Negaprion frequens
(Dames, 1883)
Classification: Elasmobranchii Carcharhiniformes Carcharhinidae
Reference of the original description
Über eine tertiäre Wirbelthierfauna von der westlichen Insel der Birket-EI-Qrûn im Fajum (Aegypten). Sitzungsberichte der Königlich Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin, 6, 129–153
Über eine tertiäre Wirbelthierfauna von der westlichen Insel der Birket-EI-Qrûn im Fajum (Aegypten). Sitzungsberichte der Königlich Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin, 6, 129–153
Synonyms / new combinations and misspellings
Aprionodon cf. frequens, Aprionodon frequens, Aprionodon (Carcharias) frequens, Carcharhinus aff. frequens, Carcharhinus cf. frequens, Carcharhinus frequens, Carcharhinus (Aprionodon) frequens, Carcharias (Aprionodon) aff. frequens, Carcharias (Aprionodon) frequens
Aprionodon cf. frequens, Aprionodon frequens, Aprionodon (Carcharias) frequens, Carcharhinus aff. frequens, Carcharhinus cf. frequens, Carcharhinus frequens, Carcharhinus (Aprionodon) frequens, Carcharias (Aprionodon) aff. frequens, Carcharias (Aprionodon) frequens
Negaprion frequens
Negaprion frequens
Citation: Negaprion frequens (Dames, 1883): In: Database of fossil elasmobranch teeth, World Wide Web electronic publication, Version 03/2025
Miocene cartilaginous fishes (Chondrichthyes, Elasmobranchii) from India: A review on global palaeobiogeography. Indian Journal of Geosciences, 78(3), 311–330
Faszination Haie – Die Welt der fossilen und der lebenden Haie. Der Steinkern, 58, 1–116
Combining palaeontological and neontological data shows a delayed diversification burst of carcharhiniform sharks likely mediated by environmental change. Scientific Reports, 12, Article 21906
DOI: 10.1038/s41598-022-26010-7
Sharks and rays from the Mokattamian Stage (middle and late Eocene) of Egypt, including some species from the middle Eocene Midra Shale of Qatar. Egyptian Journal of Geology, 66(1), 105–153
DOI: 10.21608/EGJG.2022.173845.1028
Feeding ecology has shaped the evolution of modern sharks. Current Biology, 31(23), 5138–5148
DOI: 10.1016/j.cub.2021.09.028
Feeding ecology has shaped the evolution of modern sharks. Current Biology, 31(23), 5138–5148
DOI: 10.1016/j.cub.2021.09.028
Diversity and renewal of tropical elasmobranchs around the Middle Eocene Climatic Optimum (MECO) in North Africa: New data from the lagoonal deposits of Djebel el Kébar, Central Tunisia. Palaeontologica Electronica, 23(2), Article a38
DOI: 10.26879/1085
A reworked elasmobranch fauna from Tunisia providing a snapshot of Eocene-Oligocene Tethyan faunas. Journal of African Earth Sciences, 149, 194–206
DOI: 10.1016/j.jafrearsci.2018.08.008
A new Odontorhytis species (Chondrichthyes) from the Middle Eocene of Elgedida Mine, Bahariya Oasis, Egypt. Egyptian Journal of Geology, 63, 407–415
Taxonomy and morphological study on the vertebrate remains of Shark and rays fauna from the Middle and Late Eocene succession, Fayoum Depression, Egypt. Delta Journal of Science, 38, 202–217
A new Oligocene site with terrestrial mammals and a selachian fauna from Minqar Tibaghbagh, the Western Desert of Egypt. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica, 62(3), 509–525
DOI: 10.4202/app.00341.2017
Miocene fishes from Baripada Bbeds, Orissa and their palaeoenvironmental, palaeobiogeographic and palaeoclimatic significance. Special Publication of the Palaeontological Society of India, 5, 291–323
Palaeobiogeographic relationships and palaeoenvironmental implications of an earliest Oligocene Tethyan ichthyofauna from Egypt. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 51(10), 909–918
DOI: 10.1139/cjes-2014-0097
Reconstruction of palaeoclimate of neogene quaternary sequences exposed around Baripada District Mayurbhanj Orissa using palaeontological biostratigraphic and sedimentological studies. Thesis, Panjab University, India
Priabonian sharks and rays (late Eocene: Neoselachii) from Minqar Tabaghbagh in the Western Qattara Depression, Egypt. Contributions from the Museum of Paleontology, University of Michigan, 32(6): 71–90
Shark and ray faunas in the Middle and Late Eocene of the Fayum Area, Egypt. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, 122(1), 47–66
DOI: 10.1016/j.pgeola.2010.09.004
Paleo-environments of the exposed Eocene Sediments between Wadi El-Hitan and east Siwa in the Egyptian Western Desert based on their faunal content especially the vertebrates. Thesis, Zagazig University, Faculty of Science, Geology Department
A new Priabonian Chondrichthyans assemblage from the Western desert, Egypt: Correlation with the Fayum oasis. Journal of African Earth Sciences, 61(1), 27–37
DOI: 10.1016/j.jafrearsci.2011.04.005
A Middle-Late Eocene vertebrate fauna (marine fish and mammals) from southwestern Morocco; preliminary report: age and palaeobiogeographical implications. Geological Magazine, 147(6), 860–870
DOI: 10.1017/S0016756810000348
A Fossil Hunting Guide To the Tertiary Formations of Qatar, Middle East. electronic publishing,
A remarkable Eocene ichthyofauna from the El Gedida glauconitic sandstone, Bahariya oasis, Egypt, and its stratigraphic implications. M.E.R.C. Aïn Shams University, Earth Science Series, 21: 81–98, 4 fig., pl. 1–3.
Descripción de asociaciones faunísticas de elasmobranquios fósiles del eoceno superior (Priaboniano) de las formaciones Tepetate y Bateque de Baja California Sur, México. unpublished Thesis, La Paz, Centro Interdisciplinario de Ciencias Marinas. XIII, 226 p.
Elasmobranchs from the late Eocene Wadi Esh-Shallala Formation of Qa'Faydat ad Dahikiya, east Jordan. Tertiary Research, 21(1–4), 77–94
New biostratigraphical data on the marine Upper Cretaceous and Palaeogene of Jordan. Newsletters on Stratigraphy, 38, 81–95
Elasmobranch fossils from the late Eocene of the Wadi Esh-Shallala Formation, Qa'Faydat ad Dahikiya, east Jordan [Abstract]. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 19(Supplement to Number 3), 66A
The Eocene selachian fauna from the Fayum Depression in Egypt. Palaeontographica, Abt. A, 212(1–6), 1–30
Paleoecology of Baripada beds (Middle Miocene), east coast of India. Bulletin of the Indian Geologists Association, 21(2), 141–153
Neue Angaben über einige Fischreste aus dem Eozän des Transylvanischen Beckens. In Petrescu I., (Ed.) The Eocene from the Transylvanian Basin, Faculty of Biology-Geography-Geology, Geology-Mineralogy Department, Cluj-Napoca: 127–134
Fish microfauna from Baripada beds (Miocène), eastern India. Revue de Paléobiologie, 3, 1–13
A Preliminary Note on Miocene Elasmobranchs from Orissa. Journal of the Geological Society of India, 16(1), 98–99
Sur un materiel ichthyologique des Midra (and Saila) shales du Qatar (Golfe Persique). Bulletin de l'Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique, 47(2), 1–9
Some fossil fish teeth from Tertiary deposits of Mayurbhanj, India. Journal of Paleontology, 33(4), 675–679
Contribuiciao para o conhecimento da fauna ictiológica do Miocénico Marinho de Portugal Continental. Revista da Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa, Serie C, 4, 39–119
Über tertiäre Versteinerungen von den Bogenfelser Diamantfeldern. Die Diamantenwüste Südwestafrikas, Bd. II: 55–87, pl. B, fig. 31, 33.
Sur les Vertébrés du Crétacé et de l'Eocène d'Egypte. Bulletin de la Société géologique de France, (Serie 4), 14, 366–382
Sur les Vertébrés du Crétacé et de l'Eocène d'Egypte. Bulletin de la Société géologique de France, (Serie 4), 14, 366–382
Fossil fish teeth of the Pegu System, Burma, Records of the Geological Survey of India, 38(4), 192–300
Poissons tertiaires des possessions africaines du Portugal. Comunicações dos Serviços Geológicos de Portugal, 7, 74–79
Sur des Vertébrés de l'Eocène d'Egypte et de Tunisie. Bulletin de la Société géologique de France, (Serie 4), 7, 412–419
Sur les poissons fossiles du Stampien du Bassin parisien. Bulletin de la Société géologique de France, (Serie 4), 6, 195–205
Haifischzähne aus dem unteren Mokattam bei Wasta in Egypten. Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie, Geologie und Paläontologie, 1: 29–41
Sur des poissons fossiles éocènes d'Egypte et de Roumanie et rectification relative à Pseudolates herberti Gervais sp. Bulletin de la Société géologique de France, (Serie 3), 27, 241–253
Neue Fische aus dem mitteloligocänen Meeressanden des Mainzer Beckens (II. Theil, Tafel 1). Notizblatt des Vereins für Erdkunde und der Großherzoglichen geologischen Landesanstalt zu Darmstadt, 4(19), 34–49, 1 pl.
Miocene cartilaginous fishes (Chondrichthyes, Elasmobranchii) from India: A review on global palaeobiogeography. Indian Journal of Geosciences, 78(3), 311–330

Faszination Haie – Die Welt der fossilen und der lebenden Haie. Der Steinkern, 58, 1–116
Combining palaeontological and neontological data shows a delayed diversification burst of carcharhiniform sharks likely mediated by environmental change. Scientific Reports, 12, Article 21906
DOI: 10.1038/s41598-022-26010-7
Sharks and rays from the Mokattamian Stage (middle and late Eocene) of Egypt, including some species from the middle Eocene Midra Shale of Qatar. Egyptian Journal of Geology, 66(1), 105–153
DOI: 10.21608/EGJG.2022.173845.1028
Feeding ecology has shaped the evolution of modern sharks. Current Biology, 31(23), 5138–5148
DOI: 10.1016/j.cub.2021.09.028
Feeding ecology has shaped the evolution of modern sharks. Current Biology, 31(23), 5138–5148
DOI: 10.1016/j.cub.2021.09.028
Diversity and renewal of tropical elasmobranchs around the Middle Eocene Climatic Optimum (MECO) in North Africa: New data from the lagoonal deposits of Djebel el Kébar, Central Tunisia. Palaeontologica Electronica, 23(2), Article a38
DOI: 10.26879/1085

A reworked elasmobranch fauna from Tunisia providing a snapshot of Eocene-Oligocene Tethyan faunas. Journal of African Earth Sciences, 149, 194–206
DOI: 10.1016/j.jafrearsci.2018.08.008
A new Odontorhytis species (Chondrichthyes) from the Middle Eocene of Elgedida Mine, Bahariya Oasis, Egypt. Egyptian Journal of Geology, 63, 407–415
Taxonomy and morphological study on the vertebrate remains of Shark and rays fauna from the Middle and Late Eocene succession, Fayoum Depression, Egypt. Delta Journal of Science, 38, 202–217
A new Oligocene site with terrestrial mammals and a selachian fauna from Minqar Tibaghbagh, the Western Desert of Egypt. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica, 62(3), 509–525
DOI: 10.4202/app.00341.2017

Miocene fishes from Baripada Bbeds, Orissa and their palaeoenvironmental, palaeobiogeographic and palaeoclimatic significance. Special Publication of the Palaeontological Society of India, 5, 291–323

Palaeobiogeographic relationships and palaeoenvironmental implications of an earliest Oligocene Tethyan ichthyofauna from Egypt. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 51(10), 909–918
DOI: 10.1139/cjes-2014-0097
Reconstruction of palaeoclimate of neogene quaternary sequences exposed around Baripada District Mayurbhanj Orissa using palaeontological biostratigraphic and sedimentological studies. Thesis, Panjab University, India
Priabonian sharks and rays (late Eocene: Neoselachii) from Minqar Tabaghbagh in the Western Qattara Depression, Egypt. Contributions from the Museum of Paleontology, University of Michigan, 32(6): 71–90

Shark and ray faunas in the Middle and Late Eocene of the Fayum Area, Egypt. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, 122(1), 47–66
DOI: 10.1016/j.pgeola.2010.09.004

Paleo-environments of the exposed Eocene Sediments between Wadi El-Hitan and east Siwa in the Egyptian Western Desert based on their faunal content especially the vertebrates. Thesis, Zagazig University, Faculty of Science, Geology Department

A new Priabonian Chondrichthyans assemblage from the Western desert, Egypt: Correlation with the Fayum oasis. Journal of African Earth Sciences, 61(1), 27–37
DOI: 10.1016/j.jafrearsci.2011.04.005

A Middle-Late Eocene vertebrate fauna (marine fish and mammals) from southwestern Morocco; preliminary report: age and palaeobiogeographical implications. Geological Magazine, 147(6), 860–870
DOI: 10.1017/S0016756810000348
A Fossil Hunting Guide To the Tertiary Formations of Qatar, Middle East. electronic publishing,

A remarkable Eocene ichthyofauna from the El Gedida glauconitic sandstone, Bahariya oasis, Egypt, and its stratigraphic implications. M.E.R.C. Aïn Shams University, Earth Science Series, 21: 81–98, 4 fig., pl. 1–3.
Descripción de asociaciones faunísticas de elasmobranquios fósiles del eoceno superior (Priaboniano) de las formaciones Tepetate y Bateque de Baja California Sur, México. unpublished Thesis, La Paz, Centro Interdisciplinario de Ciencias Marinas. XIII, 226 p.

Elasmobranchs from the late Eocene Wadi Esh-Shallala Formation of Qa'Faydat ad Dahikiya, east Jordan. Tertiary Research, 21(1–4), 77–94

New biostratigraphical data on the marine Upper Cretaceous and Palaeogene of Jordan. Newsletters on Stratigraphy, 38, 81–95

Elasmobranch fossils from the late Eocene of the Wadi Esh-Shallala Formation, Qa'Faydat ad Dahikiya, east Jordan [Abstract]. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 19(Supplement to Number 3), 66A

The Eocene selachian fauna from the Fayum Depression in Egypt. Palaeontographica, Abt. A, 212(1–6), 1–30

Paleoecology of Baripada beds (Middle Miocene), east coast of India. Bulletin of the Indian Geologists Association, 21(2), 141–153

Neue Angaben über einige Fischreste aus dem Eozän des Transylvanischen Beckens. In Petrescu I., (Ed.) The Eocene from the Transylvanian Basin, Faculty of Biology-Geography-Geology, Geology-Mineralogy Department, Cluj-Napoca: 127–134

Fish microfauna from Baripada beds (Miocène), eastern India. Revue de Paléobiologie, 3, 1–13

A Preliminary Note on Miocene Elasmobranchs from Orissa. Journal of the Geological Society of India, 16(1), 98–99

Sur un materiel ichthyologique des Midra (and Saila) shales du Qatar (Golfe Persique). Bulletin de l'Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique, 47(2), 1–9

Some fossil fish teeth from Tertiary deposits of Mayurbhanj, India. Journal of Paleontology, 33(4), 675–679

Contribuiciao para o conhecimento da fauna ictiológica do Miocénico Marinho de Portugal Continental. Revista da Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa, Serie C, 4, 39–119

Über tertiäre Versteinerungen von den Bogenfelser Diamantfeldern. Die Diamantenwüste Südwestafrikas, Bd. II: 55–87, pl. B, fig. 31, 33.
Sur les Vertébrés du Crétacé et de l'Eocène d'Egypte. Bulletin de la Société géologique de France, (Serie 4), 14, 366–382
Sur les Vertébrés du Crétacé et de l'Eocène d'Egypte. Bulletin de la Société géologique de France, (Serie 4), 14, 366–382

Fossil fish teeth of the Pegu System, Burma, Records of the Geological Survey of India, 38(4), 192–300

Poissons tertiaires des possessions africaines du Portugal. Comunicações dos Serviços Geológicos de Portugal, 7, 74–79
Sur des Vertébrés de l'Eocène d'Egypte et de Tunisie. Bulletin de la Société géologique de France, (Serie 4), 7, 412–419

Sur les poissons fossiles du Stampien du Bassin parisien. Bulletin de la Société géologique de France, (Serie 4), 6, 195–205

Haifischzähne aus dem unteren Mokattam bei Wasta in Egypten. Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie, Geologie und Paläontologie, 1: 29–41
Sur des poissons fossiles éocènes d'Egypte et de Roumanie et rectification relative à Pseudolates herberti Gervais sp. Bulletin de la Société géologique de France, (Serie 3), 27, 241–253

Neue Fische aus dem mitteloligocänen Meeressanden des Mainzer Beckens (II. Theil, Tafel 1). Notizblatt des Vereins für Erdkunde und der Großherzoglichen geologischen Landesanstalt zu Darmstadt, 4(19), 34–49, 1 pl.