Potamotrygon limai

Fontenelle, Da Silva & De Carvalho, 2014

Classification: Elasmobranchii Myliobatiformes Potamotrygonidae

Reference of the original description
Fontenelle, J.P. & da Silva, J.P.C.B. & de Carvalho, M.R. (2014)
Potamotrygon limai, sp. nov., a new species of freshwater stingray from the upper Madeira River system, Amazon basin (Chondrichthyes: Potamotrygonidae). Zootaxa, 3765(3), 249–268

Image of the original description

X-ray radiographs of Potamotrygon limai, sp. nov. (A) Entire skeleton (MZUSP 104068, juvenile male, 219 mm DW; scale bar = 40 mm); (B) Detail of jaw region (MZUSP 103031, adult male, 498 mm DW; scale bar = 35 mm); (C) Detail of angular cartilages (MZUSP 103031, adult male, 498 mm DW; scale bar = 25 mm); (D) Detail of pectoral girdle (MZUSP 103031, adult male, 498 mm DW; scale bar = 25 mm); (E) Detail of pelvic girdle (MZUSP 103031, adult male, 498 mm DW; scale bar = 25 mm); © JOÃO PAULO C. B. DA SILVA

Potamotrygon limai
Holotype: MZUSP: 104031; Paratype: MZUSP: 104039; MZUSP: 104040; MZUSP: 104041;

Images of types

Description :

Citation: Potamotrygon limai Fontenelle, Da Silva & De Carvalho, 2014: In: Database of modern sharks, rays and chimaeras, www.shark-references.com, World Wide Web electronic publication, Version 03/2025

Please send your images of "Potamotrygon limai" to info@shark-references.com

Holotype of Potamotrygon limai, sp. nov. (MZUSP 104031, adult male, 498 mm DW). (A) Dorsal view; (B) Ventral view; © JOÃO PAULO C. B. DA SILVA
Short Description
Original diagnose after FONTENELLE, DA SILVA & DE CARVALHO, 2014 [20466]: Potamotrygon limai, sp. nov., is distinguished from other Potamotrygon species by the following combination of characters: dorsal disc with a dark brownish background, covered with beige to whitish, closely packed small spots roughly arranged in small concentric patterns, these wider toward disc margins, without ocelli; whitish spots may be closely set forming vermicular patterns; lower back portion of disc with a characteristic roughly polygonal pattern, interspersed with small light spots; rostral dermal denticles fairly simple, composed of a single central crown and star-shaped base, with central and posterior disc denticles presenting star-shaped crown ridges, mostly with anterior and lateral dichotomies; two to three irregular rows of hook-shaped spines on dorsal tail midline.

currently known only from the Jamari River, upper Madeira River basin, state of Rondônia, Brazil [20466];

Size / Weight / Age
408 mm – 914 mm TL [20466]; 219 mm – 648 mm DW [20466]


Upper Jaw Tooth Rows: 36–48; Lower Jaw Tooth Rows: 36–48 [20466];

shark-references Species-ID=13963; CITES: (see: Protected Species for more details) Convention on International Trade in Endangered Speciesof Wild Fauna and Flora annex: III; Council Regulation 2017/160 annex: C