Notorynchus kempi

Ward, 1979

Classification: Elasmobranchii Hexanchiformes Hexanchidae

Reference of the original description
Ward, D.J. (1979)
Additions to the fish fauna of the English Palaeogene. 3. A review of the Hexanchid sharks with a description of four new species. Tertiary Research, 2(3), 111–129

Synonyms / new combinations and misspellings
Notorhynchus kempi, Notorynchus cf. kempi

Notorynchus kempi
Holotype: BMNH.: P.1224a; Paratype: BMNH.: P.60142; BMNH.: P.58540;


Citation: Notorynchus kempi Ward, 1979: In: Database of fossil elasmobranch teeth, World Wide Web electronic publication, Version 03/2025

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Notorynchus kempi Ward, 1979; Late Eocene, Gehlberg Formation, Open pit mine Treue, Helmstedt, Lower Saxony, Germany. Collection and © Adam Anderson

Original diagnose after Ward (1979) p. 119 [2493]: (based on isolated teeth only). Notorynchus with lower antero-lateral teeth from fifteen to over thirty millimeters in length. Mesial cusplets small and even. Principal cusp and distal cusplets low, distally directed with relatively curved mesial and distal cutting edges.

shark-references Species-ID=4201;
valid after Ward (1979) p. 121 [2493]

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