albipalpebrata Ota, 2014 [22155]
- Gnathia dejimagi Ota, 2014 [22155]
- Gnathia grandilaris Coetzee, Smit, Grutter & Davies, 2008 [22155]
- Gnathia maculosa Ota & Hirose, 2009 [22155]
- Gnathia nubila Ota & Hirose, 2009 [22155]
- Gnathia rufescens Ota, 2015 [22155]
- Gnathia trimaculata Coetzee, Smit, Grutter & Davies, 2009 [17188] [22155]
- Pontobdella macrothela (Schimarda, 1861) [26971]