Rhinoptera sherborni
White, 1926
Classification: Elasmobranchii Myliobatiformes Rhinopteridae
Reference of the original description
Eocene fishes from Nigeria. Bulletin of the Geological Survey of Nigeria, 10, 1–82
Eocene fishes from Nigeria. Bulletin of the Geological Survey of Nigeria, 10, 1–82
Synonyms / new combinations and misspellings
Rhinoptera aff. sherburni, Rhinoptera cf. sherborni
Rhinoptera aff. sherburni, Rhinoptera cf. sherborni
Rhinoptera sherborni
Rhinoptera sherborni
Citation: Rhinoptera sherborni White, 1926: In: Database of fossil elasmobranch teeth www.shark-references.com, World Wide Web electronic publication, Version 03/2025
shark-references Species-ID=6076;
valid after Noubhani & Cappetta (1997) p. 125 [1824]; Zalat et al. (2017) p. 206 [25860]
shark-references Species-ID=6076;
valid after Noubhani & Cappetta (1997) p. 125 [1824]; Zalat et al. (2017) p. 206 [25860]
Miocene cartilaginous fishes (Chondrichthyes, Elasmobranchii) from India: A review on global palaeobiogeography. Indian Journal of Geosciences, 78(3), 311–330
Taxonomy and morphological study on the vertebrate remains of Shark and rays fauna from the Middle and Late Eocene succession, Fayoum Depression, Egypt. Delta Journal of Science, 38, 202–217
The Turanian Basin in the Eocene: the new data on the fossil sharks and rays from the Kyzylkum Desert (Uzbekistan). Proceedings of the Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, 320(1), 50–65
Additional Fossil Batoids (Skates and Rays) from the Miocene Deposits of Baripada Beds, Mayurbhanj District, Orissa, India. Earth Science India, 6(4), 160–184
Reconstruction of palaeoclimate of neogene quaternary sequences exposed around Baripada District Mayurbhanj Orissa using palaeontological biostratigraphic and sedimentological studies. Thesis, Panjab University, India
A Freshwater Ichthyofauna from the Late Eocene Birket Qarun Formation, Fayum, Egypt. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 30(3), 665–680
DOI: 10.1080/02724631003758060
Part 3. Rays from the Fisher/Sullivan Site. In R.E. Weems(ed.), Fossil Vertebrates and Plants from the Fisher/Sullivan Site(Stafford County): A Record of Early Eocene Life in Virginia. Virginia Division of Mineral Resources 152: 39–51
Les Orectolobiformes, Carcharhiniformes et Myliobatiformes (Elasmobranchii, Neoselachii) des Bassins à phosphate du Maroc (Maastrichtien-Lutétien basal). Systématique, biostratigraphie, évolution et dynamique des faunes. Palaeo Ichthyologica, 8, 1–327
A Middle Eocene selachian fauna from the White Mountain Formation of the Kizylkum Desert, Uzbekistan, C.I.S. Palaeontographica, Abt. A, 242(4–6), 99–126
Age of vertebrates from the Andarak locality (southern Fergana). Stratigraphy and Geological Correlation, 1(3), 139–141
An Illustrated Guide to the British Middle Eocene Vertebrates. Privately published, London, 59 pp.
Sravnenye kompleksov khryashchevykh ryb i drugikh pozovonochnykh paleogena Pritashkentshkikh. Biostratigrafia, Paleontologia Osadochnogo Chekhla Ukrainy, 1987, 167–174
Fossil sharks, rays and chimaeroids of the English Tertiary period. Gosport Museum, 1–47, 10 fig., 3 tabl., 16 pl.
The distribution of sharks, rays and chimaeroids in the English Palaeogene. Tertiary Research, 3(1), 13–19
Some fossil fish teeth from Tertiary deposits of Mayurbhanj, India. Journal of Paleontology, 33(4), 675–679
Les vertébrés fossiles des gisements de phosphates (Maroc-Algérie-Tunisie). Notes et Mémoires du Service Géologique du Maroc, 92, 1–372
Eocene fishes from Nigeria. Bulletin of the Geological Survey of Nigeria, 10, 1–82
Miocene cartilaginous fishes (Chondrichthyes, Elasmobranchii) from India: A review on global palaeobiogeography. Indian Journal of Geosciences, 78(3), 311–330
Taxonomy and morphological study on the vertebrate remains of Shark and rays fauna from the Middle and Late Eocene succession, Fayoum Depression, Egypt. Delta Journal of Science, 38, 202–217

The Turanian Basin in the Eocene: the new data on the fossil sharks and rays from the Kyzylkum Desert (Uzbekistan). Proceedings of the Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, 320(1), 50–65

Additional Fossil Batoids (Skates and Rays) from the Miocene Deposits of Baripada Beds, Mayurbhanj District, Orissa, India. Earth Science India, 6(4), 160–184
Reconstruction of palaeoclimate of neogene quaternary sequences exposed around Baripada District Mayurbhanj Orissa using palaeontological biostratigraphic and sedimentological studies. Thesis, Panjab University, India

A Freshwater Ichthyofauna from the Late Eocene Birket Qarun Formation, Fayum, Egypt. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 30(3), 665–680
DOI: 10.1080/02724631003758060

Part 3. Rays from the Fisher/Sullivan Site. In R.E. Weems(ed.), Fossil Vertebrates and Plants from the Fisher/Sullivan Site(Stafford County): A Record of Early Eocene Life in Virginia. Virginia Division of Mineral Resources 152: 39–51

Les Orectolobiformes, Carcharhiniformes et Myliobatiformes (Elasmobranchii, Neoselachii) des Bassins à phosphate du Maroc (Maastrichtien-Lutétien basal). Systématique, biostratigraphie, évolution et dynamique des faunes. Palaeo Ichthyologica, 8, 1–327

A Middle Eocene selachian fauna from the White Mountain Formation of the Kizylkum Desert, Uzbekistan, C.I.S. Palaeontographica, Abt. A, 242(4–6), 99–126

Age of vertebrates from the Andarak locality (southern Fergana). Stratigraphy and Geological Correlation, 1(3), 139–141

An Illustrated Guide to the British Middle Eocene Vertebrates. Privately published, London, 59 pp.

Sravnenye kompleksov khryashchevykh ryb i drugikh pozovonochnykh paleogena Pritashkentshkikh. Biostratigrafia, Paleontologia Osadochnogo Chekhla Ukrainy, 1987, 167–174

Fossil sharks, rays and chimaeroids of the English Tertiary period. Gosport Museum, 1–47, 10 fig., 3 tabl., 16 pl.

The distribution of sharks, rays and chimaeroids in the English Palaeogene. Tertiary Research, 3(1), 13–19

Some fossil fish teeth from Tertiary deposits of Mayurbhanj, India. Journal of Paleontology, 33(4), 675–679

Les vertébrés fossiles des gisements de phosphates (Maroc-Algérie-Tunisie). Notes et Mémoires du Service Géologique du Maroc, 92, 1–372

Eocene fishes from Nigeria. Bulletin of the Geological Survey of Nigeria, 10, 1–82