Palaeoxyris lewisi

Zidec, 1976

Classification: Elasmobranchii

Reference of the original description
Zidek, J. (1976)
A New Shark Egg Capsule from the Pennsylvanian of Oklahoma, and Remarks on the Chondrichthyan Egg Capsules in General. Journal of Paleontology, 50(5), 907–915

Palaeoxyris lewisi
Holotype: OUSM: 00499;

Images of types


Citation: Palaeoxyris lewisi Zidec, 1976: In: Database of fossil elasmobranch teeth, World Wide Web electronic publication, Version 03/2025

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after Zidek, 1976: Holotype of Palaeoxyris lewisi (OUSM 00499)

Distribution Geographic
Northeast Oklahoma, Rogers County,

Distribution Strategraphy
Base of the Verdigris Limestone, the upper part of the Senora Formation, Cabaniss Group, Des Moines Series, Middle Pennsylvanian.

42 mm long, 7,5 mm maximum wide (holotype)

32 capsules in Sam Noble Oklahoma Museum of Natural History (April 2012)

from Zitec, 1976: Fusiform capsule with the length:width body ratio 3:1 and body:beak length ratio 2.5:1; the beak ends in a spine; suture smooth; 10 spiral bands rise at an angle of approximately 30° in the mid-section of the body and at angles as steep as 60° in the end portions of the body; the bands show an alternating pattern of one narrow to two broad bands.

shark-references Species-ID=7694;

Wittry, J. (2018)
Illinois - Fossil Shark Egg Cases of the Mazon Creek Region. The Field Museum, Chicago, IL 60605 USA
Fischer, J. & Leipner, A. & Hartkopf-Froder, C. & Schneider, J.W. & Wittry, J. & Sowiak, M. (2015)
Pennsylvanian chondrichthyan egg capsules from the Piesberg quarry, Northwest Germany [Abstract]. In PalGes 2015 14.–16. September 2015 Schiffweiler–Reden, Germany
Fischer, J. & Wittry, J. (2014)
The unique Pennsylvanian chondrichthyan multi-taxa nursery of Mazon Creek. Absract. Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften, 85: 121
Müller, A.H. (1978)
Über Palaeoxyris und andere Eikapseln fossiler Knorpelfische (Chondrichthyes). Freiberger Forschungshefte, C342, 7–28
Zidek, J. (1976)
A New Shark Egg Capsule from the Pennsylvanian of Oklahoma, and Remarks on the Chondrichthyan Egg Capsules in General. Journal of Paleontology, 50(5), 907–915